By Yahoo in Flatland (Yahooinflatland) on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 - 08:46 am:
in 1992 or 1993, I camped nearby with a couple of friends. We had no knowledge of the rocket base, and did not see the concrete pad. We must have been one clearing over from it, and just never ventured that direction.
My favorite memory from that trip was the 2 track road to get from the end of 41 to High Rock Point... crossing a creek with about 12 inches of water. In the morning, it started to rain, and we decided we needed to get on the other side of that creek as we had no idea if it would flood. We packed up camp in record time!
By Yahoo in Flatland (Yahooinflatland) on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 - 08:48 am:
Sorry for double post, the "preview" page never returned to the main page, and I when I refreshed it, it apparently duplicated the post.