By Cindy M. Archibald (Cindymay) on Friday, August 5, 2005 - 04:32 am:
Well, since it's shortly after 4:30AM I'm really not sure whether this is Good morning or Good night! However, I hope whatever it is, (be it yesterday or today) ... I hope it's good for you!
Can anyone tell me what has happened to a band called "Organized Chaos"? We were staying up here for an extended visit a couple of years ago and found them at one of the local/free parks playing and decided we liked them so much ... We became "middle-aged groupies". Haven't been in the UP for a while and was just wondering if they're still around and playing anywhere nearby in the not too distant future? (If this missive doesn't make sense to you, it's because the answer to the first question is good night for me!)