Before folks worry about the ice being not thick enough, as there were warnings this past week to stay off Torch Lake and Portage Canal ice, these photos of this skate on Torch Lake, were taken earlier, when the temperatures were still quite chilly and the warm-up hadn’t begun to melt any ice yet. So please heed the warnings and stay off the ice now.
With that said, Megan Gervais told me this was a very spur of the moment thing, as she saw a number of folks skating and jokingly mentioned skating with some young high school guys and that they should get out there. Next thing she knew, they were calling her, asking where she was, as they were going to skate. Megan borrowed her sister’s brand new hockey skates she had in her car and asked her to capture the moment with her camera. The setting sun and the clear smooth ice on Torch Lake, doesn’t happen very often that it’s smooth enough to skate on with no snow covering the ice. Photo credits to Callie Rastello.
Since were on a “recreation” vein here today, I thought it would be a good time to check in with Visit Keweenaw for some “Simple Rules for Snowmobile Safety”, with Keweenaw Sheriff Pennala. If you’re wondering about the current conditions, you can check that out here: Snowfall & Trail Conditions
By Alex - UP-Goldwinger (Alex) on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 10:14 am:
Super pix that brings back memories of skating on Lake Orion when the ice was still clear of snow. We would have skating parties and it was a blast. The video brings back memories of snowmobiling at my buddy’s parents house in Gaylord. I would always rent a machine which I found much better than owning one. No storage, no insurance and no trailering back and forth. And the cost to rent one was reasonable and you they always provided new machines. Midnight runs were always the best.
By Donna (Donna) on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 12:13 pm:
Oh Alex...that makes me think of the time I went up on Brockway Mountain, on the night of a full moon, during snowmobile season. You have NEVER seen anything more beautiful....Just stunning. (WELL before digital was even thought of. lol)
The kids on ice...just be careful...everyone sure gives it their best...such fun....
By Kathyrn Laughlin (Kathyl) on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 07:35 pm:
Hi I learned to skate on an inland lake, where I did OK but wasn't any sort of expert. I remember the first time I tried skating on an indoor ice rink. The ice was a lot more slippery that lake ice. I fell a few times. Even when I wasn't on my butt, the scenery was nonexistent. So I appreciate the fun the folks in the photos must be having.
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Saturday, January 4, 2025 - 02:45 pm:
I've never been a great skater, but I always loved going when I was a kid. Never skated on a lake, though. Great pictures and it looks like a lot of fun. But I'm old and enjoy my bones not being broken, lol.
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