By Apryl, Michigan on Saturday, May 7, 2005 - 12:58 pm:
I did not live during these times, but I am doing a research paper for my 8th grade English Class. When doing my research, I found out lots of interesting information. Infact, I think this is the 'funnest' paper I wrote (yes, I am shocked that its true, too!)
But anyways , I found out that there was at least eight gasoline ratioing stickers in the US. They were A, B, C, D, E, R, T (I also saw that it was called TT) and the X sticker.
The A sticker was for only pleasure trips, given to most people who owned a car
The B sticker was for either people who helped out for the war or people who had a job that was close by, but to far to walk everyday (I'm not to sure which)
The C sticker was for people who had to use a car for there job (like a mail person, doctor, ect.)
The D sticker was for motocycles
The E and the R stickers were for non-highway vheicals (I'm not to clear on what that exatly means...)
The T (or TT) sticker was for Truckers
And the X sticker was for congressmen or VIP people (know I have no idea how you got to be a VIP person)
I also found out that the black market was a major thing during rationing times.
So yeah, thats all I can think of right now. E-mail me if you have anything to say about what I just wrote. Thanks for reading!