The Copper Country Depot
A Copper Country FAQ and more......
This depot was built on: 10/14/97
The last train arrived: 4/7/05
The Copper Country Depot FAQ is closed.
Please use the Discussion
Board for all new entires.
A lot of information here over the 8 years of
postings so enjoy the FAQ archive.
The second depot (1916) in Painesdale on the Copper Range
If you have ever poked around Usenet and found alt.great.lakes
or model.railroads, the ones I would guess someone reading this page might find
interesting, you find a lot of uninteresting stuff. The Copper Country Depot is my
version of Usenet just for, of course, the Copper Country.
Inside the Depot:
The Baggage Room: This posting area is for
people who are looking for a particular article of Copper Country Memorabilia, either past
or present.
The Waiting Room: This posting area is for
people who have a question about the Copper Country. Any subject!
The Signal Board: This posting area is for people
who would like to post past/present/future information related to the Copper Country. Any
The Copper Country Depot Baggage Room.
Subject: Info on
a Michigan Tech building needed
Author: John Ostrum
Date: 3/20/05
to find photo, info about a Tech building. I dont know when the area was torn down
for new construction, the building I am
interested in was the west-most Tech building on the south side of College Ave. On the west end of the building was a circular
structure that housed a fire escape slide. The house next to this building was the Andy
Sweet house, Tech mining prof. Would appreciate memories,
copy of photo anyone may have.
Switch Lock Keys
Author: Edmund Burbage
Date: 8/15/04
Old Switch Lock Keys for Sale
Copper Pieces
Author: Nancy
Date: 7/29/03
am looking for a supplier to provide me with small pieces of copper for the purpose of making jewelry. I used to get it
at The Yoopers Rock Shop. My need has become greater than their supply. Can you direct me
to a supplier. Thank you.
Subject: History of Swedetown
Author: Kathy Lyon
Date: 6/10/02
I am looking for a book, History of Swedetown by James Medved. Does
anyone have it for sale.
Subject: Copper Ingots
Author: Nate
Date: 4/30/02
I am looking for a copper ingot from any of the various UP mines.
Anyone have any leads?
Subject: LS&I Models
Author: Josh Baakko
Date: 10/19/00
Im starting to look for some LS&I models, or may possibly make them. Can
anyone help me?
Response to LS&I Models
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 10/19/00
You might try Dave Pierce's website for his list, as a place to start. You can find it at
Subject: "Keweenaw
Author: Vince Fontana
Date: 06/12/00
I am looking for any thing at all available in railroad memorabilia left over from any of
the railroads that existed in the Keweenaw peninsula, headlights, bells, whistles,
builders plates, lanterns for my own personal collection. Can anyone help in my search.
Please e-mail me with any info that you can provide.
Subject: "Miner's
Author: William "Gus"
Date: 05/20/00
My grandfather, Emil Sydanmaa was a miner in Painesdale probably
from the late teens until about 1953 when he retired. They lived in Painesdale on
Evergreen street. The house, which they bought from the company, was sold after my
grandmother's death in the early 80's. I am looking for a miners helmet and light that
would date from the late 40's. I was in the area in 1996, and failed to find one after
searching the shops in Houghton and
Hancock. I spend many happy summers in the Copper Country in the
40's and early 50's. Some of my fondest memories are of going to the shaft house to pick
him up after he got off shift. Amy help would be appreciated.
Subject: "Atlantic Mine
Author: Shonneen Goldtrap
Date: 10/22/99
Looking for book about Altantic Mine Michigan, written by Clarence
Monette. AGrandfather and Grandmother were residence of Atlantic Mine and Grandfather
worked at one time in Quincy Mine. Would like to obtain any historical books for my
genealogy. Also try to locate any book that would reference Nivala Lumber Camp.
Response to Atlantic Mine
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 10/22/99
Yes, Monette does have a book on Atlantic and you should also try to
obtain a copy of The Atlantic by Sandra Hollingsworth. It is out in print again and
Sandra's book along with Monette's can be purchased by calling Copper World at
Subject: "Copper Range
Author: Jeremy Jordan
Date: 8/5/99
I am looking for pictures, maps, and data of the Copper Range
Railroad for free or purchase. I need more prototype information of Houghton and
Painesdale for a model railroad. Kevin's site has been incredible and I am looking to
further my resources.
Subject: "40 ton float
Author: Ray Aro
Date: 5/18/99
Have for sale 40 ton float copper. Contact Ray Aro at 107 Autum Dr.,
Longwood, Florida, 32779. Telephone 407-772-0608
Subject: "Copper Country
Author: Shirley
Date: 4/8/98; Updated: 4/5/03
I'm searching for ruby red glass items with Copper Country town
names. Most of them were made between 1880-1920. Prefer South Range, Painesdale or Baltic,
but any others I'm certainly willing to hear about. There seems to be a great deal from
Calumet and Hancock.
UPdate 4/5/03: This is an email address update to the posting I have on your site. The
new email is Im still looking. I found two pieces recently
- one a Painesdale and the other a Kew.Bay
Subject: "CRRR lanterns,
locks and keys"
Author: Stuart Mathias
Date: 11/30/97
I would like to inquire about the early locks, keys and lanterns
used by the CRRR. This is not requested for purchase (althought I am interested in most
items) but for INFO on the makes and types that people can verify as authentic. Forgery is
pervasive in the collectible hobby, and only by cross checking with individual info
sources can we be sure of the real thing. Will share what I have with contacts.
Confidential, if asked. Primary interests: early key for Slaymaker switch lock, need photo
or sketch of the bit (keying) and initials on hilt. Did CRRR have lantern globes with
initials/name cast into the glass, not just etched ?
Subject: "Copper
Author: David J. Krause
Date: 11/13/97
For the first time in several years I was looking through Murdoch's
book BOOM COPPER and I came across a reference to "copper money", currency that
was at times issued by various mining companies for local use, and realized that I had
never seen any. It seems like it would make an interesting copper country collectible. Do
you or does anyone else out there know anything about this? Is any available now? Where?
Response to Copper Money
Author: Richard Taylor
Date: 1/3/98
Contact CopperWorld in Calumet Michigan. They have many examples of
copper mine scripts from the heydays of mining here in the Copper Country. They also are
for sale.
Subject: Copper
Range Photos
Author: Kevin E.
Date: 11/13/97
Looking for photos of the Copper Range Railroad either to buy or to
share. To be used on this site.
The Copper Country Depot Waiting Room
Subject: Looking for my roots
Author: John Ostrum
Date: 4/6/05
for any info anyone may have on John Ostrom, a
mining engineer in Negaunee late 18-early 1900s. In
Houghton area early 1900s, his youngest child, daughter, graduated Houghton HS in
Subject: Information on the Hancock & Calumet Railroad
Author: Clay
Date: 2/27/05
My Great Great uncle David Smith worked for the railroad in Calumet, I'm looking for any
information on his time there, including photo's of the employees etc. Born December 9,
1880 in Kennoway, Fifeshire, Scotland, he came to the U.S. in 1885. His railway duties had
ranged from those of operator and dispatcher to station agent.
A member of the B.P.O.E. of Calumet, Michigan, he also belonged to the Order of Railway
He had been in railroad work since
he was 19 he retired with the Union Pacific after 19 years, working prior to
that time with the Mason City and Ft. Dodge, later the Chicago and Great
Western, and the bulk of his early years with the Hancock and Calumet. His
brother George Graham Smith and father David Smith may also have worked there.
Response: Information on the Hancock & Calumet Railroad
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 2/27/05
The Hancock & Calumet operated
from 1885 until 1886 when it came to be controlled by the Mineral Range
Railroad. The H&C / Mineral Range passed into the hands of the Duluth
South Shore & Atlantic 1893, which merged with the Soo Line in 1961. The
H&C maintained the H&C name from 1885 until around 1901.
