Range Railroad locomotive #29 crossing the Portage on the King Swing Bridge, October 8,
Photo by Joseph Schick on August 25, 1939 shows a nice 3/4 view of #29 on the
turntable in Houghton

Builder's photo of Hancock & Calumet #5 "Iroquois", A small
narrow gauge 2-8-0 Consolidation built in 1887 by Baldwin. The railroad was built in 1885
to service the mining interests of the Osceola & Tamarack mines but also moved freight
and passengers. Later controlled by the Mineral Range and then the DSS&A.
(Kevin Musser Collection)

Domenico Costa Zana (standing
left) poses for a photo inside the Copper Range Railroad's
South Range depot. By the information gathered from the photo (clock and calender) it can
be seen that this photo was taken at 11:22am on Saturday October 27, 1917. I wonder how
much that Copper Range wall clock or Copper Range timetable rack would go for on Ebay?
Also notice the dog under the typewriter table taking a snooze. What a great photo, as I
have never seen the inside of this depot. Thank you to Sara Rice for sending in this
photo, that you will not find anywhere else, of her Great Grandfather. (Sara Rice

Copper Range RR Fairbanks Morse gasoline powered four wheel
open Speeder (with left front wheel extended forward). Used most notably by the CRRR Chief
Engineer in cartographic work as exemplified by the Copper Range map of November 16,
1918... (Kevin Musser Collection)

While I have often heard and read about the Copper
Range Motor Bus Company I had never seen a photo of one of the busses until I came across
this nice builders photo from the Eckland Bus Company. In November 1925 the Copper Range
Motor Bus Company began as a wholly owned subsidiary of the CRRR, serving the entire range
from Calumet to Painesdale, Beginning in March 1926 the route was extended to Ontonagon.
In 1929 the Copper Range Company purchased the company from the railroad and operated it
from the parent company. In 1945 the bus company carried 781,290 passengers but by 1950,
with more people taking to the roads in personal vehicles the number was down to 594,381.
Ridership by 1952 was down to 339,195 and the company cleared only $542.20 in profit, most
of this from Ontonagon and Gogebic counties where the CR transported workers to the new
White Pine mine. Following a fire in 1953 that destroyed part of the Houghton business
district, including buildings owned by the bus line, and an operating deficit of $6,276,
Copper Range decided to end operations of the line. In 1955 it discontinued service and
liquidated the company. Anyone have any other photos of these busses? This was #18 so
there must have been a lot more, just not sure how many.

CRRR Enclosed Self Powered Section Car with two loaded and one empty Tie
Cars. Houghton Michigan. July 23, 1966.
Click here to view the CRRR rules
govering Section Cars in the 1940's.
Provided by Chuck Voelker,

Both built in 1900, during the initial development of the Copper Range RR,
two Copper Range section houses sit along side the 1908 Toivola Depot. A quite typical
view anywhere down south of Houghton on Copper Range. Section houses built every five
miles or so housed section workers, the Foreman, his wife and family. Arthur Sampson was
one such section foreman who lived with his wife and four children in this seciton house
for many years, after living and working at Elm River and Stoneington where the only way
in or out was by rail. His wife was not a good cook at first but learned quickly with so
many mouths to feed. The I.C.C. report from 1918 states that in additon to these
structures there was an 9'x10' tool house and one privy. Over 3000 sq. ft of living space
in these buildings and only one outhouse, people sure were patient back then. No Coke
machines or Starbucks, I guess. One of these section houses
still remain today.
(Kevin Musser Collection)

Copper Range #51, the only "ten-wheeler" on the roster, poses along
with a nice long passenger train for a photo outside Calumet. Circa 1910. In
December 1899, this engine, along with another Baldwin #22, were the 3rd and 4th
locomotives to be delivered to Copper Range. (Kevin Musser Collection)

Copper Range RR Refrigerator Car #951 with Copper Range box car #151. Image
acquired from an 8" high by 54" wide circuit camera view. Not exactly sure what
is going on in the foreground, but who cares as all I ever focus on are the Copper Range
cars. Circa 1911-13. From the Kevin E. Musser Collection.

