By D. A. (Midwested) on Friday, April 16, 2021 - 04:23 pm:
A common set of data on the Great Lakes calculates the time for them to empty given their present rates of discharge. One set of these data shows 178 years for Superior, 115 years for Michigan, 21 years for Huron, 3 years for Erie and 8 years for Ontario. But this sort of analysis ignores the fact that they do not have their drain point at the bottom.
Once the level of Superior drops about 24 feet it would stop flowing into Huron. Unless a floating bottle got trapped somewhere along the way it would exit from Superior to Huron along with this much smaller volume of water (only about 5% of the total). Therefore, the MAXIMUM time to achieve this would only be 9 years. A similar analysis could be done for the other lakes, but I had to go to the bathroom.
Nice photo of the Cans and Nuns. That’s what they’re called, green Can buoys (cylindrical shaped with odd numbers) and red Nun buoys (dome shaped with even numbers). It's like those nautical guys have a their own unique name for everything.
I always stop by that pier on the lower portage to see which fishing boats are present. Most recently it was “Dawn” and two sisters although neither looks like “Kathy”. You can see the lower entry lighthouse in the background.
By Uncle Chuck (Unclechuck) on Friday, April 16, 2021 - 08:18 pm:
Summer is coming... nice pics & video!!
Alex, I sent a bottle of Stroh's a drift from
Marquette in 1976... I think it made it to Maine
and was enjoyed by someone enjoying a Lobster
Roll.. or was it more like the old
commercial....... "Pick it up Alfie, you don't
want the bloke's to know we've been here!" Now
that was a great commercial, most probably won't
remember it. Stroh's always had great commercials
back then and touring the plant in Detroit was
great! All the free beer you could drink, but the
tour was 45 minutes long with no bathrooms during
the tour!! :(
Have a Great Weekend All!!
By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Friday, April 16, 2021 - 08:44 pm:
Well, that blows my rubber raft trip this summer.