By Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - 12:24 pm:
As we head into spring here in the Copper Country, we take a moment to remember those that have gone on before us:
Frederick “Fritz” Ahola
Charlsie Antikainen
Edmund Beauchamp
Kim Elander-Hanson
Kathryn Forsman
Carol Gazvoda
Paul Grabig
Ian Hosking
Neil Isaacson
Art Lasanen
Nicholas Mandoli
John Martin, Sr.
Gordon Moyle
James Wilmes
Servicemen and women who have given their all
We give our deepest condolences to those who have lost someone they care about. Please feel free to list the name(s) of those you’d like to remember on this page. Special thank you to Taana Blom for sharing such a beautiful sunrise to reflect upon, today.