This photo takes up where last where the one above leaves off. Another fine
photo, taken in the 1920's, and a very rare view, from Sara Rice who provided us with
another rare view from within the Copper Range South Range depot a few months ago. In this
view we are looking north from the backside of the South Range depot (a side not normally
photographed). The Kaleva Temple is to the left just out of view, and the building in the
distance is shown as an Ice house in a 1920's Sanborn map I have. Last month we had
a few comments about the interesting equipment used on the Copper Range, here is another
good example. The car at the station track platform in the distance appears to be a refer
of some sort, most likely not a Copper Range car, but the car in the foreground is COPR
#180 a half insulated box car used for L.C.L. frieght. Can't make out any hatches on the
roof but it is still the first photo I have found of #180. From the Sara Rice Collection.

This is Copper Range Train #3 with Milwaukee Road
coach #2887 at the tail end passing Lake Roland in November 1923. Train #3 originated in
Chicago as a Milwaukee Road train to Ontonagon, via Channing. Copper Range from Ontonagon
to Calumet, seen here heading North

Posing at the helm of CR #100 Clint Jones has, for a long time, been
assoicated with Upper Peninsula railroading. Operating his Keweenaw Central on the north
section of the Copper Range in the 1960's, working on the Wisconsin Central and recently
operating his Mineral Range in the Marquette area.

(Tom Blazen photo)
From out of nowhere comes this long lost soul. Some
corrspondence and photos this week have lead to this discovery in Texas, of all places.
Katy Texas is the home of this depot and caboose on the old MKT line. Tom Blazen was
confused by this as the MKT never owned a caboose like this one. His investigation lead
him to me, and along with some other help, we have discovered the long lost remains of
Ex-Copper Range Caboose #5. At least that is our best guess, anyone beg to differ?
Tom is working to find out how it got all the way to Texas,
anyone out there have a clue? In the meantime check out another view of this caboose today and a nice photo from my collection, below.

Copper Range Caboose 05, Houghton 1968-70

A very nice 3/4 view of Copper Range caboose #05 taken by William Armstrong
on 10/24/54 at Mill Mine Junction. She appears to be at the tail end of a rock train
waiting clearance to Freda. I am very happy to have acquired a small group of photos from
his collection so check back in the next few months for more photos taken by William from
various railfanning locations across the western UP during this same time period. William
has been a long time member of MCRM and was very instrumental in the formation and
development of the museum. He was born and raised in Iowa and worked for the C&NW in
the engineering department in Chicago. He now is retired and living in Florida.
(Kevin Musser Collection)

During the years 1899 and 1900 the Copper Range Company began
to develop the Champion mine. The humble beginnings of Painesdale began as a tent town,
not unlike many other mining communities in the Keweenaw. The only permanent structure in
the photo was most likely a boarding house. The area in the center appears to be the
beginning of one of the four shafts to plunge into the Baltic lode below Painesdale. Most
likely at what would become Champion #3. It must have been something to see small children
running around the camp and woman (large group to the right) discussing the days events
amist the construction of the mine.
The photo was probably taken during the summer of 1900, It is
interesting to realize that someone was out making postcards of things like this and most
likely selling them in Painesdale and surrounding communities. This postcard was
postmarked August 2 in Painesdale, but the year is not visible. As the Painesdale Post
Office opened in March of 1901, I would assume that this one was sent in August of 1901 as
the letter states "A view of our camp. This was taken when our small tents were up.
We now have large tents, only a couple show". From a gentlemen named Neil, probably
sent home to either his mother or his wife in Grand Rapids.

Nice side view, looking north, of Champion #3 in Painesdale. A dump truck
waits for poor rock at the side of the shafthouse and the Copper Range Painesdale depot
can be seen in the distance. Taken during the spring of 1959.
(Kevin Musser Collection)

The Atlantic & Lake Superior Railroad was not known for it's passenger
service but they did maintain two coaches, mainly for use by Atlantic Mine employee's.
This one called the Pioneer, a 4 wheeled extended bobber caboose (must have been a rough
ride), shown here on display in Altantic Mine in the 1920's and a second coach numbered
419. I have yet to come across a photo or the maker of 419, maybe one day. I can just
picture John Stanton riding this coach surveying the Atlantic property with William Paine
and William saying "we should have taken the Ranger". This image was provided by
Tom Burg, thanks Tom. (Roy Campbell collection)

