Your Keweenaw County Sesquicentannial Button Order:
Please enter complete information to be confirmed by email
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credit card!
*** Design by Mark McEvers ***
(concept by Keweenaw County Historical Society) (Please allow three weeks for delivery)
Your E-mail Address
* = required info
Order any quanity of Commemorative Buttons Total shipping and handling is only $2.95
1 = $5 + $2.95 2 = $10 + $2.95 . etc.
Ship To: Name
two lines available
for street address
City State Zip
Receiver's Phone #
If gift, enter greeting and credit cardholder name,
Your credit card statement will indicate charge by "Pasty Central":
Credit Card Information:
Important Note:
Online processing now requires
the use of your CVV number on the back of your credit card. (On AmEx, see
3-4 digits on the front of card). Please enter it below.