Jul 11-23

Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2023: July: Jul 11-23
World War II - Silent Service Memorial    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Mary Drew
Silent Service Memorial Info    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Mary Drew
Marquette's Fire Bell    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Mary Drew
Fire Bell Info    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Mary Drew
Lower Harbor Ore Dock    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Mary Drew
Marquette's Waterfront Transformation    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Mary Drew
Under the Radar-Tahquamenon Falls    ...click to play video
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Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:30 am:

I recently had the opportunity to take a walk along the Marquette Lower Harbor and I found a few interesting things that I hadn’t known about before. Located in Ellwood A. Mattson Lower Harbor Park, near the southwest corner of the marina parking lot, you can find a replica of a World War II Navy Submarine, which is dedicated to Captain David H. McClintock USN, Marquette; to Captain B. Dulaney Claggett USN, Bethesda, MD; and to the officers and men of submarines Darter and Dace. You can read more about this memorial on the plaque in the second photo.

Next is the Marquette Fire Bell, located at the intersection of North Lakeshore Boulevard and East Washington Street. It rang to signal a fire from the 1890’s until the mid 1950’s when it was replaced by the telephone. The bell was saved when the firehouse was demolished in 1970 and was then used by NMU to ring football wins beginning in 1984. It was placed at this site in June 1999. You can read a bit more of its history on the plaque in the fourth photo.

The Marquette Lower Harbor Ore Dock is much more highly recognizable as it’s been photographed extensively by many photographers. It is also located on North Lakeshore Boulevard, along the city Multi-Use Path. It is an imposing maritime and mining relic, formerly used for the loading of iron ore onto lake freighters. I found the information plaque about the transformation of Marquette’s Waterfront from 1908 to the what you see there now, quite interesting. Those photographs really tell a story.

We travel further east in the U.P. for today’s video with Under the Radar. Michigan DNR shares this look at Tahquamenon Falls State Park, with UTR host Tom Daldin, who says...”Tahquamenon Falls, you know about it, I know about it, we all know about it, but have you been there yet?” Well, have you?

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:59 am:

I found the information here very
interesting, Mary. I always enjoy Marquette.
A friend from Minnesota is making a visit
starting from Escanaba to Manistique and
then north, ending in Marquette. I'll have
to send her this information. Maybe they'll
check it out. I know I hope to.
And yes, as of last year we crossed
Tahquamenon off of our bucket list. It was
worth the wait.

By Donna (Donna) on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 10:46 am:


By jbuck (Jbuck) on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - 07:11 am:

Downtown Marquette looked so different when the ore dock was there. Cool to see the old pictures. And i didn't know about the history of the bell we used to ring at the football games. Like you Mary, i wasn't aware of the history of the submarine. Very interesting set!

By Laurie B. (Ratherberiding) on Thursday, July 13, 2023 - 09:35 am:

Such familiar photos! Living in Ishpeming, I probably see these

sites a few times a week. The “multi purpose trail” along the

lakeshore in Marquette, is a favorite place for my husband and I to

walk. My late husband, Stephen Bashaw, was a pallbearer for

Captain McClintock. The ore dock is a great place for photos

when family comes to visit. It is also where you can catch the

sunrise (weather permitting), twice a year. The sun rises right

through the ore dock and makes a spectacular site. I am hoping

for cloud free skies come this November.

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