After a pretty late night welcoming in the New Year, my first thought this morning was how much I love a good hot pasty. The warm flaky crust - - the delicious blend of meat and veggies - - rich aroma and flavor so intensely satisfying that I almost swallow my tongue! First time I ever recall wanting a pasty so bad on New Year's morning. So glad I put a couple away in the freezer to enjoy during the Rose Bowl this afternoon.
I hereby move that we declare 2005 the Year of the Pasty. I'm sure thousands of miners over the past couple of centuries would second the motion! Did you know the Daily Pasty Cam began back in 1998 with a picture of a newborn? It has been suggested that we list new arrivals on the first of each month, similar to our end of month memorial. The only problem with this idea: birth announcements are quite time sensitive - - you want to get the word out as quickly as possible. So here's what we propose: if the stork arrives at your place, share the news right away in a forum called "New Arrivals", listed on the "What'sUP" page. Feel free to upload a picture of the newborn, so you don't have to email it all over creation. Then on the first of the following month, we'll have an honor roll of all the new children, grand-children, nieces, and nephews listed in the previous month.
Life without pasties and chocolate wouldn't be worth living! A very Joyous, Happy, Prosperous, Healthy, Magnificent, Holy, Love and Light filled New Year! And May Peace Prevail on Earth!!!!!
By lz, kalamazoo, mi on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 10:27 am:
Toivo do you realize how many New Year's resolutions you are causing to be broke with the posting of that YUMMY photo? Plenty I am sure (mine included)
Happy New Year one & all!
By ed/mi on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 10:37 am:
I just figured out the dinner menu today..pasties! Peace on Earth
By Candy, CA on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 11:22 am:
Patt, just change your resolution to eat only one pasty per day! Add a little ketchup and a cup of coffee and you have 3 of the 4 major food groups (pasty, coffee, red stuff and chocolate) right there!
I hereby resolve to make more pasties this year...the picture was the kicker. I have many friends that haven't learned the joy of a fresh baked pasty - and if I have to make them in their own kitchens, then I will.
By F-Cubed on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 12:16 pm:
Now you post the photo! This just serves to remind me that I didn't get my order in last month. Looks good. Happy New Year to my cousin Doug Smith, a regular contributor to Pasty Cam! And to Yooper John, we miss you and all you brought to the UP life.
By Bob Pyykkonen, Spencerport N.Y. on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 12:27 pm:
Nothin' says lovin' like a pasty from the oven. Happy New Year.
By Jeff portland or on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 01:22 pm:
Happy New Year from Portland I have never made a pasty before but looking at the picture and knowing how good they taste I think I am off to the store for the ingredients. I"M going to cook my first pasty,for the new year and in my life wish me luck.
By M.B., IL-WI-MI on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 01:27 pm:
My oh my, what I would do for one (or more) of those flakey beauties. I know of only one restaurant here in California that has pasties and they might rate a 2 on the 10 scale. However, I'll be in the U.P. in about 3 weeks. You know what's on my list!!!!!
By Renee in AL on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 03:51 pm:
Happy New Year to all from warm (72F) sunny NE Alabama. Best wishes, Renee
By Candy and Mike, CA on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 04:28 pm:
Not only do the pasties look great - but they are great tasting too! My husband and I won a couple of pasties from George Hite and the official snow contest and hope to win more! Best wishes for the New Year
By Barb Michigan on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 08:50 pm:
Happy New Year!! My mouth is watering for one of those wonderful pies. It makes me remember my mother's pastys. YUM!! Maybe this is the year that I will try to make some myself.
By Bob G. Houghton Lake, MI on Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 10:56 pm:
regarding today's pic causing breaking of resolutions...anybody swearing off pasties for the new year might as well stop visiting this site!:)I say everyone resolve to eat at least a couple of them this year.;)
Hi there Tim from Pensacola. I got in touch with my cousin (your dad) through this web site. I enjoyed many summers in the UP but grew up under the bridge.
I surprised my mom with a shipment of pasties for Christmas. What a hit! We will be making a batch this month in honor of what would have been my dad's 78th birthday. My daughter is going to help for the first time, so we can pass this tradition down.
By Sue, Texas on Sunday, January 2, 2005 - 12:06 am:
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