By Paul Meier, visiting Eagle River on Wednesday, May 8, 2002 - 06:22 am:
Last week's Pasty Cam sent me for a quick search through the slide trays. Attached is a shot of the lower Hungarian Falls. This was made the 3rd week of May 1979. Not much has changed, note the Tech student just barely visible at the right edge of the Falls.
Also attached from the same trip is a photo of what is now called the Douglas Houghton Falls. The first time I visited these falls was about in 1961 or '62 with my Grandfather. At that time, if my memory isn't too far gone, the falls were named the Houghton - Douglass Falls, named for Douglas Houghton and his contemporary and fellow explorer Christopher C. Douglass. There was a sign at the "parking area" and trail to the falls. The sign remained thoughout the '60's but since the land and the falls are privately owned, the sign wasn't maintained. Eventually the sign was gone and along with it, the old name. The climb down to get this photo was a bit dangerous and in our present legal climate I don't blame the owner for closing the site.