By Russell E. Emmons (Russemmons) on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 10:09 pm:
Kathyl, you are right on!
Notroll, can't see the beaks good on an otherwise nice photo. I think though those are White-winged Crossbills! The crossed bill would be the defining factor. Pine Grosbeaks are much larger, chunkier, about Robin sized with a conventional type beak. Crossbills are just a bit larger then a sparrow. The markings on the wings of this photo shown look more like Crossbills. There has been an unprecedented invasion south of WW Crossbills this winter being found all over the state even in big citys and as far south as Kentucky!
The Swans shown are either Tundra or Trumpeters, not the more common Mute Swan! Hard to tell which though from that height but I'm thinking Trumpeters. We had hundreds upon hundreds of the "Tundra" Swans fly right over our house last Friday migrating north!
By kay Moore (Mskatie) on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 10:40 pm:
Wow what a sight that must have been, Russell! Did you hear them also? Just where do you live ? In the UP? I love hearing the flocks of geese as they fly in migration over the Mississippi.