When I did yesterday's Day in History I failed to notice that Donald Dickinson's swearing-in as Postmaster General was a day before his birthday (today). And I noticed in the official record, he was actually named to the position 10 days before he actually took the office. Maybe it took him that long to get to Washington from Detroit, where he had his law practice at the time. Edie and I can identify with that journey, because we are headed east this morning along the Ohio turnpike, possibly along the route Mr. Dickison took.
Of course, Dickinson County in the U.P. is named after Donald. It is interesting to note that he was born right at the beginning of the Copper Boom, and it took half a century before the legislature needed to borrow some public figure's name to ascribe to the final U.P. county. Some interesting reading about Donald M. Dickinson at American President.
I suppose those sideburns make up for the lack of hair on the head....
By mickill mouse (Ram4) on Sunday, January 17, 2010 - 08:04 pm:
His sideburns would make for an awsome comb-over.
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