The H&C was built to move
copper by the Clark & Bigelow interests in the Osceola and Tamarack Mines. It moved
coal and merchasdise north and copper rock south to the mills. Also ran passenger
equipment. You should try Michigan Tech's archive to any information on employee records
and photos.
Subject: Copper Country Relatives
Author: Matthew
Date: 4/17/04
I am from Southeastern Michigan and I recently found out through the internet that I
had relatives who were copper miners in Mohawk in the 1920s and 30s. Next to their names it says Cliff. I am wondering if there is anyway to find out
information about these 5 men. Any help is
appreciated. Thank you, Matthew Larcinese
Response: Copper Country Relatives
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 4/28/04
during the 20s and 30s C&H had an exploration operation going
at the old Cliff Mine. The note
Cliff may mean they were either working there or received their mail there. The place to start looking is the MTU Archives in
the top floor of the library. Ask for
C&H pay records for your relatives. If
they did work for C&H, this will reveal a bunch of information. If not, then check out the Polks directories
for the years you think the lived there. I
dont know if the Archives has the Mohawk Mining Co. records. If they do, be mindful that the Mohawk mine closed
in 1932, they would not have been working there after that date. Good luck with your search.
Subject: Copper Country Medallion
Author: Paul
Date: 10/26/03
Hello from England. I have recently acquired a large copper medallion, one side is embossed with the words souvenir
penny of the copper country with a floral emblem and on the other side a bust of a
native indian with headress can you help me with any information on this item.
Subject: Calumet Depot
Author: Valerie Amo
Date: 9/11/03
Hello all. Has anyone been up to see the Calumet train station recently? We will be traveling up to Copper Country at the
end of the month. Is anything being done with
the building or are there plans to do anything with it.
Subject: Interest in the Copper Country
Author: Michael
Date: 8/23/03
Sirs, I recently visited Copper Country for the first time and found the experience
enchanting and memorable. Since my visit, I have endeavored to enlarge my understanding of
the region and its history, finding your site by far the most useful in this
regard.However I am still somewhat puzzled by this question - what exactly caused the
decline of copper mining in Copper Country, realize the probable answer is price
competition, but, if so, what exactly caused Michigan copper to become non-competitive.
Strip mining in the west; Cheap labor in Chile; High transportation costs. And I have a
related question - how much copper is left in Copper Country. Thank you in advance for any
consideration you may give these questions.
Response: Interest in the Copper Country
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 8/23/03
Well Michael, looks like you hit the big ones. Strip mining, cleap labor elsewhere,
high transporation costs, in addition to lots of new auto jobs in Detroit, paying better
and the depth of the mines (reaching miles down) and also can't forget environmental
issues (stamp sands, poor rock). Copper is everywhere in the Keweenaw, just not enough in
a small enough space to profit from.
Response: Interest in the Copper Country
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 8/26/03
Kevin said, you hit the big reasons Michael. Since
the end of native copper mining in the 60s, there have been some attempts to resume
mining or open new mines. The volatile price
of copper and a strong NIMBY attitude in the Copper Country has killed every attempt.
Labor was and is an issue. Since the 1913
strike, there has been a shortage of skilled labor to run the mines. That would be a major hurdle to any venture now. Experienced hardrock miners are now in short
supply. The last of them worked at White Pine, which was very different from the extreme
conditions in the Native Copper mines. The
Sudbury Ontario region is the closest location with the skills needed to reopen or start a
Keweenaw mine. C&H had some reserves identified for development and it has been said
that they kept some of the older mines open just to preserve a labor pool with the right
skill set.
Subject: Electric Park Location
Author: Randy Rush
Date: 6/20/03
exactly is the site for Electric Park, Are there any landkmarks, such as old foundations
or slabs?
Electric Park Location
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 6/22/03
The map below shows the location of Electric Park, located between Calumet and
Hancock, just of present day US-41. I am not aware of any remains of the Park. If you find
some let us know. Check out more on the Houghton County Traction
Company here.

Image of the Electric Park Pavilion (below).

Tracy Mine house
Author: Kristor Gaston
Date: 5/20/03
recently bought a house at 416 New Buffalo Negaunee Mi. which overlooks Tracy Mine. I
would like any information available about this residence.
White Pine Mine
Author: Tom Curski
Date: 4/21/03
Where can I find information about the deep shaft copper mine at White Pine. Am interested in statistics such as tonnage
produced annually, deepest point.
White Pine Mine
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 4/21/03
Underground Mine Workings
Copper ore has been mined at the White Pine Mine since the turn of the century. The
greatest ore removal occurred from 1952 until 1995 and peaked in 1973 when the mine
employed over 3000 people.
Ore was removed from the orebody using the "room and pillar" technique, wherein
voids ("rooms") were created by excavating the ore and "pillars" of
rock were left behind for roof support. The underground mine consists of about 13 square
miles of now-abandoned workings, with an approximate void volume of over 16 billion
gallons, extending beneath a surface area of approximately 25 square miles. The maximum
depth of the mine workings is 2840 ft.
Alternative operations to conventional ore removal have been considered at the White Pine
Mine. Most notably between 1994 and 1996, CRC examined the technical, economic, and
environmental feasibility of solution mining the remaining ore reserves, but later on
decided to fully close the mine without further pursuing the solution mining project.
Mine History
The underground mine was operated from the late 1800s through September 1995. Initial
mining focused on native copper within the Nonesuch Formation. Between 1937 and 1950,
activities at the Mine focused primarily upon research and development of the ore body. In
early 1952, when advances in mining processes verified that the copper mineral
"chalcocite" could be successfully smelted, construction of the existing Mine
facility began and the first ore was mined a year later.
Physical development and start of operations of the mill and smelting facilities occurred
in 1954. The first copper from the new Mine facility was produced in January 1955. In
1977, CRC was purchased by the Louisiana Land and Exploration Company. The refinery and
continuous casting operations were added to the Mine complex in 1981. Most of the
operations were suspended in 1982 followed by a temporary shutdown in 1984 for
approximately 12 months. Echo Bay Mines Limited purchased CRC in January 1985. In November
of 1985, CRC employees, through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"),
bought and operated CRC until May 1989. At that time, the majority of CRC stock was
purchased by a wholly owned subsidiary of Inmet Mining Corporation (formerly Metall Mining
In February 1995, the smelting operations were suspended. In September 1995, both the
conventional underground mining and milling operations were suspended, and in October
1996, underground mine dewatering was also discontinued.
MDEQ approved pilot- and commercial scale solution mining in May 1996 by the issuance of a
State Permit to discharge to the unusable deep aquifer. In October 1996, CRC suspended a
pilot-scale solution mining program and in May 1997, CRC withdrew the Underground
Injection Control (UIC) permit application which had been pending before EPA. CRC's
present activities solely focus on the disposal of existing assets and the full closure of
all facilities.
Copper Mining
Author: Jesse
Date: 11/30/02
In what year was copper first found?
Copper Mining
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 11/30/02
Prehistoric indians "mined" copper in four areas, near Mass City, on both
banks of the Portage waterway, along the trap from the Cliff Mine to Copper Harbor and on
Isle Royale. These indians were in no way connected with the indians the first europeans
encountered when they first explored the region. They never set up any permenant residence
in the region and mainly traveled to the area in the summer months.
Samuel de Champlain in 1610 obtained the first reference to Lake Superior copper from the
Algonquin Indians. Champlain sent many young explorers to visit with the Algonquin one of
those was Etienne Brule who was most likely the first european to see Lake Superior,
addtional accounts also suggest that he or others amoung this group may have visited Isle
Royale or the ancient mines around Ontonagon.
Alexander Henry was the first european to conduct mining operations in the Keweenaw in
1771 (in a very limited scale), but Henry soon realized that the operation and the copper
it might produce would cost more to transport to Montreal than it was worth.
