By Peter Osmar (Pcosmar) on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 - 12:48 am:
First, The comment about theft was to promote thought and not as an insult or attack.
I love the Country I was taught about as a child long ago.
I volunteered to serve as a young man, though I was unsure of why we were in the conflict. I have learned since that it was based on lies. Much as the present one.
I am not opposed to all tax. I am opposed to the income tax. This country did well without it for over a hundred years. The Income Tax was created at the same time(and by the same people) as the Federal Reserve and Fiat Money System that we have today.
I am in favor of sound money and a free market.
I am opposed to the Welfare System that has caused more harm that any benefit.
It is not Charity, it is theft by coercion, and I believe that Government interference has harmed the charities by taking their place in the minds of many.
Government handouts have created an Entitlement Mentality. people think they are owed something for nothing.
I am disgusted by a government that ignores the stated will of the people. One that has continued in actions that they were elected to stop.
I am opposed to the direction we are going.
I am opposed to the New World Order.
As to the politics of Jesus, He was and is a Theist. He will rule this planet.
But until he returns and rules, I would like to see this Constitutional Republic restored.
I will continue to work towards that end.
By Matt Karhu (Matt_k) on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 - 02:47 pm:
Jesus was a theist for sure, but he also was politically a socialist (at least) just as today's theists can be identified politically as liberals, conservatives, libertarians, independents, socialists, communists, etc.
This has been an enjoyable exchange of comments. I hope viewers have enjoyed it as much as I have.
By Sandy G (Artessss) on Saturday, February 28, 2009 - 11:59 pm:
Perhaps for varied reasons charity and people with wealth turned their backs on those in need and the government saw this. Maybe they and those who voted them into office thought someone needs to help the poor since the rest of our country doesn't.
There will always be people who misuse government programs to their own needs/wants- the wealthy do too. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.