By Uncle Chuck (Unclechuck) on Monday, November 18, 2013 - 08:39 pm:
Greetings from Marquette, feels great to be in town. Had a Vango's pizza for dinner, and just working on some reports. Calling on MGH tomorrow, and working my way to the Keweenaw by Thursday.
Crossing the bridge today was pretty wild, escort's going both ways. In all my 55 years of coming U.P. here for vacations, college and now work, I bet I average crossing both ways 10 times a year. Today had to rank in the top 5 most tretchurous/white knuckle ride's! Either that or I'm just getting old, lol
Check you tomorrow night.
By kay Moore (Mskatie) on Monday, November 18, 2013 - 11:35 pm:
Uncle Chuck You're not getting're just growing up and getting smarter. I think you are at that grand age, past the young, smart a** stage. But not declining like folks my age. :>) Enjoy each day. Lucky you to get UP there as often as you do.