Good Morning! :-)
By Diana P. (Diana) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 08:00 am:
Good Morning, all! :)
I'm partial to Autumn Barn and Skies today; Woodsy Owl is neat, too ... haven't heard about him in a while.
By Steve Haagen (Radsrh) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 08:00 am:
me Maybe we should have asked 'Who will check in at 8 o'clock'...
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 08:02 am:
Good morning!!! Great pictures, but LOVING "Foggy Fall"!!
By Janie T. (Bobbysgirl) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 08:08 am:
I really love Zman's "Autumn Reflections" in 2002. Wish he would take more pictures like this one! Have a great autumn day everyone!
By Hollidays (Hollybranches) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 08:21 am:
That's funny, when I checked a few minutes ago, Marianne was "first". Must be a computer "glitch". :)
Got an early start today, going to Bob lake for one last fling before the snow flies.
By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 08:29 am:
Thanks for the great pics! Wish I could go UP this time of year, but no-can-do. I'm not complaining, but there is just to much work this time of year, which is always a good thing.
By Cindy, New Baltimore, MI (Cindy) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 09:18 am:
All of the pics in today's review are special. Too bad the peak of autumn doesn't last longer.
A friend of mine sent me this link today. Some of you may find this interesting, and maybe someone knows more about it. I know the Huron Mountain area is mysterious, but I had no idea it was hiding a structure like this.
I loved all the photos today. Can't go wrong this time of year.
By Thomas Baird (Thomas) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 03:04 pm:
Again, thanks 4 the Autumn pictures (and the others, 2). A 4 way tie 4 early bird? That has 2 b a record!
By FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 03:05 pm:
Seeing ol' Woodsy Owl (2004) reminds me of a very neat video of an Eagle Owl, in slow motion, coming toward food (and a camera). At 1000 fps, it's a pretty smooth video clip, and only 60 seconds!
It's an aeronautical marvel, maybe even better than flying with Neil. Beautiful!
Click the link below: Scroll down a little, then click on the little X mark at the bottom right corner of the video frame to view it full screen. It doesn't look like it's moving at first because the camera is so high speed, but just keep watching the bird.
Fred Koski, Fred Koski, paging Fred Koski! <grin>
By Hollidays (Hollybranches) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 04:45 pm:
FRNash, that was beautiful. Hope everyone else gets a view.
Cindy, loved your site, especially this part;
Global warming is terrible for the earth but so far has been kind to the Upper Peninsula giving longer, drier summers, shorter winters, fewer bugs. You don't believe in global warming? Think of the blistering heat and abnormal rain that covered most of the country last year. Remember the unusually powerful hurricanes sweeping in off the Gulf. What if that's the new reality? Hedge your bet by thinking of the Upper Peninsula in a new way. At the turn of the century young men looking to make fortunes in timber, land, banking, copper and iron heeded Horace Greeley when he said, "Go west, young man, go west." He was not referring to Montana: Greeley had a copper mine on the Keweenaw, here in the U.P. Perhaps a new era of discovery and settlement is beginning for the U.P., this time based on of all things, the weather.
I can tell, the sun is still too hot for this time of year.
Hope next fall is like 2008, this fall was strange.
By FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 05:07 pm:
Hollidays (Hollybranches):
"… Global warming is terrible for the earth but so far has been kind to the Upper Peninsula giving longer, drier summers, shorter winters, fewer bugs. You don't believe in global warming?"
Thought I saw a pasty cammer in the Keweenaw last weekend, early birds were plastered all over. Just can't quite remember who it was. :)
By FJL (Langoman) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 05:18 pm:
Did someone mention big Al's favorite fairy tale
By mickill mouse (Ram4) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 06:44 pm:
By jbuck (Jbuck) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 08:19 pm:
Yes, Langoman, i think you are right... and this wasn't supposed to be the forum for said fairy tale.
By FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 08:29 pm:
FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash):
"If you mean "Anthropomorphic Global Warming?"
Oops, a mind hiccup! That should be Anthropogenic! (Human caused)
I think my mind is focused on my full hip replacement scheduled for next week!
How many layers of muscle do they have to slice through before they can remove bone and cartilage from the acetabulum (hip socket), insert a prosthetic cup, saw offthe head of the femur and tamp in a prosthetic femoral stem with attached prosthetic femoral head (ball) and fasten it all together something like Legos®? Eeek!
I can't help but think of the ol' wild west term for a physician: "sawbones". (How appropriate that seems right now!)
By Michael Du Long (Mikie) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 11:54 pm:
Good luck Mr. Nash. I will be thinking of you. Let us know how you are doing. I hope I never have to go through an operation like that.
By kosk in Toronto (Koskintoronto) on Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 06:01 am:
Yes, good luck to you Mr. Nash. I just had that same surgery at the end of last March, and am glad that I did. My walking is improving all of the time, and I am back in my classroom and back to taking Pilates classes with my friends.
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 07:58 am:
Yes, FRNash!! I hope your surgery is very successful. I saw Kosk this summer after she had the hip replacement, and she was doing pretty good. Good luck to you.
By Frederic W. Koski (Fred) on Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 10:37 am:
FRNash, that video of awesome! Thanks for posting that link.
I hope you have a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I have a friend who has had both the knee and the hip surgeries, not at the same time of course :-). She said the hip replacement was much easier for her.
You know you can find videos of the surgery on the internet, but then again, you might want to watch it after the surgery.
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