Vernette Godfrey sent in this postcard which had been in her family for
years, most likely nearly 100 years as this trestle collapse occured sometimes in the
1910's just west of the Simar Station on the Mineral Range, the trestle crossing one of
the many branches of the Firesteel River. At the time hauling either Mass or Michigan rock
east to Keweenaw Bay. Thanks Vernette for sharing this postcard with all of us.
(Kevin Musser Collection).
Partial List of Kevin Musser's Copper Range Railroad
Photo collection
8 x 10 Contact Prints from Original Glass Plate Negatives on Kodak Professional Paper,
which is no longer available.
#3, ALCO/Schenectady, 0-6-0, November 1907
#24, ALCO/Dickson, 2-8-0, May 1902
#27, ALCO/Schenectady, 2-8-0, September 1904
(the left broadside view of #27)
#28, ALCO/Dickson, 2-8-0, August 1906
#29, ALCO/Schenectady, 2-8-0, February 1907
#30, ALCO/Schenectady, 2-8-0, November 1907
#56, ALCO/Schenectady, 2-6-0, May 1903
#59, ALCO/Schenectady, 2-6-0, September 1904
(Note: some slight corrosion on the #59 neg)
#60, ALCO/Schenectady, 2-6-0, November 1907
#100, ALCO/Pittsburgh, 2-8-0, December 1917
#100, Baldwin DS-4-4-1000, Builders #72839, April 1947
(1) 8 x 10 B&W photo and (1) 4 x 5 Negative
8 x 10 Photo Prints from Original Glass Plate Negatives
Pristine very sharp 3/4 left side early view of 2-6-0 #56 with what is believed
to be caboose #03 from original glass plate negative...
8 x 10 contact print of staged view showing three Copper Range trains at the Mill Mine
Junction crossing...
Misc. 8 x 10 Photo Prints from various sized negatives...
CM&StP 4-6-0 locomotive #202 on the "Copper Range Limited" North
Bound on Copper Range Firesteel Bridge #2 with a Baggage Car, RPO Car, and four Coaches -
Circa 1910...
Left side view of 2-8-0 #29 with Combine, on Train #14, "The Chippewa" getting
ready to pull out from McKeever Michigan August 16, 1946...
CRRR #29 with Combine and Coach, on Train #14, "The Chippewa", being switched
onto the Copper Range mainline with McKeever facilities in the background on August 16,
Copper Range Railroad locomotive #29 0n train #14, "The Chippewa", at South
Range Michigan. August 16, 1946...
Interior bridge view of CRRR #29 crossing the Draw Bridge between Hancock and Houghton
Michigan. October 8, 1945...
(3) 3/4 views of Copper Range Caboose #01 (2nd) at Houghton Michigan. July 23, 1966...
1937 3/4 view of Copper Range Caboose #04 (3rd) with fresh paint and lettering. Location
in question...
3/4 view of Copper Range Caboose #05 with fresh paint and lettering at Houghton Michigan
on November 6, 1964...
3/4 view of CRRR Caboose #05 with Milwaukee Road Scale Test Car #X238 in Houghton Michigan
yards with Quincy Mining Company #2 Shaft-Rockhouse and Hoist House in background. July
23, 1966...
Broadside view of CRRR Caboose #05 at Houghton Michigan. June 18, 1970...
Cafe/Observation Car #100 "Miscowaubic" in Milwaukee Road "Hiawatha"
paint scheme. Photo taken at Houghton Michigan. Circa late 1930s...
CRRR Steam Wrecking Crane #X1 with boom arm located at Houghton Michigan Coaling
Facilities including several good views of 2000 series wooden bottom dumping hopper cars
with bin extensions. August 16, 1946...
CRRR Jordan Wing Plow/Flanger ("Ballast Spreader") #X5. 3/4 front view with ex
GB&W Caboose in background. August 19, 1967.
(2) CRRR Enclosed Self Powered Section Car with two loaded and one emptyTie Cars.
Houghton Michigan. July 23, 1966...
CRRR Fairbanks Morse gasoline powered four wheel Open Speeder (with left front wheel
extended forward). Used most notably by the CRRR Chief Engineer in cartographic work as
exemplified by the Copper Range map of November 16, 1918...
(3) Prints of Drop Side Gondola #1148 (from the 1148 - 1152 series). 7/8 view in fresh
paint & lettering. Quincy Mining Company #7 Shaft-Rockhouse and Hoist House & #2
Shaft-Rockhouse and Hoist House in background. Houghton Michigan Copper Range RR Yards.
October 1942.
CRRR Pressed Steel Car Company Mineral Car #2019. 3/4 view at Houghton Michigan. July 23,
