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Should we be celebrating halloween?


As We Touch Other's Lives


As we go through life touching other's lives -- harken he is alive.
All too soon we forget our heavenly Father who has given so much of himself,
that we know He was born, suffered death on the cross on earth
that we may have life.

Oh Lord, what a morning, the sun rose and has lighted up the sky,
He made everything on earth -- for you and I.
Remember Him on the cross and earth was still ...
Holy Father, let us do YOUR will.

Awaken you -- all his people, and listen to His word,
He is like a rainbow and the humming of a bird
Listen! Listen! Jesus is near,
Jesus is our Savior, never need you fear.

Peace be with you, you shall see Him some fine day
Jesus will come to save us in His best array.

--- written with love by Charmaine


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Should we be celebrating halloween?