I am always amazed when I drive UP the Calumet/Lake Linden hill, at the difference in the amount of snow the folks in Laurium and Calumet have, compared to Lake Linden. Barbara Bouwkamp lives in Laurium and did a walkabout on a recent sunny day, capturing some of the big snow accumulated on the homes around there. The first photo is Barbara’s favorite home in Laurium. With the snow covering it on each roof, it looks like someone spread white fondant frosting all over it. Barbara’s remaining photos give you a good idea of how the snow accumulates on everything and makes for high snowbanks on the sides of the street. The bottom photo is Barbara’s home and she mentioned that she’s been keeping an eye on that overhang, hoping when it does fall, it’s not on her head!
If you’re looking for something to do in the Houghton area next week, mark your calendar for the Jibba Jabba Pro Snowboard 2025 Event next Saturday, February 15th. MI Playground shares a video about the exciting winter adventure in Houghton and a bit about snowboarding at Mt. Bohemia, too. For more info about Jibba Jabba, head over to Visit Keweenaw by clicking on this link: 2025 Jibba Jabba info
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 09:08 am:
These pictures are amazing! I'm always shocked at how much snow accumulates around here. And it's hard to believe the difference one hill can make. Let's just say I'm happy to be at the bottom of that hill. We shovel our roof as far as we can reach every time it shows, or it comes sliding off as big chunks of ice. It's awful. It's still icy when it comes off, but it's not quite as bad as it could be. Thanks for sharing these.
By Alex - UP-Goldwinger (Alex) on Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 10:20 am:
Wow…what a great winter set! The UP blue skies are amazing! Thank you, Barbara. At first I thought that it was pics from one of Mary’s walkabouts. Cool video too! That’s something I would have definitely attempted back in better days. Thanks for the uplifting set, Queen Mary.
By Kathyrn Laughlin (Kathyl) on Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 10:30 am:
Hi These pictures with the snow and sunshine look beautiful to me. Yes, having to deal with that quantity of snow all the time would get old (especially since I am now, myself, old). But downstate we had a freezing rain storm Wednesday night. It iced even the grass, so I felt I didn't want to chance getting in my walk. The paved surfaces are now clear but the trails at the nature center are still icy.
Deb S, I hear you bout the hill. When I was moving to the Ann Arbor area and looking at rental properties, if the driveway was too steep it was an automatic disqualification.
By Donna (Donna) on Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 11:34 am:
WOW! There is snow...big, beautiful snow! Yippee...our folks that live on winter tourism incomes will do well this year. YEEHAW!!
And what gorgeous, gorgeous pics.
Haven't been able to get out and about, but that Jibba Jabba looks like something else. And it sure pulls in a crowd...way cool!
By Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 01:08 pm:
Next week on Friday, Feb. 14th to Monday, the 17th, is the Great Backyard Birdcount. If you'd like to join the world in connecting to birds during those dates, click on the following link for more information, including a video to watch about counting the birds and how to participate in the count: Great Backyard Birdcount
By Donna (Donna) on Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 09:13 pm:
How I wish. We aren't allowed to feed birds here...so they don't hang out. Sniff...to anyone that can...ENJOY!!! What a fun, beautiful time...nothing like bird watching!
By J T (Jtinchicago) on Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 09:29 pm:
Only the "Overhang" house seems to have water vapor (gas) coming out of the top. I can't say about the "Snowbanks" house.
Does that mean the other three photographed homes in Laurium are closed for the Winter? No heat?
Just a reminder; You’ve probably heard of Avian (bird) Flu. Avoid and don’t go near any dead birds that you see and report them to the DNR or other authority immediately.
By D. A. (Midwested) on Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 04:51 pm:
When I see images like the first one my mind always seems to think of the winter home in Doctor Zhivago.
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 05:13 pm:
A finale to Winter Carnival is the Mont Ripley fireworks.
The MTU webcam caught a waterside crowd but due to the 10 minute capture interval we're only able to sneak a peek at the festivities.
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