By Toivo, not too far from Disneyland on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 03:00 am:
This typical U.P. sportsman scene (as previously appeared on Barb'sPage) reminds me of the time when Eino was comin up from the lake with two buckets of fish, when he was stopped by the Game Warden from the DNR.
"You got a license to catch those fish?" says the game warden.
"No, sir" says Eino politely, "Dese are my pet fish."
"Pet fish??!" the warden says.
"Yes, sir. Every night I take my pet fish down to da lake, let 'em swim around a little bit, den I whistle and dey jump back into da buckets. Den we go home."
"Ridiculous!" shouts the warden, "Fish can't do that!"
"Youbetcha dey can," says Eino, "Less go back down to da lake and I'll show you."
"This I gotta see," says the warden, as they walk back to the shore. So Eino pours the two buckets of fish into the water and stands and waits.
After several minutes the game warden turns to Eino and says, "Well??"
"Well what?" says Eino.
"When are you going to call them back?" says the warden.
"Call who back?" asks Eino.
"The FISH."
"WHAT fish?" says Eino.
Good night from California...
and happy April Fools Day from da' U.P.