By D. A. (Midwested) on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - 12:00 am:
I'm pleased to see this is getting more attention than it has in the past. Simple periodic dredging of the river was all that has usually happened.
The video was taken during the annual MTU Geo- Heritage Tour in 2014. I took the tour in 2016 and I cannot recommend it enough. It is still being organized by Doctor Bill Rose and his MTU students and co-faculty. In addition to covering the mining history and it's impacts, they also cover the Jacobsville Sandstone, the Keweenaw Lava Flows and the Keweenaw rift and all the associated fault lines (which create all the wonderful waterfalls).
I have 4 different Pasty Photo Galleries of the MTU GeoHeritage Tours.
This is the one specific to the Pasty Photo Galleries of the Mining Impact.