CRRR Box Car #144 being used as a dinning car with 1/3 end view of "Box" Car
#148 which had been converted into sleeping accomodations. Large construction/work gang in
the foreground at an unknown location on the Copper Range RR. Circa 1912...
Right broadside view of Russell Snow Plow No 1 at Houghton Michigan. June 18,
3/4 Left view from the rear of Russell Snow Plow No 1 at Houghton Michigan. June
18, 1970...
3/4 Right view from front of Russell Snow Plow No 2 at Houghton Michigan. July 27,
Left broadside view of Russell Snow Plow No 2 at Houghton Michigan. June 18,
View in Houghton Yards looking down coaling facilities with gantry cranes and string of
Metal Hopper Cars. July 27, 1968...
View looking from side of hill in Houghton with Hancock in the background. Caboose #05
with wooden box cars and other Copper Range facilities and trackwork. July 27, 1968...
Night time view of "COPPER RANGE R.R." neon sign turned on. Date unknown...
Contact or Jumbo Photo Prints from Medium Format Films (e.g.
620, 616, etc.)
Rear view of CRRR Caboose #04 with Brakeman Jack Barth sitting on steps.
Houghton Michigam. October 1941...
(3) CRRR #1148, 41 ft Drop Side Gondola with fresh paint & lettering. Houghton
Michigan. October 1942...
(2) CRRR #30 on Extra Champion Rock Train at Mill Mine Junction Michigan. October 1942...
(2) CRRR #30 on Extra Champion Rock Train at Freda Michigan. October 1942...
(3) CRRR #100 (Steam) on Extra Champion Rock Train in snow at Stanwood Michigan. January
2, 1945...
(2) Interior views of CRRR #29 crossing Drawbridge between Hancock & Houghton. October
8, 1945...
(5) CRRR #29 broadside view with Combine on Train #14 at McKeever Michigan. August 16,
(4) CRRR #29 3/4 view with Combine on Train #14 at McKeever Michigan, August 16, 1946...
Close-up of Photographer Rev. E.A.Batchelder in cab of CRRR #29 at McKeever Michigan.
Photographed with Rev. Batchelder's camera by locomotive engineer. Excellent view of Cab
& Tender. August 16, 1946...
(5) CRRR #29 with Combine and Coach switching onto Copper Range mainline with McKeever
facilities in the background. August 16, 1946...
(2) CRRR #29 on Train #14, The Chippewa", at South Range Michigan. Loading &
unloading passengers & baggage at the South Range Depot. August 16, 1946...
(4) CRRR #X1 Steam Crane with boom arm at Houghton Michigan. Nice examples of the 2000
series Wooden Drop Bottom Hoppers (Rock Cars/Coal Cars) with top bin extentions... Located
behind the Crane. August 16, 1946...
(2) CRRR #56 arrived on the Roundhouse Turntable from stall #15 being transferred to the
shop for scrapping. View taken in snow-fall at Houghton Michigan. Cab from #56 will
replace damaged cab on #29. January 2, 1947...
Another view as above (#56) only the Turntable has moved showing the left end of the
Roundhouse.January 2, 1947...
CRRR #29 with damaged cab leaving Turntable to enter Shops Area and receive the cab from
#56. January 2, 1947...
(2) CRRR #30 Northbound near Western Crossing in snow. Dollar Bay Michigan. January 3,
Copper Range Train leaving bridge #22 in snow at Ahmeek Mill Michigan. January 3, 1947...
CRRR #30 Northbound crossing at Atlas Michigan in snow. January 3, 1947...
(2) Baldwin #100 Diesel Builders Views. April 1947...
CRRR #25 at Houghton Michigan. August 18, 1954...
Post Card Roll Film Contact Photo Prints
CPRR #51 on long passenger train near Calumet Michigan. Circa 1910...
(2) Milwaukee Road locomotive #2887 on Copper Range passenger train #3 (Milwaukee Road
train #803 out of Channing Michigan) at Lake Roland Michigan. November 1923...
CRRR #28 with Combine at Houghton Michigan. 1940...
CRRR #25 at Houghton Michigan coaling station. 1940...
CRRR #X8 Steam Powered Clam Shovel with Derrick Car (Boom Tender) #X3. The Boom Tender has
a large wooden tool and accessory box built on it. Houghton Michigan. July 27, 1968...
CPRR #05 Caboose. Houghton Michigan. July 27, 1968...
CPRR #05 Caboose. Houghton Michigan. June 18, 1970...
CRRR #05 Caboose (other side). Houghton Michigan. June 18, 1970...