Commerical mining was first attempted in the 1840's, during the period from 1844 until
1850 the Lake Superior Copper Company, the Cliff Mining Company as well as the Minesota
were the first companies to actually produce copper in the Lake Superior region.
Q&TL tracks
Author: Dave Freeze
Date: 7/3/02
Did the Quincy and Torch Lake run on a timetable or did they dispatch
trains as needed to the various shafts then to the mill
Q&TL tracks
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 7/8/02
and all, I havent heard of or seen a Q&TL timetable. If they had one, it would have been in the early
days. After WWI the whole mine ran as needed
and so did the railroad. They had routines
based on the work schedule of the men and the need to handle rock and coal that might be
termed a schedule, but a timetable. For the best public source of data on things Quincy,
do a Google Search for HAER once you locate their home page, use their Catalog
Search and enter Quincy Mining Company this will lead you to a mountain of
data and pictures (34 drawings, 278 B&W photos, 680 pages of data, and 9 color photos
to be exact, KEM). There are over 600 pages of text that include a history of the
Q&TL. The address is wierd and I cant get this to create a link for it.
Atlas Powder Plant at Senter.
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 6/24/02
am looking for just about any and all information on the Atlas Powder Plant at Senter. I have pictures of what is left and an excellent
site plan that has the buildings numbered but not named. What
was COPRs schedule there? I have seen
references to morning and afternoon trains - were these scheduled? I would appreciate information on the operations
in the plant, pictures of the tram cars etc., stories- whatever. The file at MTU is a bit limited and I am trying
to put together an Article for the Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette. I will pay expenses and credit you for any photos
Atlas Powder Plant at Senter.
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 6/25/02
Copper Range ran two daily passengers trains (monday - friday) from Hubbell to
Atlas, then from Atlas to Senter. This train would return to Senter and then on to
Houghton. Two trains ran per day, one in the late afternoon (southbound) and then another
in the early evening (northbound). These trains were second class and ran until the
1930's. The schedule allowed for 15 minutes between Atlas and Senter (an average of 16
miles/hour). The speed limit for this branch was 20 miles/hour in the 1920's.
This information is about the Atlas interlock:
The interlocking plant at Atlas is to govern the movement of trains crossing the Mineral
Range track for Senter. The interlocker does not govern the movement of trains on the
Copper Range main line but trains leaving the main line of the Copper Range will blow one
long blast and one short blast of the whistle to indicate that they wish to cross the
Mineral Range track. Main line switch on the Copper Range will be lined by hand, trains
will then proceed as far as the derail, its location is indicated by the standard switch
target and will serve as a signal governing the movement of trains across the Mineral
Range. A similar derail and target is located on the Senter branch for trains leaving the
branch and will serve as a signal for trains wishing to cross the Mineral Range track
south bound.
Calumet Railroad Depot
Author: Valerie Amo
Date: 6/20/02
am looking for information, photos, etc. about the Calumet Railroad Depot. When was it built? When
did it close? Who owns it now?
Calumet Railroad Depot
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 6/24/02
Calumet, Red Jacket, depot was built by the Mineral Range in 1908. That was during the most prosperous period for the
railroad. The second floor contained the
division offices and at that time Red Jacket was the center of operations. By 1915 the Mineral Ranges fortunes started
to reverse. Calumet & Hecla took over the
Tamrack and Osceola Mines and part ownership of the railroad. The Mohawk and Wolverine Mining Companies did not
renew the contract in 1918 for MR to operate the Mohawk &
Traverse Bay RR, but rather awarded it to the Copper Range. In 1923, C&H consolidated all its properties
north of Portage Lake; in 1925 they built the Trap Rock Valley line to handle the rock. By the early 30s the MR was done beyond
Calumet. The Red Jacket Depot last served
passengers in 1968 - the end of the Copper Country Limited. I dont know who owns it
now. There were some men doing repairs during
the Fall of 2000. It appears to be in
reasonably good shape and could have a function in the Park if some one is enlightened
enough to use it

The Mineral Rage Depot in Calumet
Subject: COPR 951
Author: Herman Page
Date: 4/27/02
The pictures on this site show COPR refrigerator car 951. What
color was it? Hard to tell.... white, yellow,
grey? Also,
how long 36, 40. Id
like to do a model, but need some info. Thanks
Response: COPR 951
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 4/27/02
COPR 950-953 were all 36' according to John Campbell. Not sure of the color, yellow or
orange I believe.
Bridge Tender
Author: Tracy Ridout
Date: 4/27/02
someone share with me the responsibilities of a railroad bridge tender
Q&TL tracks
Author: Dave Freeze
Date: 4/14/02
were the Quincy and Torch Lake tracks pulled up. Are there any tracks still down besides
the area around the mine? Also is any of the right-of-way to accessible to the public.
Q&TL tracks
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 5/2/02
from the maps available, Q&TL sidings around the mine changed with the mine. The final configuration - 1945 - was still intact
during the 60s. At that time the whole
surface plant was pretty much the way it was left at shut down in 1945. The first damage was done when a gas line was run
through the property in either the very late 60s or early 70s, which was
confined to the area around the roundhouse. The
worst came during the various scrap festivals of the past 20 years. This saw, not only the railroad go, but hoists,
boiler, compressors, pumps, and anything else worth a penny a pound. The ultimate was the rape of the machine shop just
before the Park era. I dont remember
the exact dates because it is just too painful to recall. The
National Park devoted to Copper Mines was there intact. The
only satisfaction is that some of the perpetrators were indicted and convicted for some of
their other low deeds. Some of the last rail
was used to cap some shafts, which is a far better use than the stuff that went to line

Route of the Quincy & Torch Lake Railroad (copyright KEMusser 2002)
Knights of Kalevala
Author: Kusty Linja
Date: 2/7/02
would like to know what the main headquarters address is for The Knights of Kalevala. I
know that the organization was first founded in Montana
Knights of Kalevala
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 2/13/02
have read quite a bit about the K of K and I have not seen anything past the 1960's that
points to anything active. I could be wrong, but I think they may have "dried
up". There is quite a large section on the history of the K of K in the book (History
of Finns in Michigan, by Armas K. E. Holmio, currently in print). If you come across any
current information in this regard I would be very interested in what you find out
Knights of Kalevala
Author: Kusty Linja
Date: 2/13/02
As of Oct. 1992 the active Knights of Kalevala chapters in the
U. P.
are as follows: Aiitolaisen Maja No. 33 Negaunee; Kullervon Maja No. 14
,Ontonagon; Osmon Maja No. 11, Ironwood; Taaton Maja No.18 , Ishpeming;
Ainon Tupa No. 13, Mass City. There were many other Chapters years ago but
all have been discontinued, most likely because the people died.
The K of K do have a year book titled
"Kalevainen", also I do have the main address someplace I just have to find it.
I don't know if you ever heard of "Salolampi" it is a Finn language camp
sponsored by the "Kalaven Ritari" (K of K). I tried starting or reactivating one of the local chapters in
Calumet or Hancock, but there were not enough people interested in it. To reactivate
you have to have at least 15 people willing to attend the meetings, pay yearly dues, at
least 1/4 Finn blood, wanting to help their fellow Finns, and someone willing to retain
records for the chapter. The K of K Motto is "come closer to Brotherhood
Knights of Kalevala
Author: Mark Duggan
Date: 8/5/03
asked about the sword and small blacksmith trinkets. The swords, although not of any
particular value, were given to officers of the organization as part of our formal
rituals. They were worn way back when during initiations, funerals, etc. The trinkets, if
I recall correctly, are a small anvil and hammer and tongs. They are the tools of a
blacksmith as you eluded. They were given many years ago to members who attained 6th
degree highest status within the organization. One could only do this by attending the
grand lodge ceremonies that were held every other year in different locations around the
eastern states and southern Canada. The trinkets are symbols which are to remind Kaleva
brothers of a story in the Kalevala Finnish national epic which tells of one of the
characters struggles in creating the sampo, a mythical machine that could
create anything which was desired. Attained 6th degree status last year, attending my
first grand lodge meeting in Sudbury Ontario. As the youngest person in attendance, I was
shown many of the older folks mementos and reminders of yesteryear. I saw these trinkets
and was told there were at least 100 sets made, but as are yours, were passed on through
the generations. Evidently they were to be returned, but few were. Best wishes, Mark. Your
uncle would have been a member of the Suomalainen Lodge of Wakefield, MI. It was formed in
1911, but disbanded in 1965 as membership decreased. My history of the Knights named a
John Niemi as a member but did not mention your uncle exactly as the history was
incomplete. One of our brothers, Oiva Saarinen recently translated and added to a prior
Finnish language version, A history of the Kaleva knighthood, the Knights of Kaleva,
reprinted last year. I can provide a copy to
you if their is interest
DSS&A 2-8-2's
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 12/8/01
am looking for pictures of DSS&As 2-8-2s for modeling purposes. E-pictures are fine if the details can be seen. Any and all locos in the class are needed.
