Experimental Aircraft Association
Chapter 1270
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Ed and Tom's Kitfox

During the winter and spring of 2010, local aviation enthusiast Ed Schneiderhan built a kitfox in hanger 11 at KCMX. He enlisted the help of several Chapter members, one of whom bought into the plane towards the end of construction (Tom Curski). As of the pictures below, the plane's frame, body panels and controls had been built. The engine had been mounted and tested. Some electronics work was also complete.

As of September 9, 2010, Ed's kitfox had all surfaces painted and trimmed. Weight and balance testing had been completed, and the plane was ready for its first taxi! (Upon the arrival of a DAR, the plane will fly.)

As of November 27, 2010, we are on TV6 and YouTube! <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cylzt-OAAAc> The kitfox is completed, has undergone all testing, has undergone all DAR inspections and is flying with no issues with many hours logged so far by both Tom and Ed.