View looking down Turntable with Baldwin Diesel locomotive inside Roundhouse. Houghton
Michigan. June 18, 1970...
CRRR Diesel locomotive #100. Houghton Michigan. July 27, 1968...
CRRR Diesel locomotive #101. Houghton Michigan. July 27, 1968...
CRRR Russell Snow Plow No 1 Right Broadside. Houghton Michigan. June 18, 1970...
CRRR Russell Snow Plow No 2 - 3/4 Front view. Houghton Michigan. July 27, 1968...
CRRR Russell Snow Plow No 2 Left Broadside. Houghton Michigan. June 18, 1970...
Keweenaw Central (nee Copper Range) #29 - 3/4 Left Side. Tender still lettered Copper
Range. Calumet Michigan. August 19, 1967...
Same as above only with ex Copper Range passenger car #60. August 19, 1967...
Same as above only with "Copper Range" painted out on tender. July 27, 1968...
Group of 2-1/4 x 2-1/4 Photo Prints
3/4 front view of CRRR Russell Snow Plow No 2 with front blade chuck full
of snow in front of the Roundhouse at Houghton Michigan. March 8, 1959...
3/4 rear view of of the above. March 8, 1959...
Close-up of rear truck and related assemblies of CRRR Russell Snow Plow No 2. March
8, 1959...
CRRR Roundhouse and Turntable partially plowed and cleared of snow. Houghton Michigan.
March 8, 1959...
Closer view of above Turntable partially cleared of snow. March 8, 1959...
Drop Side Gondola #1151 on short trestle work above locomotive ash & cinder dump.
Houghton Michigan. Spring 1959...
CRRR home-built stationary over track Gantry System for loading ties and other materials
into Gondolas and related open cars. With steel gondola car beneath. Partially loaded.
Spring 1959...
Closer view of above CRRR Gantry system. Spring 1959...
Wood Flat Car "#762" broadside. Loaded with telephone size poles on the CRRR.
Spring 1959...
End view of above. Spring 1959...
3/4 view of CRRR Wooden Bottom Dumping Hopper (Rock Car/Coal Car) #2000. Bin operating
wheels side. Upper Hopper Bin Extensions added. Houghton Michigan. Spring 1959...
End view of above Hopper #2000. Spring 1959...
Close-up of end view interior of CRRR #2000. Spring 1959...
Close view of side mounted AB brake system and plumbing on CRRR #2000. Houghton Michigan.
Spring 1959...
Broadside of bin operating wheels side of CRRR #2000. Houghton Michigan. Spring 1959...
Group of 2-1/4 x 2-1/4 Negatives with Contact Photo Prints
7/8 view from right shaft side of Champion Mine #4 Shaft-Rockhouse at Painesdale
Michigan. Spring 1959...
Close-up of above view showing bin apparatus for loading rock cars (no negative). Spring
3/4 right front view of Champion #4 Hoist House with two Pulley Stands. Painesdale
Michigan. Spring 1959...
Broadside view looking north towards Champion (#3?) Shaft-Rockhouse with CRRR track
entering loading area and a large truck vehicle being loaded from a chute on the side of
the Rockhouse. Painesdale Michigan. Spring 1959...
3/4 front view of Champion (#3?) Shaft-Rockhouse with nearest Pulley Stand. Painesdale
Michigan. Spring 1959...
Front view of Champion (#3?) Hoist House with first two Pulley Stands. Painesdale
Michigan. Spring 1959...
7/8 left view of above Hoist House. Painesdale Michigan. Spring 1959...
Closer 3/4 front right view of above Hoist House. Painesdale Michigan. Spring 1959...
Five 620 Medium Format Negatives showing CRRR Diesel #101 with Caboose #04
swithching Log and Metal Hopper Cars in front of the Painesdale Michigan Station. Includes
nice Depot views. Spring 1950...
Group of Ten 620 Medium Format Negatives of Copper Range Railroad.
CRRR Roundhouse and Turntable with two CRRR Baldwin Diesels inside Roundhouse.
Houghton Michigan. July 23, 1966...
3/4 view of CRRR Caboose #01 at rear of CRRR Roundhouse. Houghton Michigan. July 23,
3/4 left view of ex GB&W Caboose #605. Houghton Michigan. July 23, 1966...
3/4 right view of ex GB&W Caboose #605. Houghton Michigan. July 23, 1966...
CRRR enclosed Section Car with two loaded and one empty Tie Cars. Houghton Michigan. July
23, 1966...
CRRR #2019 Mineral Car (Built 1905). Houghton Michigan. July 23, 1966...
CRRR #2039 Mineral Car (Built 1906) and CRRR #2019 Mineral Car (Built 1905). Houghton
