In previous years on this day, which photo was taken by the contributor of today's (2011) featured picture?
By Bruce (Bessemerbj) on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 05:49 am:
2009 and today's 2011 Both by Joe Kirkish
By mickill mouse (Ram4) on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 05:52 am:
Nice pictures today. Loved Cosmos shaking the water off.
Have a great day. It's not a very warm start to the day, but it's supposed to warm up nicely.
By Alex "UP-Goldwinger" (Alex) on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 07:51 am:
Nice photos! 2005 has always been a favorite of mine, so surreal.
By Pat & Glenda (Gormfrog) on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 07:58 am:
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