By D. A. (Midwested) on Friday, September 16, 2022 - 02:31 pm:
I agree Deb, the horns are great, especially that 2nd one in the video.
For my entire professional career as an MTU electrical engineer I worked at the same company in R&D, designing passenger elevator controls. At the time I was pretty much the newbie so when the 9 story elevator we had recently installed in the brand new Laker, Canadian Enterprise, failed to meet specs they sent me to Canada. The other equipment that needed work was the steering mechanism so there was an engineer from Switzerland on board as well.
It had been previously assumed the immense vibration from the engines was the source of our troubles since the elevator controls were mounted right next to the engines. I asked the Captain what caused the most vibration. Answer: Shifting from full forward to full reverse. We were already traveling in figure eights in the middle of Lake Ontario (to test the steering) so I asked the Captain if we could add this procedure to help me. Sure thing he said, just let me know when you're ready.
So I'm at the very bottom of the boat, yelling at the top of my lungs to a guy on a phone. Seconds later it felt like my teeth were going to fall out and they're not dentures. Really, it made my teeth hurt. We eventually made a hammock-like affair to cradle the sensitive electronics.
But in the end, the biggest problem causing malfunction was the mechanical elevator doors. There is a spring that makes sure each door closes fully. When the boat is underway the bow rises out of the water quite a bit and in this case the doors were having to close "uphill" towards the bow. Therefore the spring simply needed to be tightened.
I got off after traversing the Welland Canal series of locks as the Enterprise headed out on Lake Erie to pickup a load of coal in Ohio and I was probably 5 pounds heavier.
Side note: Twenty years later, our company here in Illinois was purchased by a Finnish elevator company. I then started traveling to Finland on a regular basis.
By Kathyrn Laughlin (Kathyl) on Friday, September 16, 2022 - 05:10 pm:
The horns were wonderful--the second one sounded
like something you'd hear in a concert.
D.A., your story reminds me of an Isaac Asimov short
story called "Not Final". In it, one scientist
working only from theory, "proved" something was
impossible. A second scientist who wasn't as strong
in theory just experimented and observed...and did
the impossible.
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Saturday, September 17, 2022 - 10:23 am:
D.A. thank you. That was so interesting. I
was reading it to my hubby and he told me he
knows how to read. If I had to be on one of
those I'd be throwing up all over the place,
lol. I thoroughly enjoyed the lesson. Again,
thank you for accommodating us. If I knew
how to make smiley faces here I would. FJL
tried to teach me. (I think it was FJL.)
But I'm hopeless at this stuff. I often feel
sorry for Mary with all my questions. But
she's a trooper.