Karen Anderson Ham spotted these folks out skating on Rice Lake, outside of Lake Linden this past weekend. She said there were folks from every age group, young & old out there! Some playing hockey, some skating, some pulling kids on sleds and she commented how nice it was to see families outside enjoying the outdoors, getting fresh air and exercise!
Meanwhile, back in Lake Linden, the same thing was happening on what us locals refer to as Warner’s Pond, the body of water behind the football field, that once was connected to Torch Lake. Becky Kinsella Gast, captured the scene there perfectly. Kids out playing hockey and skating around having a good time in the fresh, crisp air. It’s not that often that you can do this on these bodies of water, because normally when it’s cold enough to be frozen and safe to skate on, we have plenty of snow covering the ice, too, which makes the ice soft on the surface and is a big job to clean that snow off to prepare the ice for skating.
Our video today, shows a skater, cutting up the ice that is smooth as glass. Make sure you have your speakers turned up, the sounds of the skates gliding on that ice is somehow satisfying and exciting at the same time. This guy can skate!
By Uncle Chuck (Unclechuck) on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 09:05 pm:
Very nice pics and a great video!! Perhaps a future NMU Wildcat Hockey Player!! Yes, he can skate!!
By john mich (Johnofmi) on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 02:35 am:
I am just glad that my furnace was running while watching the video!
By Stephen Pummill (Stevecpumm) on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 08:11 am:
The Lake Linden Village Crew and others have been prepping the skating area in the park. We hope to have it ready soon. Volunteers appreciated!
By jbuck (Jbuck) on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 08:30 am:
N-Ice! I skated on ice like that once on Lake Orion years ago, with friends who lived on Bellevue Island. We started out about 12:00 midnight and skated until the sun came up. Skating...it's the little things that hurt the most.
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