By Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Thursday, April 29, 2010 - 04:39 am:
Here at Pasty Central, we were pretty excited when these photos crossed our desk... quite a dramatic display captured by Steve Erbisch. Here's a play-by-play description from Steve, as the skirmish unfolds:
I happened to look out my front window and saw these 2 eagles sitting on the shore. I grabbed my camera and took these pictures. The golden was eating something, probably a fish that had washed up on the shore, and the bald was watching, hoping for leftovers. Then the bald eagle attacked the golden with both ending up in the lake. The golden, knowing it had been bested, flew away with it's proverbial tail between it's legs. The bald then picked up the scrap of food and flew away. This was something you hear other people talk about seeing but the chances of seeing it played out in front of your own eyes is slim to none. I feel honored to have witnessed such a thing.
In a follow up note, Steve added that he believes both the birds are bald eagles, with the brown one actually an immature bald, not a golden eagle. No matter what species of eagle it is, these photos are definitely something to see. Thanks for sharing them with us, Steve.