Crestview Maps
Author: Dave Freeze
Date: 10/3/01
someone have a track diagram of the branch line of the Keweenaw Central that ran from the
main line to Crest View. If a diagram is not available the route drawn on a USGS sectional
map would be OK.
Crestview Maps
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 10/8/01
can still find and walk the KC right of way to Crestview. It
is easy to find just east of M-26 as it starts to down to Eagle River. This
will take you right up to the clearing that was the park. The
casino was at the far end of the second meadow and the site was covered by a pulpwood pile
two years ago. The roadbed is traceable
though the meadow. It diverges to the east
from the present 4-wheel/ATV/snowmbile trail and requires some detective work to find. Basically it swung to the east of the playing and
picnic grounds and then back west to the depot and mill. Phoenix
&Keweenaw Copper had a 1 stamp mill on the banks of Eagle River. The west side of the meadow is confusing since
there are separate crossing and overlapping road bed from both the KC and the earlier
narrow gauge. There was also a tram that
reached the mill from the Ashbed Lode mine that was across the river and road almost
directly west of the mill. Traces of this
also add to the mix. That mine was worked
during the KC era. The 3 ft gauge roadbed to
the St. Claire mine is easy to find but the line to the West Vein mine has been obscured
by wet ground and Hwy 41 & 26. In all it
is a very interesting area. Roy Pannenen, Jon
Tessin, and I sketched the Meadows years ago and can be found below.

Calumet Photos
Author: Dale
Date: 7/23/01
Help! I am looking for any pictures of a specific street corner in Calumet from the
1890-1925 time frame. There was an old Barber Shop on the corner of 5th street and Elm in
a two story white wood frame building, most likely a house with a business on the first
floor. My Great-Grandfather, Medoes Sangrass ran his Barber business in this location
during the early 1900's.
The building is across from what is the City Hall now, and did not seem to have many
pictures taken of it due to the Hall and the Theatre being across the street. Apologies
for not knowing what side of the street this is (north, south, etc), but I would guess it
as the north east side of the intersection. If anyone has one or more pictures of this
location and could send me Jpg's/Gif, etc. that would be terrific! Thanks in advance.
Copper Country Drive-In's
Author: Larry Lewis
Date: 4/18/01
I am looking for information on two defunct Copper Country drive-in
theaters. They were the Hiawatha Drive-In of Chassell and the Lakes Drive-In of Lake
Linden. Does anyone know of their addresses and when they were closed down and if anything
of them remains.
Movement of stamp copper
Author: Dave Freeze
Date: 4/18/01
I need some information on the operation of the C&H Ahmeek stamp
mill..After the ore was stamped how was it moved from the stamp mill to the smelter. Also
could you tell me how the stamped ore was moved from the Quincy stamp mill to the smelter.
Was the finished product loaded into rock cars at the stamp mill?
Movement of stamp copper
Author: Stuart Mathias
Date: 5/9/01
The DSS&A, ex- Mineral Range, ex-Hancock and Calumet, Lake Linden branch line was used
for sure from the Ahmeek mill to the Hubbell smelter. There were two spur tracks, one to
the boiler house for coal and another into the ground floor of the mill for both supplies
and copper. I believe the same line was used west from Mason to Ripley for the Quincy, but
the earliest operation was by tram from the mine to smelter before the stamp mill and
railroad was built.
Phoenix Mine Information
Author: Andrea
Date: 2/26/01
I am looking for information on the Phoenix Mine which I believe collapsed
sometime in the spring of 1916. It believe it was owned by the Calumet & Hecla Mining
Company. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Follow up questions from Andrea: Thank you very much for the information
on the Phoenix Mine. I wonder if you would have any information on a collapse which
occured in 1916 and a list of the miners who were killed. I believe my great-grandfather
was killed in this mine and am looking for information regarding this.
Phoenix Mine Information
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 2/26/01
The Phoenix Copper Company started in 1843 on lands owned by the Lake Superior Copper
Company. The mine operated from 1843 until it was purchased by the Stanton Group in 1899
and renamed the Phoenix Consolidated Copper Company. A narrow gauge railroad operated
between the mine and the stamp mill located on the Eagle River, a distance of 3.5 miles
and operated a Climax engine with assorted flat and rock cars. By the time of the end of
the companies railroad the community started to be served as well by the Keweenaw Central
Railroad in 1907. For a time the narrow gauge cars of the Mineral Range Railroad were
stored on the companies narrow gauge tracks, when the Mineral Range changed to standard

Phoenix Shafthouse and Rockhouse on the West Bed, one of five viens worked by
the Phoenix
The mine shut in 1905 and was under new ownership by 1908 and was now called the Keweenaw
Copper Company. The Keweenaw Central was hauling mine rock to the mill by this time.
Calumet and Hecla took over control in the 1920's and began to dewater the mine. By 1944
the C&H had purchased all the assets of both the Phoenix and Cliff and neither saw any
mining from that point to today.
Phoenix operated a post office from 1865 until 1944, after that time mail was sent to
Subject: Portage Canal
Author: Kraig
Date: 1/22/01
I am looking for information on the portage canal, portage lake lift bridge and other
information concering activities on or around the canal. Thanks Kraig, Owner of Keweenaw
Star Cruises.
Portage Canal
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 1/22/01
Try my story on the three spans over the Portage for a start. You
can find it at
Subject: Knights of Kaleva
Author: Walfred Raisanen
Date: 12/14/00
My uncle, Willam Oscar Niemi, was a Knight of Kaleva, in Wakefield MI in the
1930s. I have a sword and belt, with a pouch containing miniature implements
of what looks like a blacksmiths trade. Can anyone tell me more about the
significance of these artifacts.
Response: Knights of Kaleva
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 12/14/00
The Knights of Kaleva are a Finnish fellowship that focus on
uplifting moral and educational standards of its members, development of fraternalism and
brotherhood. They provide protection and assistance for its members by unified and
cooperative effort. I hope somone else can add details to the significance of the items in
your possession.
Subject: Lost logging locomotive?
Author: Sevie
Date: 11/1/00
Has anyone heard of a lost locomotive left over from the logging days in
the Whitefish Point area. PBS mentioned the legend several years ago and the story
also circulates around the town of Paradise. I have walked miles of logging grades looking
for it.
Subject: Modeling the Lake Superior and
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 10/2/00
George Anderson had a bunch of Copper Country photos at this years National Narrow
Gauge Convention. Among them was a 0-6-4 or 2-6-4, the front was obscured, Mason
Bogie on a Mineral Range flatcar in the Calumet yard around 1910. Written on the
back was something like old NG engine off the KC. First guess was it was
the C&H loco Allouez used on its way home. But, it had the over the boiler
Walschearts valve gear typical of a 3 ft gauge Mason which none of the 49 gauge
C&H locos had. Does anyone know of a 3 ft gauge Mason which operated north of
Calumet? This appears to a new Copper Country mystery.
