When walking along in the woods or even driving down a country road, you’ll often spot apples that are still hanging on in the trees. Brian Rendel captured some for us to enjoy here today. They look like you could just reach through the screen and pick one off the branches to bite into, but with the cold weather that we’ve had, I’m guessing they’d be a bit mushy from the freezing night chills. Don’t worry, though, they won’t go to waste, as those that drop to the ground will be munched up by the deer and the ones that continue to hang on will feed the birds that stick around for the winter here in the Keweenaw. Mother Nature takes care of her own.
By Thomas Baird (Thomas) on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 07:58 am:
Those apples have courage. Have a nice day, everybody. 32 days to follow in 2011 (had 2 think of something different 2 say).
By Shirley Waggoner (Shirlohio) on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 09:53 am:
You're so right, Mary, those apples won't go to waste. My son-in-law buys apples just about all year to feed their 'resident' deer. Unfortunately some unwelcome critters like 'em too. Thomas, you must've read my mind....when I first sat down here I was looking at the calendar trying to figure out how many more days were left in 2011. Now, you just told me.;) Thanks!
By Helen Marie Chamberlain (Helen) on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 09:59 am:
Snow capped apples...how neat. Thanks, Brian! Hug another beautiful day, all!
By mickill mouse (Ram4) on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 12:26 pm:
Thank You. :O))))
By jbuck (Jbuck) on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 08:13 pm:
Do different varieties hang on to their apples longer? Or is it more conditions such as how much rain?
Seems there are some which do this and have the apples stay on the trees long into the Winter and then others drop even in late October.
Of course the way they are spread out they feed the critters over a long period of time ~ well into the Spring some times.
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