Lent is coming, it's almost
what, if anything,
should I give up this year?
I've tried in the past - no chocolates, no sweets,
no ice cream, cakes, or
for my precious bed time treats.
These were difficult to give up as you probably know
but what did all this
benefit me and
how did it help me grow?
Did I become more penitent for my misdeeds & sin,
did my soul long to be
closer to God,
or just my body long to be thin.
Did 40 days of sacrifice bring even one small tear
for the sacrifice that
God did make,
when he gave His son so dear?
Oh Lord, help me to give up things
that would please you at
this time
like gossipping & complaining
with these unclean lips of mine.
Let no harsh words or unkind thoughts
be found within my mind
and at last, may I give up my will
until your perfect will I find
--- written by Shirley A. Lamppa