Subject: Modeling the Lake Superior
and Isheming
Author: Lon Cooper
Date: 9/23/00
Although this isnt quite a copper country question I was wondering if any one might
be able to provide me with some information. My son and I are attempting to model
the Lake Superior and Ishpeming railroad particularly the ore dock in Marquette.
Does anyone have some drawings or other information that would help. Thank you
Subject: Keweenaw Central
Author: Cindee Molnar
Date: 6/21/00
I am looking for any information regarding any or all of the following; current list of
names of board members, trustees of the Keweenaw Central Railroad or it's successor.
This request in in regards to railroad right of ways in the village of Copper City.
Any information would be greatly appreciated as this is the only thing hold up our
upcoming water distribution system upgrade project.
Subject: McKinley Temple
Author: Gunnar Westin
Date: 6/2/00
In Painsedale there was, at least until 1939, a division of Templars
of Temperance and Honour, called McKinley Temple, whose name was Herbert Hall.. There was
also a womens division called Laural Social Temple and two youth sections, which in 1939
had about 75 members in the ages between 12 and 18 years. As a member of the scaninavian
branch of that Order I very much would like to know if there is anybody that knows
anything about what became of these Temples and their members. I would be most grateful
for information in this matter. Please send your answer by e-mail to or by mail to
Gunnar Westin
Flodins vag 54 B
Response: McKinley
(McKimly) Temple
Author: Kevin Musser
Date: 6/5/00
The McKimly (notice the spelling, at least two sources spelled it
this way, but they could be wrong) Temple of Honors meetings took place in the I.O.O.F.
(Independent Order of Odd Fellows) Temple, also known as the Opera House, and was located
on Kearsarge Street in Painesdale. This building was removed in 1962, they may have met
somewhere else by then.
Painesdale I.O.O.F. Temple (Opera House) on Kearsarge Street,
next door is the Finish Temperance Hall.
Subject: Quincy and Torch Lake
Author: Olin Anderson
Date: 4/21/00
I enjoyed reading the information on the Quincy and Torch Lake,
which I first discovered while visiting the Quincy Hoist in the late 1970s. Sadly, I have
not been back since, and perhaps some questions I have might be answered. Besides the
wooden gondolas and locomotives, are there other pieces of rail equipment from the
Q&TL preserved in Keewenaw or elsewhere?
There were some interesting cabooses shown in the photos, and it
would be awesome to see one of these restored at the hoist. Also- has anyone considered
offering rides on the railroad behind a little gas or diesel locomotive? I imagine that
would be an accomplishable task and another attraction for the museum.
Subject: Quincy Dredge in Torch
Author: Ralph Heun
Date: 3/21/00
When I Visited the area last year I saw the old Quincy Dredge which
was run aground north around Ripley. How long has it been resting there and how did it
ever escape being cut up for scrap? Is there any plans to restore or at least stabilize
its condition?
Response to Quincy Dredge in
Torch Lake
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 3/21/00
There are actually two Dredges out in Torch Lake. The first, which
now resides in 40 feet of water in the middle of Torch Lake, was built in 1947 and sunk in
1956. You can still see the top of the superstructure from shore. The second, and the one
you are referring to, was built after the first one sank and likewise did the same in the
winter of 1968, right where it is today. You can find a nice diving site, which outlines a
bit more detail that I have here by following
this link, I have had a link to it on my site for awhile now, under the history section.. There is no effort I know of to restore or
reclaim these interesting objects. Maybe someone else knows otherwise.
Subject: Charles Ongie
Author: Denise Brooks
Date: 1/9/00
I am looking for information about Charles Ongie. He was suppose to
have worked on the Portage Lake Bridge around 1902. If anyone has any information they
would be willing to share I would be most grateful.
Subject: Copper Range Consolidations #100 & 101
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 1/1/00
I am looking for information on the purchase and subsequent use of
COPR's two big steamers 100 and 101. I had heard this Summer they came to COPR via the
USRA, is that true? Once on the property how were they used? The roster I have has their
tractive effort rated the same as the 20 series, but photos and other data indicate they
were a much larger locomotive. Were they pooled with the others? Or did they end up more
as a road engine? Thanks.
Response to Copper Range Consolidation #100 & 101
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 1/1/00
This is the information I have on the Copper Range "Big
This information (except for the first two lines) comes from a
report from the CRRR to the ICC dated 1/31/30.
Built: December 1917, Retired: March 1947
Desposition: #100 to Hyman Michaels Co., #101 to J. H. Green Co.
Builder's Numbers: 58278 and 58279
Diameter of Drivers: 60"
Boiler Type: Extended Wagon Top
Boiler Diameter: 73-7/8"
Boiler Length and Width: 107-1/8" x 75-1/2"
Tractive Effort: 42,700 lbs.
Factor of Adhesion 4.1
Weight in Working Order: 200,000 lbs.
Weight on Drivers: 174,500 lbs.
Weight on Lead Truck: 25,500 lbs.
Weight on Tender: 136,000 lbs.
Cylinders: 22"x28"
Valves: Piston
Valve Gear: Southern
Boiler Pressure: 185 lbs.
Tender Capacity: 6000 gallons water, 14tons coal
Schmidt fire-tube superheater
Hope this helps!
Response to Copper Range Consolidation #100 & 101
Author: Jim Fisher
Date: 10/3/01
These locomotives were bought at the time the railroad assuned operation of
the Mineral Range's line to Gay. They were specifically intended to haul
rock from the Mohawk and Wolverine mines to their mills at Gay. In the
1950's there were several railroaders around who remembered working these Gay
rock trains which ran until these mills closed. They vividly remembered the
extremely rough ride these engines could dish out. Thus they were unpopular
with engine crews. The management loved them though because they were so
much more efficient and powerful than the 20-class, and used them as much as
they possibly could, especially after the Mohawk and Wolverine closed. By
the late 1940's they were completely worn out which is why they were scrapped
and four 20-class engines chosen to back up the diesels.
Subject: "Copper Range stories"
Author: Joan Anderson
Date: 12/20/99
I am trying to find stories that my Grandfather wrote for the Daily
Mining Gazette in the 60's. He was an engineer on the Copper Range Railroad. The Gazette
would call him for a story and he would always give them one. His name was Joseph LaBelle.
He had all his original stories when I was back here visiting in the early 80's but since
he passed on, the family never found his stories. Like a huge mystery. I want these
stories so bad but don't know how to get a hold of them. I'd thought the Gazette might
have something on the internet, but no luck. My Grandfathers love of trains was special to
all of us kids. If you know any info. I would love it dearly.
Response to Copper Range stories
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 12/20//99
Your best bet is to view the Gazette's Microfile files at Michigan
Tech's Archives in Houghton. You will have to have some idea of what dates you are looking
for as they are not indexed.Good luck.
Subject: "CNW #175 and CB&Q coaches"
Author: L. Lime
Date: 8/10/99
My reason for writing to you today is in regards to current state of
the CNW class R-1 4-6-0 # 175 and the Chicago Burlington & Quincy coaches that were
owned by Clint Jones (one of the coaches is pictured as part of a train in your photo
gallery). The Burlington Route Historical Society lists two of these cars, #6114, and 6168
as surviving in Hancock, MI. (The complete BRHS roster for passenger equipment is at: ) .
I am presently working on a project to update current information on historic passenger
cars, and other equipment, so that museums and individuals interested in such pieces for
restoration can make better choices for their collections.
Finding current information on passenger cars, or historic rail
equipment in general, is still a tough process. Specializing in passenger cars, I am
particularly interested in the coaches. The CNW R-1 is also a very historic locomotive,
and definitely deserves to be preserved. Have you seen these cars, or the locomotive
recently; or know from a reputable source what condition that they are currently in? Are
they still owned by Clint Jones? What does the current owner plan to do with them? How far
away are they from connected or active track? Do you have any recent, or near recent
photos of them?
