Aug 16-23

Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2023: August: Aug 16-23
Busy Bee    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Judy Byykkonen
Sipping Nectar    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Judy Byykkonen
Goldenrod    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Judy Byykkonen
Tansy    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Judy Byykkonen
Queen Anne's Lace    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Judy Byykkonen
Also known as Wild Carrot    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Judy Byykkonen
Keweenaw Peninsula & Isle Royale to play video
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Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 04:05 am:

When Judy Byykkonen shared today’s photos, she simply titled them, “Just stuff from our walk.” It may be just stuff, but Judy looked closely at everything around her and captured the simple beauty that surrounds us each day which often goes unnoticed. I know myself I’ve passed by bees and flowers and haven’t taken much notice of them. But Judy leaned in close and captured that common bumblebee in all its glory.

I had to use Google Image Search to find the names of today’s flora. The yellow one in the first three photos is Goldenrod. Then the fourth photo is called Tansy, which I didn’t know before. The white flower in the last two photos is Queen Anne’s Lace and sometimes referred to as Wild Carrot. According to legend, Queen Anne poked her finger with a needle while making lace. If you look closely at the bottom photo, you’ll see what looks like a tiny drop of blood in the middle of the lace flower. Interesting. From what I read, this flower is edible, but can also be a skin irritant. There are also dangerous look-alike plants, so always be careful when picking wildflowers and don’t eat them, unless you’re positive it’s an edible variety.

We’re going on a Keweenaw tour today, which actually starts before the Keweenaw, in Alberta and ends at Isle Royale. We’ll visit the following locations: Alberta Village, Houghton, Quincy mine, Copper Country Inn, King Copper Motel, Gay, Mohawk, Fort Wilkins Park, Copper Harbor, and Isle Royale National Park. Buckle up and enjoy the trip!

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 09:29 am:

I stop and take pictures if the bees on the
flowers also. I love watching that. Nice
job, Judy.

By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 09:36 am:

Nice pix and I think we’re going to bee alright?
Nice video and I even I saw Biden walking his dog.

By Donna (Donna) on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 10:32 am:

Beautiful stuff. I've always said when it starts
turning yellow's coming!

By George L. (Yooperinct) on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 10:51 am:

Alex, the dog was walking Biden, methinks.

By George L. (Yooperinct) on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 11:18 am:

Excellent video, BTW. Looks like the Big Lake cooperated for crossings that day.
Was half-expecting to see a wolf or a bear on that Isle Royale trail. Such pristine wilderness.

By D. A. (Midwested) on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 02:32 pm:

No bears on Isle Royale.
One of its great attractions for safety.

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