By Charlie at Pasty Central on Monday, September 13, 2004 - 09:46 am:
The technical reason for the delay in today's photo is due to a computer upgrade which started last night - and still isn't quite finished.
While I'm waiting on that, a couple of thoughts come to mind. First, the picture of the cabin above, from the Pasty Cam archives, has a little furry creature in the lower left corner which you may recognize. That's our dog Casey, who we buried on the first day of summer this year, after 15 years as part of our family:
For those who have tuned into the Pasty Cam for some time, you saw Casey in many shots, as she would accompany us on our adventures around the Keweenaw, back when my son Jonathan took almost all of the pictures. Then Dan Urbanski stepped up to add to our daily photos, which really helped to define the Pasty Cam in the early days. Of course, as you know Dan passed away last month. We are working on the 2005 Pasty Cam Calendar, which will be a tribute to Dan and his wonderful, memorable photography.
By the way, the Hopper household has a new furry friend, which we brought home from the animal shelter a couple of weeks ago. His name is Buddy, and he's beginning to feel right at home. I'm sure he'll be creeping into some of our daily photos sometime soon.