I would very much appreciate any information that you would have
on this equipment, or where or who I could find more information from.
Subject: Michigan Mineral Range
Author: Dave Pierce
Date: 5/23/99
Do you know of a Michigan Mineral Range company in Ishpeming? And do
you know of any F units being delivered to them from the CNW?
Subject: Keweenaw Central Switch Keys
Author: Bruce Scott
Date: 4/1/99
Did the Keweenaw Central Railroad have their own switch keys. If
they did, would someone please post a picture of one. Were they lettered in any way?
Response to Keweenaw Central Switch Keys
Author: Stuart Mathias
Date: 4/28/99
They used regular brass switch keys made by Adlake, except the
barrel is extra large diameter. The key cut is the same as for a Pennsylvania RR, dogleg
to the right when looking at the key hole in the lock. Marked K C R R . Can't supply a
Subject: Railroad right of way
Author: Anne
Date: 3/17/99
We recently heard that some railroad owned strips of land along the
beach in Ontonagon and asked the owners or the land it crossed if they were interested in
buying these strips of land. Can you tell me anything about this - i.e. What would be the
advantage or disadvantage of buying it, who has been paying taxes on these strips of land,
the RR or the property owners. Which RR is it that would run along the water front out of
Ontonagon toward the Porcupines. Any information would be appreciated.
Response to Railroad right of way
Author: Dick Bates
Date: 4/11/99
The tracks in question running west of Ontanogan belonged to the
Milwaukee Road. They were built about turn of the century & ran thru Green,& than
to White Pine, the OLD mine that is.They turned south around Silver City& into W.
Pine. I believe they were removed in the 1920s, but Ill have to check on that one. I
assume the branch was to bring out rock & timber to Ontanagon where it went out by
lake or the Milw. Rd. [Perhaps the rock was exchanged with the Cop. Range at Mc Keever, or
the Mineral Range at Riddle Jct. nearby, to be milled at Keweenaw Bay.} I have seen parts
of the old roadbed ,as well.
Subject: Quincy & Torch Lake RR Operations
Author: D. Freeze
Date: 3/08/99
I am interested in the Quincy & Torch Lake Rail Road. I need
some information on the operation of the trains at the mine. Especially at the number 2
shaft. From the drawings I have seen it looks like there is some backing up to get ore
cars spotted under the rock house. Is this the case or are the drawings I've seen
incomplete. Also I am interested in the general operations of the rail road in general.
Response to Quincy & Torch Lake RR Operations
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 8/19/99
Yes, there was some backing needed to get rock cars spotted at
Quincy No. 2 shafthouse. To get from the yard on the hill to any of the shafts except
No.7, Quincy rock trains needed to negotiate a switchback. A cut bound for No. 2
shafthouse would most likely have the engine on the downhill end of the cut and would be
pushed beyond the roundhouse and then pulled past No. 5 boilerhouse and No.2 hoisthouse
past the leads to No. 2 shafthouse. From there the track arrangement would allow the loco
to push the cut under the tipple and then pull the loads which would have been rolled to
one holding tracks by the crew who loaded the cars. No. 2 was designed for gravity
movement of the cars and was capable of loading moving cars, although I don't know it
loading while moving was ever used. There was no clearance for a loco under the chutes so
once spotted, the surface crew took care of the loading and moving. To handle cars at
No.6, the loco most likely started from the yard on the uphill end of the cut and pulled
it beyond the roundhouse and then pushed it the rest of the way to No.6. These are one way
it could have been done if the railroad crews wanted, there were also enough places to run
arround a cut so just about any method could be used. A study of the maps in the book OLD
RELIABLE will show that the trackage at the mine was one big switching layout.
Subject: Painesdale Model
Author: R. Carlson
Date: 3/06/99
Did I read somewhere where K. Musser is buillding a model of
Painesdale in his basement or garage.
Response to Painesdale Model
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 3/06/99
Yes it was true that I was building a model of Painesdale in my
basement. Was true, as I am in the process of a divorce and my HO
scale railroad has been dismantled and is currently being stored at various locations.
My previous railroad was a model of the Copper Range from McKeever to Houghton but
my next version will focus on the area from Houghton to Painesdale, and will be much
smaller in overall size. I have presently completed a model of the Oil House and Captain's
Office in Painsdale and am working on the final plans for my model of the #4
shafthouse. The Oil house will be the subject of an up coming Hotbox article. I have also
completed an evolutionary history of the structures surrounding Champion #4.
Subject: Bosch Brewery
Author: Milan Bosch
Date: 2/05/99
I am interested in acquiring advertising materials from the (old)
Bosch Brewery I did notice a post of Bosch beer bottles. Would you know or could you point
me in the direction of where I could find a sign, clock, ash trays, etc that might be
available? Over thirty years ago I wrote the folks at the Houghton brewery and they sent
me labels and other miscellaneous items and asked me to come for a visit. Unfortunately
when we did visit the area a few years later, the brewery had ceased operations and the
product was being made in Wisconsin. I might add that of all the places I've visited I
still rate the Copper country as my favorite. I do hope to return someday. Thanks for your
time and any help you might be able to give.
Subject: Niemi Family History
Date: 1/18/99
Subject: Montana Houghton Mining Company
Author: Tom Schmiermund
Date: 12/24/98
I am looking for information on the Montana Houghton Mining Company. Any information would
be appreciated.
Subject: Newport Mine
Author: Dan Capal
Date: 12/21/98
Where is the Newport mine? Was it a copper or iron ore mine and which railroad(s) served
Response to Newport Mine
Author: Tom Roberts
Date: 2/18/99
Newport Mine (Newport - Bonnie Mine) - east side of Ironwood (iron
ore mine) opened 1886, shipped every year except 1932, until 1961. Greatest depth 3260 ft
from ground level. Total Shipment: 36,706,484 tons. (Found in the book called: Saga of
Iron Mining in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, by Burton Boyum; page 35)
Subject: Copper ingots
Author: Dave Beckstein
Date: 11/22/98
Can anyone supply the dimensions for the copper ingot that were
shipped via the Copper Range. I have a miniature but would like to add some ingots, in
scale, to my flat cars. Thanks Dave.
Response to Copper Ingots
Author: Scott Janz
Date: 2/5/99
I recently acquired one from the White Pine mine. Not sure if that
is what Dave is looking for, but here is the dimensions of what I have. 19" wide at
the bottom, 17" wide at the top, 3 1/2" deep bottom, 2 3/4" deep top, 2
1/2" high. It has two 'v' notches on top-dims as follows, both are 1 1/2" deep,
both are 3 1/2" wide. It is like the ingot on this website, but the notches are 'v'
shaped instead of 'u' shaped. Weighs 37 lbs. Others I have seen were heavier about 50 lbs.
In the late years at the plant, these were loaded haphazardly in the boxcars not on
pallets, I was told. Contact me for further info.
Subject: Michigan passenger stations from the U.P.
Author: Louis Van Winkle
Date: 11/11/98
I have been working on a site about Michigan Passenger Stations. So far
there pages for nearly 30 depots. But none from the UP.Does anyone have photos of a UP
depot they would care to share.
Response to Michigan Depots
Author: Tom Roberts
Date: 2/25/99
There is a woman in Iowa who sells postcards of depots. She has 80
of the UP and 450 in the LP. the cards sell for 3 dollars each.
Miss Roberta Niesz
1715 B. Ave. NE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
Send a business sized SSAE for a Michigan depot list.
Subject: Steam on the H&TL / C&H
Author: Matt Foland
Date: 11/1/98
I have an interest in the Helca and Torch Lake Railroad, later the
Calumet and Helca Mining Co., do you have any informantion on the steam locomotives on
that road?
