The Pasty Cam has gone buggy, thanks to Halli Lindley! She took some close-up shots of some bugs around her lately, starting with a Goldenrod Crab Spider, harmless to humans, but not so for wasps and bees. These spiders can change color from white to yellow and back again to blend in with the flowers they sit on waiting for their prey. It can take up to a month for the color change to happen from white to yellow, but going back the other way takes about a week. Another interesting fact is that they don’t spin a web, they just sit on the flowers to grab their dinner.
Halli’s next three photos are all dragonflies. I don’t know the name of the ones in the second or third photo, but the fourth photo is a Damselfly. It looks like the smaller dragonflies that we used to call sewing needles as kids, but I’m not sure on that with nothing to compare it to for size. Sure seems like there have been a lot of dragonflies this year.
We’re going to sit around the fire with Bob Gilreath, who wondered if anyone else can just stare at a fire, as they’re so mesmerizing to him. I can, Bob!
FOOTNOTE: Yesterday's photos from a trio of photographers had some beautiful shots of the moon. If you missed yesterday's Pasty Cam, just click here: August 3rd, to take a look at them!
By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 - 09:33 am:
Amazing detail! Bugs don't normally bother me, but if I never see that spider, it will be too soon.
By D. A. (Midwested) on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 - 01:46 pm:
That fire will certainly keep the bugs away.
BTW, some anonymous, friendly neighbor decided to free my Lilac bush from being consumed by ever encroaching vines. Thank you very much although he did leave a mess all over the lawn. Just kidding. J/K about seeming ungrateful, not the mess.
By lookielu (Eyeswideshut) on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 - 01:49 am:
Not enough yule log watching! I could enjoy this for hours!!
By Uncle Chuck (Unclechuck) on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 - 01:57 pm:
That top pick looks like halloween candy! I'd love to be sitting around the campfire.... soon I hope!
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