The following is NOT acceptable usage:
File sharing applications - Intense/continuous demand
In order to maintain the integrity and availability of Pasty.NET's broadband service in the U.P.,
file sharing applications (such as "BitTorrent") are unwelcome uses of this limited resource. Where
detected, such applications will automatically reduce the available bandwidth to the member's connection.
Pasty.NET's ability to serve wireless locations requires the cooperation of its members to avoid overloading
the system. At the current time (2013) we are asking remote wireless members to avoid downloading large files wherever
possible (movies, operating system service packs, etc) until additional infrastructure can be put in place. (Large
operating system service packs are made available on CD to Pasty.NET members.) We
are hopeful of achieving increased capacity as a result of our WiMax project in Houghton/Hancock.
Satellite services deal with the problem of overuse by limiting the quantity available to each user. We
prefer to ask our members to be self-regulating and cooperate to maintain the usability of the network
for everyone, and avoid continuous-bandwidth demand services such as Netflix, Hulu, Sky Angel, etc.
Dial-in Access
- Multiple simultaneous login attempts to a single dial-in account
- Use of idle-time generators or auto-redialers to maintain a modem
connection to the Pasty.NET, simulating a dedicated line.
- Unsolicited mass mailings of any kind - this includes commercial
and non-commercial mailings.
- Sending large quantities of email to a single user in an effort to
overflow the mailbox of the target.
- Forging message header information to obscure the origination of
the message or the sender’s identity.
- Pyramid schemes and chain letters - either creating or participating
in them.
- Sending harassing email (determined by language, size or frequency)
- including sending email to a person that has asked that you do not.
Newsgroups and interactive web discussions
- Posting copyrighted or trademarked software without the author’s
or company’s written consent.
- Posting messages which blatantly violate the charter of a specific
newsgroup or website.
- Forging message header information to obscure the poster’s identity.
- Scanning Pasty.NET or any attached network in an effort to determine
possible vulnerabilities of the target system (port scanning).
- Engaging in activities that disrupt the network of either Pasty.NET
or our members by using excessive
bandwidth, disk space or processor resources. The use of unauthorized
range extenders on our wireless
network is expressly prohibited.
- Compiling or storing intrusion programs, sniffers and password crackers.
- Storing or distributing any copyrighted or trademarked software without
the author’s written consent.
Web Hosting
Dial-in members may not run web servers over a Pasty.NET modem connection.
Web services on our network only include, domain name server,
mail server, and newsgroup server. We provide additional domain hosting
service on our co-located server, connected to the Internet through means
other than the Pasty.NET network.
Accountability to "up-stream" bandwidth providers
The Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks, of
which Pasty.NET is your starting point as one of our members. We are
connected to a regional provider (or providers), which in turn are connected
to even larger providers. As a network, Pasty.NET has agreed to abide
by the Acceptable Use Policies of these "up-stream" providers, and you
inherit the same guidelines by becoming a member. For a summary of
some of these current providers' policies, see
Charter AUP
Peninsula Fiber Network
Contact Information
For questions about Pasty.NET's Acceptable Use Policy, contact:
Charlie Hopper, General Manager, Inc.
58542 Wolverine Street
Calumet, MI 49913
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