Subject: Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon RR
Author: Don Capal
Date: 9/19/98
The Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon R.R. sold #32, a
Rodgers 2-6-0 built in 1882 and named ANNEMEEKEE, to a railroad called the "LSI &
C. Co." . Is this a very early LS&I or another railroad altogether? I saw a
picture of it in Marquette in 1913. What would all those initials stand for ?
Response to Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon RR
Author: Dick Bates
Date: 9/22/98
The engine, MH&O #32 ANNEMEEKEE, went to DSS&A in1886 as #
32. It became#210 in1888, was sold to the MINERAL RANGE RR Mar.1,1903. It was later sold
to the Lake Superior Iron & Chemical Co. July 10,1913. thus the LSI&C MARKINGS ON
IT. Although the plants address was in Newberry, it had a large plant in Marquette. It had
no formal business connection with the LS&I RR, but must have interchanged w/it since
the LSI mainline from Presque Isle Yard to downtown& points east& south ,went
right past the plant! The DSS&A was probably not involved as it was on the other side
of town. No final disposition was shown for the engine, it may have worked many years at
the Marquette plant, or at Newberry, just not sure. Souces: The Railroads of
Marquette,MH&O Roster P. 32 THE SOO July, 1984, by the late Prof. Aurele Durocher.
Also: Research done by myself on the Rail lines & Industries of the Marquette
area,{part of the complex was still up a couple years ago,not sure now} Its located right
off Lakeshore drive, about a mile north of downtown, just before you reach the NMU Campus
& Lakeview Arena
Additional Response to Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon RR
Author: George Anderson
Date: 10/15/98
The ANNEMEEKEE was a 2-6-0 Mogul built by Rogers Locomotive &
Machine Co. in 1882, C/n 2963,18 x 24 cylinders,54 in. drivers
Subject: Bosch Brewery Bottle and Ad
Author: Terry Roehm
Date: 7/8/98
Kevin, I was excited to read your article on the Bosch Brewery as a friend of mine had ask
me to pick him up any old bottles or signs I could find on the Bosch Brewery. I bought him
a bottle and a sign from Bosch Brewery Co's. Malt Tonic with no dates or much information
just that it was brewed in Lake Linden. I am sending you a picture of the bottle and sign
in your e-mail, any information or dates on the bottle and sign would be greatly
Response to Bosch Brewery Bottle and Ad
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 7/8/98
The Bottle and display are from 1912-1915 as a description for the
bottle reads as: 31pt. Amber, AB Co., Hand finished lip for brown cap (c 1912-15) The
bottle photo I have has the words Lake Linden at the base of the neck and run all around
the bottle. Yours did not have this but it is from the same period I am sure. The photo is
on page 17 of "Old Bottles and Jugs of Michigan's Copper Country" and you should
still be able purchase this book. It is a must for anyone collecting bottles in the
Subject: Cliff Mine
Author: Dave Freeze
Date: 6/9/98
I have seen various pictures of the Cliff Mine area. In some
pictures there is a white fence and in some of the later pictures the fence is gone. Does
anyone know when the fence was taken down
Subject: Redridge Photos
Author: Jeff Klein
Date: 5/11/98
I was looking for old pictures to see what the Redridge area looked like. Do you know
where I can look to find that.
Response to Redridge Photos
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 5/11/98
The best source for Redridge photos is the Copper Country Archives
at Michigan Tech (3rd floor). They have a vertical file containing photos of Redridge and
you can also ask the very helpful staff to point you in the direction of other photo
collections, like the William Brinkman collection. Mr. Brinkman was a long time resident
of Redridge and took many photos. For another source you can look on-line at Robert Goniea
Homepage, he has a collection of Redridge photos like the one shown here as well as a very
good history of the town and Atlantic / Baltic Mills. Be sure to click on the photos on
his page to find further information. Visit the Industrial Heritage of
Redridge Michigan by Robert Goniea
Redridge around 1910.
Subject: Calumet & Helca rolling stock and engines
Author: R. Bates
Date: 4/28/98
I am looking for any info on C&H RR during 1948-1968. I am
looking for photos of late steam, diesel and rolling stock, along the same idea of your
COPR RR color photos. I am also looking for anything on the two Alco RS-1's C&H got
from LS&I around 1966. I know the Baldwin swichers went to EL&SRR, but the RS-1s,
after being listed in the reading"C&H the Final Chapter", seem to have
disappeared. do you or anyone have anything on this? Either the C&H in general,and/or
the RS1s inparticular would be a great help!
Response to Calumet & Helca rolling stock and engines
Author: Tom Roberts
Date: 6/17/98
This information regarding C&H RS-1's was obtained from an
article which appeared in the April 20th 1974 edition of the Daily Mining Gazette.
#206 - Sold to S.P.Ojala Salvage Co.; Shipped to GB&W shops in
Green Bay to be brought up to I.C.C. standards, then sold to Diesel Supply Co. in
Wisconsin. (It was sent from Calumet sometime in the week prior to date of paper.)
#205 - Sold to S.P.Ojala Salvage Co., Shipped in May '73 to
Nekoosa-Edwards, in Wisconsin.
Subject: The Calumet & Helca in Colorado ?
Author: Dave Beckstein
Date: 4/19/98
I was wondering if any one has any information on the affiliation of
the Calumet and Hecla Company to anything in Colorado. South of Buena Vista, Colorado on
the Arkansas River, there is a rafting take-out named Hecla Junction. This in itself might
be unusual but the spur that left the D&RG mainline serviced the Calumet mine.
Dont know what they mined. Having lived in the Copper Country this is a strange
pairing of names for else where in the U.S.A. Thanks for a GREAT web page. I vist every
week to see whats new
(I do know that the C&H did have an operation in Globe,
Arizona, but not sure about Colorado. KEMusser 4/21/98)
Response to Calumet & Hecla in Colorado
Author: Paul Meier
Date: 3/9/99
Calumet and Hecla was a very big name in mining and it was quite common to find, Calumet,
or Hecla, worked into mining company names. The area you refer to, Dave, I believe was an
iron mine which supplied CF&I.. There were various Hecla's and Calumet's throughout
the West. Profits from C&H found their way West. Col. Livermore a C&H officer
invested heavily in the Telluride area. His son-in-law Bulkelly Wells was a classmate of
Subject: Houghton County Traction
Author: Mike Sutinen
Date: 12/30/97
Does anyone know what type of vehicles were used by the Houghton
County Traction Company around 1913? I know that the line ran from Hancock through
Redjacket to Mohawk, and I would like to include a portion of it on my HO scale railroad.
Subject: Kaleva Temple
Author: Joe Allen
Date: 10/26/97
I have a question regarding the Kaleva Temple in South Range. I have
tried to find information about it's history etc., but have come up empy handed. Can you
offer any help? Thanks
Response to Information on the Kaleva Temple
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 10/27/97
Orginally started in 1907 and 1908 the building could not be completed by the first
owner and in 1909 the Knights of Kaleva purchased the uncompleted sandstone structure and
completed it in 1910. The Knights of Kaleva were a secert Finnish society modeled after
the Masons, but adapted to Finnish culture. The society was started in 1898 in Montana and
by the time this structure was completed there were thirty lodges in the U.S. with 3,000
members, 10% of which were located in the Copper Country.
The Knights of Kaleva get their name from Kalevala an epic poem written by Elias
Lonrott. Many artists have taken from this work which include a very close resembance
between "Kalevala" and Longfellow's "Hiawatha".
Contained within this structure have been a dentist office, restaurant, various other
lodges and groups, grocery, clothing store, a hardware store and a justice of the peace.
It also housed the U.S. post office from 1915 until 1977 and the Royal Theater.
