Jun 19-24

Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2024: June: Jun 19-24
Copper Country Barn    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Donna MacIntosh
Salo Road Farm    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Donna MacIntosh
Different View    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Donna MacIntosh
Boston Pond    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Donna MacIntosh
Copper Country Barn    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Donna MacIntosh
Evening Calm Over the Keweenaw    ...click to play video
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Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 05:18 am:

I mentioned yesterday, to stay tuned for today’s Pasty Cam, as Donna MacIntosh, along with her friend, Cindy (Hi LOU!) were out and about exploring again. Donna snapped some interesting photos of several old barns around the Copper Country. It’s sad to see these beautiful farm buildings sitting vacant and slowly deteriorating, so pictures like these will preserve them long after they’re gone. Some of them, like the one in the second and third photo are actually works of art, with the sandstone foundation, but you can see by the size of the trees grown up around the front, that it’s been quite some time since it was used in a farming operation.

The fourth photo is the Old Salo School on Salo Road. From what I could find online, it was in operation from 1905-1945. It is currently privately owned. According to Michael Forgrave, over at CopperCountryExplorer.com, this old school building is the last remnant of Salo and ...”it continues to stand stoically alongside the roadway.”

Donna’s bottom photo was snapped at the Boston Pond, near Boston Location. Somewhere that Donna said she had not visited in decades. It’s now part of the Boston Pond Nature Area and protected lands of the Keweenaw Land Trust.

We wrap up this mini-Copper Country tour with some Evening Calm Over the Keweenaw, courtesy of In The Keweenaw.

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 01:05 pm:

I, too, love barn pictures. Nice
job, Donna. I haven been to Boston
pond in forever either. That may
be something I would like to do.
Thanks for bringing it up.

By Donna (Donna) on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 03:39 pm:

That was a cool spin..went out again today, but
Dentist day and my head feels 10 times bigger than
normal today and it was dreary...so no pics...the
sun is out now tho!! Go figure!

By Alex - UP-Goldwinger (Alex) on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 05:13 pm:

I’m so glad that you’re getting around,
Donna… good for you!
Nice set, but Betty says; “The first pic
is almost Rubble, Barney.”
Calming video, indeed.

By Donna (Donna) on Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 11:02 am:

Alex....it's all Dental Appts and Cindy Lou takes
me for a ride after. While my head feels 10 times
it's size~ But I still LOVE it!

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