By FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash) on Sunday, January 29, 2012 - 09:17 pm:
Charlie at Pasty Central (Chopper):
"… the part of the description that puzzled me was about the "Japanese torii" (many references show it in lower case). First I wondered if it was a clan of Oriental Finns …"
Maybe not "oriental Finns", but I suppose the UP Finns could have a tori (Finnish marketplace, like the one at Heikinpäivä in Hancock yesterday) under the torii in Locks Park!
Shirley Waggoner (Shirlohio):
"… I had heard from a close e-mail friend ... that the Kromer hat had something to do with a 'local' weatherman(Detroit area). Maybe it was that he wore one in winter, so people called him 'Stormy'. hmmm"
I'll just betcha that was