Michigan. July 23, 1966...
(Note: The Copper Range Mineral Cars were constructed by the Pressed Steel Car Company and
were quite similar to those built for the Quincy Mining Company in 1904 (#1 through #4),
but never acquired the bin extentions that Quincy applied to their units in 1937 to
accomodate float copper)...
CRRR Caboose #05. Houghton Michigan. July 27, 1968...
CRRR Painesdale Michigan Depot. June 18, 1970...
CRRR Toivola Michigan Depot. June 18, 1970...
One 620 Medium Format Negative of ex CRRR Caboose #09 sold to Calumet &
Hecla October 23, 1925 and relettered C&H #02. Otherwise unmodified from CRRR #09.
Calumet Michigan. Spring 1950...
Four 2-1/4 x 2-1/4 Negatives with Contact Photo Prints
CRRR Industral Works Steam Wrecking Crane #X1. 3/4 front view with Flat Car
Tender. Houghton Michigan. February 18, 1974...
Long string of CRRR Metal Hopper Cars running along curve just west of Houghton
Michigan facilities. February 18, 1974...
Same view as above only looking over tops of the Metal Hopper Cars. February 18, 1974...
3/4 front view of CRRR Russell Snow Plow No 1 coupled to wooden Box Car. Houghton
Michigan. February 18, 1974...
Four 2-1/4 x 2-1/4 Negatives with Contact Photo Prints at Houghton Michigan
View from top of Hopper Car looking east down Copper Range Yards. CRRR Steam
Wrecking Crane #X1 with Flat Car Tender in foreground followed by various CRRR equipment
and Lift Bridge in background. April 7, 1974...
Elevated view of CRRR Russel Snow Plow No 2 followed by CRRR Jordan Wing Plow
Spreader #X5. April 7, 1974...
3/4 rear view of right side of CRRR Jordan Wing Plow Spreader #X5. April 7, 1974...
Superior Block Snow Blower clearing out yards. April 7, 1974...
One 5 x 7 Copy Negative of Copper Range RR Refrigerator Car with Wooden Box
Car #144 to the left and Wooden Box Car #151 to the right. Image acquired from an 8"
high by 54" wide circuit camera view. Circa 1911/1913...
Additional Copper Range Railroad Materials
Copper Range Documents
Copper Range Switchlist
Copper Range Empty Car Slip
Copper Range Telegram
Copper Range Cars on Hand (Front Side)
Copper Range Cars on Hand (Back Side)
1916 Copper Range Railroad Pass. Like new condition...
Copper Range Railroad Company letter size envelope. Mint...
Painesdale Michigan Railway Express Agency Shipper Form. Like new condition...
The Timetable Collector Quarterly Issue No. 6 issued March 15, 1979. Contains history of
Copper Range timetables, various promotional materials from over the years, several maps,
and a complete reproduction of Timetable #100 issued May 27, 1937...
Copy of the first Annual Report filed with the State of Michigan for the year ending
December 31, 1899 and filed on April 23, 1900. (interesting to compare the equipment
roster with currently published materials)...
Original 26" x 32" November 16, 1918 Map of the Copper Range Railroad and Leased
Lines, which are in red against a black & white background. Includes all Spurs, the
old Maineline from Ricedale to Mill Mine Junction. The old "logging line" that
ran from just west of Globe to just south of Donken (nee Beaver) has been added with red
pencil. It includes all other rail lines from just south of Rockland to an area north of
the Junction with the Keweenaw Central Railroad...
(2 Pages each) Full size Autopositives (for producing additional prints) and Positives of
The Daily Mining Gazette "Copper Range Railroad Edition" of December 23, 1899,
by C.A.Wright... Complete with published map of that time. These are unfolded copies of
the originals and gives a detailed history of the railroad to that date. It also includes
the role of the St. Mary's Canal Mineral Land Company in bringing about the Copper Range
and also what "One secures when purchasing a share of its Stock. The second page of
this edition includes images of William A. Paine and James H. Seager...
One full sized Newspaper sheet depicting 21 promotional adds for the Copper Range
One single sheet Employees Timetable #60 effective May 17, 1914 complete with special
rules and instructions...