Joe Kirkish didn't venture far from his home to snap today's photos, but he has some good comparisons of the difference a day makes in the Copper Country weather. The walkway to his house transformed from a dusting of snow (and kitty tracks), to an all out embankment, drifting the path right shut, all in the span of one day. I think you can say that winter is officially here to stay now.
Joe's last two photos give you a glimpse of the street during the storm yesterday that closed the area schools and had the police departments asking people to stay off the highways. These shots were taken earlier in the day, during a bit of a lull in the snowing and blowing, though, as there were times that it blew so hard that you couldn't see across the street. Check out the snow covering the cars, along with the snow bank behind them, from the plow having gone by. Even the snow bank is getting snowed in, before anyone had a chance to get out there and move what the plow had deposited there for them. A good old fashioned winter blow, here UP North.
By jbuck (Jbuck) on Friday, December 6, 2013 - 09:49 pm:
Nice set of pix, Joe, but I've seen enough snow for today.;> We have a pretty deep covering tonight ~ but better than the 'ice storm' that was predicted!
By eugenia r. thompson (Ert) on Saturday, December 7, 2013 - 06:41 am:
I like the snow-covered bike in the last shot. Time to put that bike away, kid, until next spring.
By Thomas Baird (Thomas) on Sunday, December 8, 2013 - 07:32 am:
Day in the life of a snowstorm.
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