By FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash) on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - 04:30 pm:
John W (Jwahtola):
"It is not off of M-26 but US-41"
Actually its both (M-26 & US-41 coincide through Mohawk, no?)
Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex):
"...and just to be irritating, according to Google, its Stanton Ave."
As far as that goes, so it seems, as Stanton Avenue apparently also coincides with M-26 & US-41 up to the 6th Street intersection, where M-26 and US-41 then diverge to the left, while Stanton Avenue continues straight ahead on the original M-26/US-41 alignment for a 'nuther block or so before it deviates to the left, to run parallel to M-26/US-41 by about 3rd Street or so. True?
But of course Bethany Lutheran Church is on 6th Street, about two blocks south of that intersection, as is correctly shown in Google Maps.
… Although strangely, Google Maps also shows Stanton Avenue continuing to the left of that intersection (coincident with M-26/US-41) for about a half block whereupon it magically becomes Mohawk Avenue. (A mid-block name change, huh? Really?) Of course, given some of the thoroughly illogical/inscrutable road/street names and alignments that exist in the ol' Copper Country, that wouldn't surprise me at all.
Perhaps more perversely, there are many parts of the UP, including the Mohawk vicinity, where Google Maps shows US-41 as "US Route 41 in Illinois", a peculiarity that I reported to Google about two months ago, with the following reply:
Quote:Hi Frank,
Thank you for reporting this problem. Unfortunately, for various reasons, the problem you reported isn't easy for us to fix at this time:
Quote:"U.S. 14 in Illinois"? Huh? But the location shown is in MICHIGAN! (The same error is repeated elsewhere on U.S. 41 in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.)
We did want to let you know that we've escalated your report to the appropriate engineering team. Even though we don't have an immediate fix to your problem, please be assured that we're working hard for a resolution.
Thanks for helping us to improve Google Maps!
In fact, most mapping services, on-line and others, still haven't caught up with the massive re-numbering exercise that accompanied the implementation of the enhanced 911 system in the UP. (When was that, exactly, and who/what authority was in charge of that re-numbering project? Does anyone know?)