The theater seated 250 people and opened in 1910. The building is on the National
Register of Historical Places. A description of this building comes from Clarence
Monette's book South Range; "This historic structure was built of Jacobsville
sandstone, a regionally important building material. The temple was buillt with a flat
roof so that a third story could be added if necessary. Ceilings were steel-plated. It is
a two-story building of rough cut, course sandstone masonry, embellished with smooth stone
facade trim and cornice trim along the flat roof line. A slightly projecting midsection
extends vertically through the facade elevation, framing on the first floor a staircase
entrance to the second story and on the second, a stone panel inscribed "Kaleva
Temple". A knobbed cornice cap with pedimented peak, and inscribed with the
construction date of 1910, tops the center projection."
Subject: Information on Horace Greeley and the Keweenaw
Date: 10/18/97
I know there is some specific historical connection between Eagle
Harbor, Michigan and the famed journalist Horace Greeley who said "Go West Young
Man." I'm wondering if you can tell me what it is? I'm sure I saw reference to it
somewhere IN Eagle Harbor.
Response to Information on Horace Greeley and the Keweenaw
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 10/18/97
Horace Greeley visited the Keweenaw in 1847 and in 1848 aboard the
Independance. He had an investment in the Pennsylvania copper mine near Eagle River and
went there to check it out. He put to shore in 1847 in Eagle Harbor and stated that for
lack of a pier the cattle was just tossed overboard into the icy water and left to swim
ashore. They at least got a small boat.
>From Angus Murdoch's famous Boom Copper I relate the follow:
"According to his own account , a total stranger named
Bailey wrote asking Greeley to serve as a director in a projected copper mine in the
Keweenaw and offered a block of stock as an inducement. He not only accepted but traveled
all the way to Eagle River and spent considerable time running the affairs of the
Pennsylvania Mining Company during 1847 and 1848. All he accomplished in the course of two
years was "coaxing several assessments from unwilling stockholders." His single
success in the Copper Country had little to do with mining (his statement on "go west
young man" I believe what he is refering to). During his spare time he solicited
subscriptions to his New York Tribune from mining officials' wives.
In his misguided enthusiasm for the Copper Country, Greely waited
until the last boat of the season before he embarked for home. There was no dock at Eagle
River and he put out in an open boat to board ship. A heavy sea was running, and the
little craft was tossed like a toy in the waves. The great Greeley was pulled aboard just
before Superior dashed his boat to pieces."
He left the Keweenaw and "moved west" to Colorado to
dabble in mining there.
Also from The Cliff by Donald Chaput
"Horace Greeley left his editorial duties with the New York
Tribune in the summer of 1847 and visited more than tem mining companies on the Keweenaw -
he was financially interested in the Delaware and a few other properties. Greeley was no
mining expert, as he admitted, but his comments on these early operations are
Subject: Calumet History
Date: 10/14/97
I am looking for some information on Calumet's history. Specifically
I am looking for :
1. When did the name change from Red Jacket to Calumet?
2. Why was it originally named Red Jacket?
3. Did the name Calumet have anything to do with the great Calumet
and Hecla mining company?
4. When was Red Jacket/Calumet founded and any important dates
Thank you for any information which you can provide.
Response to Calumet History
Author: Kevin E. Musser
Date: 10/14/97
The Calumet Lode was discovered by Edwin Hulbert in 1864. Quincy A.
Shaw found eastern money to develop the mine. Alexander Agassiz bore the physical brunt of
establishing the mines in the wilderness and was most directly involved in the creation of
the Calumet community.
The following was extracted from #65 in
my collection.
"Red Jacket was incorporated in 1875 which grew up northwest
of the mining area. When Red Jacket became crowded and population soared in the late
1880's and 1890's another village developed southeast of the mines; it was known at first
as Calumet Village but after 1895 as Laurium. It's first village election was held in
1889. Other mining locations sprang up around the mine and were known as Albion, Blue
Jacket, Yellow Jacket, Raymbaultown, Red Jacket Shaft, and Tamarack. These locations, with
Red Jacket, Laurium, and the original Calumet, Hecla, and South Hecla mining locations,
were known collectively as Calumet.
Calumet is a French word meaning reed or wood shaft, 1.5 to 4 ft
long, perforated, decorated, and used by Indians in consultations and offerings to the
gods. Hecla was named after an explosive nineteenth century volcano in Iceland. Tamarack
is an Algonquian word for a tree accoicated with water. Red Jacket was a famous Seneca
orator, a dispatch carrier for the British during the American Revolution, supplied by
them with a dazzling red coat. Blue Jacket, a Shawnee chief, led many a contingent in
battle against American settlers in Ohio in 1794. While the name Yellow Jacket identifies
certain wasps, its use at Calumet seems to have originated in an attempt to find a name to
conform with the others. Laurium was named after the rich Greek silver mines active about
500 years before the brith of Christ and mentioned by Thucydides.
Hulbert claimed that he had introduced the names
Calumet and Hecla. Red Jacket retained its name until 1929 when the village was officially
renamed Calumet."
The Copper Country Depot Signal Board
Subject: Playing "Chicken" with the CR in South Range.
Author: George Kew
Date: 3/5/05
like to share a story told on my mothers side of the family. Her maiden name was Forslin, born in South Range,
second-youngest of 11, I think. Her father
owned a hardware store in South Range at the present site of an antiques/consignment
store. The story goes that the kids in the family, including the girls, would go to
dads store to get a piece of cardboard, fashion a sled, and slide down the street
from their house to the main street, the object being to play chicken with the
train from Houghton whose tracks ran down the center of the street. This would have been in the 1920s, Im
guessing. I have no reason to doubt the story.
Subject: North Freedom open house featuring Copper Range coach
Author: Bill Burhmaster
Date: 8/27/03
Newly restored COPPER RANGE coach #60 will be featured in an Open House Celebration ,
September 20 , 2003. The car will be on display at the Mid-Continent Railway Museum's
North Freedom, WI depot from 10:00am until 4:00pm on Saturday , September 20th. Guided
tours will be available to the public and volunteers will be present to answer questions
about the car. Additional details about the event can be found here.
Subject: Copper Country Lanterns and QT&L.
Author: Rich Rautio
Date: 10/18/00
I have a Mineral Range Railroad bellbottom lantern with an etched
Keweenaw Central Globe. I collect, buy, sell lanterns but have never seen another
M.R.R.R. lantern or K.C.R.R. Does anyone else have any? Also have a D.S.S.
& A. with SOO LINE SAFETY FIRST globe. This also seems hard to find, but I
cant imagine why, as it was a big line. My grandfather worked in the Quincy and some
other mines and I got my love for trains from playing on the Q&TL every summer as a
youngster up into my teens. Many a time did I crawl into that dank but not all that
dark due to the holes in the roof roundhouse and play on the locos. I guess I should
mention this was in the early 1950s through the early 1960s. I did a
piece once in Light Locomotives that included a track plan by Leon Schaddalee. I
could repint, or rather copy that issue if enough folks are interested.
Subject: Where did the COPR Baldwins go?
Author: R. Bates
Date: 4/28/98
This is in regard to the Baldwin switchers after they left the COPR. #100 was last seen in
a push/pull shuttle from New Hope to the RDG. commuter line to Philly during the 1976
bicentennial. It was hauling an ex-Reading coach with the pantograph still on, but down!
the 100 was still in its COPR paint scheme! #101 was repainted in fall,1974 in a gree,red
and yellow lettering. It went through a modified green paintover a few years ago, with a
SMS logo. the M being for McHugh owner of the New Hope line. Renumbered 1293, it is
currently serving an industrial and warehouse district, just outside Camden, N.J., with a
couple other old Bsldwins ofvarious vintage. #200, the S-12, served for many years as the
plant switcher at the White Pine Mine, the last bastion of theCopperRange mining empire.
It was retired about1995-6 by a white,leased SW-1.200 was last reported and seen on a
siding at Mellen, Wis., in a simplified maroon and gray paint scheme , took many photos!
This was accompanied by an ex-LS&IRR RS-2/3 used on the short-lived Wisconsin and
Michigan RR, that ran on the former SOO LINE branch from mellen to Ironwood/Bessemer,
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