By ERIC in Michigan on Tuesday, July 30, 2002 - 10:05 am:
I worked on IR for 2yrs (early 90s) and found that a majority of NPS employees were very friendly, but many were not. The Rangers were overly strict, many abusing their authority. I never had an incident with them, but I saw them terrorize many visitors. But what really makes me down right SICK is how the NPS has slowly eliminated access to the island over the past 15-20yrs. I think the NPS has forgotten that the "S" stands for "Service". They are there and paid to provide a service to the people, by making IR accessible and enjoyable for all visitors. Not a "Dis-service" by getting rid of Rock Harbor Lodge, thus making IR pretty much inaccessible to the elderly; tearing out docks so that boats cannot even get to shore (hey, its an island, the only way to get there is by boat); eliminating campgrounds so hikers are now limited to where they can go (unless they want to hike 12+ miles a day). It's a slow process so they don't get too much attention. Soon, the shelters at the campgrounds will be taken out, the housekeeping cabins will be removed, scuba diving will be more restrictive or not allowed at all, the restaraunt will be torn down, fuel pumps will be taken out (except for Mott Is.), fishing for lake trout will be limited to 1 fish per day (making it not worth the trip/effort), generators for electricity will be taken out (except for Mott Is.), harbors will be off limit to boats (first one harbor, then another, and another). All the while they are adding buildings and structures to Mott Is. for their own use. This may sound rediculous to many of you, but mark my words, it all will happen eventually if the NPS gets their way. Every one of the items I have just mentioned has been pursued by the NPS. As they accomplish one they'll try for the next. I do not always agree with the tact and strategy of the IRBA, but I am on their side since they are the only organization that is standing in the way of the NPS virtually closing off IR to anyone but the young, physically fit adults. If the NPS wants to protect every ant, leaf, berry, bird, fish, etc., then the NPS should get off the island themselves, close off the island completely, and put a water mine field around the island to keep all people out...
By Wayne Akkala on Sunday, August 4, 2002 - 09:18 am:
The above ranting inanity is typical of the disinformation and untruths spread by the IRBA and their minions. A trip to the island will prove to be a wonderful experience. When I sail over in a few weeks it will be my 18th trip. The Park staff are consummate professionals in every detail. As a boater (MYST II) I've been satisfied with the accomodations. The IRBA's falsehoods and disinformation attacks that organizations already flimsy credability.
By P.C. Legal Dept on Sunday, August 4, 2002 - 10:51 am:
personal attack by T.W. removed
By Rera, UAE on Sunday, December 1, 2002 - 04:16 pm:
its really exicting ....i wanna be there right now!