Feb 06-24

Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2024: February: Feb 06-24
Superior Splash    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by George C. Bailey
Ice Returns on Superior    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by George C. Bailey
Rolling With the Waves    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by George C. Bailey
Icy Superior Waves    ...click to play video
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Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 04:01 am:

George C. Bailey gives us an report from the North Shore of the Keweenaw, west of Copper Harbor, that Lake Superior is relatively warm, because there isn’t the usual ice as far as you can see. The slushy ice you see in George’s photos here, returned to the shores there on February 1st, which isn’t the norm for this time of year. It’s been a strange winter for sure. This past week we saw temperatures in the upper 30’s, even 40° at one point, which of course means lots of snow melt and messy snowmobile trails.

I hear rumblings of perhaps more snow in the long range forecast in the next couple weeks, so we’ll see if that comes to be. The local businesses could really use more snow to draw in the snowmobile tourists. We drove past Keweenaw Bay, between L’Anse and Baraga on Saturday and there was no ice in the bay, where normally it would be covered in ice and fishing shanties. Highly unusual for us U.P. folks, for sure.

You can see the slushy ice rolling with the waves in George’s video. There were some good size waves that day, making a few impressive splashes!

By jbuck (Jbuck) on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 07:20 am:

Brrrrrr, seeing that ice sloshing around in the waves looks brutal - even colder than the normal shelf of solid ice. Can't imagine being in that water!

By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 08:57 am:

N-N-N-ice pix and what first caught my eye
was the beautiful skies.
The video is one big Blue-raspberry flavor
slurpy machine with free refills.

By Donna (Donna) on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 09:54 am:

It's still beautiful..and come on Heikki
Lunta...slap some snow down...we got people that
count on it to live! Bring it down, and let people

By Kathyrn Laughlin (Kathyl) on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 10:20 am:

Beautiful photos, and the video was hypnotic.

I heard that the winter moose & wolf survey on Isle
Royale has been suspended because there hasn't been
the dependable ice cover needed to land planes.

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 12:36 pm:

These are fabulous! That video is amazing!

By George L. (Yooperinct) on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 02:19 pm:

I think it might be time for everyone, from Baraga north to Copper Harbor, to declare a "Heikke Lunta Snow Dance Weekend", like this upcoming Feb 17 & 18. Have the local communities come together and blast out the Snow Dance Song (another good reason to party amidst the current no-snow winter). Remember what happened after the original airing of the snow dance song.....it snowed toooo much! Could it happen again?

By jbuck (Jbuck) on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 06:13 pm:

Sounds like a great idea George! Let's go!

By Donna (Donna) on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 - 10:38 am:

Heikki Lunta!

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