Bicycling season is just about done for this year, but this group of "Trekkers" got in one last ride recently, to check out the colors. Janet Dalquist sent me these photos of the adventure, but the photos were taken by Dave Dalquist. This wasn't just any old ride though, as they started their journey in Twin Lakes and biked all the way to the Firesteel River in Ontonagon County. I don't know many details of the trek, but I do know that's quite a haul on two wheels. They of course were rewarded with beautiful colors along the way.
If you're looking to enjoy the colors here in the Keweenaw, you've pretty much missed the boat, so to speak. But don't fret, you can still sit back in your easy chair and take a color tour from the air with E. Neil Harri, by purchasing one of his new DVD's, Autumn Aerial Tour of the Keweenaw Peninsula. It's made up of current Keweenaw fall color photos, similar to today's fourth "bonus" shot from Neil. I took the DVD tour myself and it felt like I was sitting in the co-pilot seat, right along with Neil, viewing the spectacular colors of the Keweenaw. You can get more information about ordering your own copy at Neil's new website: You'll be glad you did!
By Dennis Kemper (Denkem) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 05:14 am:
Good Morning Everyone, and have a great Fall Day!!
By mickill mouse (Ram4) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 05:17 am:
I can not wait til I get my DVD from Neil. Our power went out last night so I woke up early to check the computer and re-set some clocks. Our power goes out here quite often and we tend to just sleep right through it anymore.
By mickill mouse (Ram4) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 07:36 am:
Beautiful shots! I, too, am anxiously awaiting my DVD from Neil. Can't wait to see it.
By Thomas Baird (Thomas) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 08:20 am:
Just love those Autumn colour pics. (2-day is Sweetest Day, so don't 4-get 2 wish your loved 1 that.)
By David Soumis (Davesou) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 09:23 am:
Very nice.
Does Neil's DVD explain where the pictures are taken? such as, this is Lake Bailey from the east, etc
Yes, the DVD starts at South Portage Entry and then goes to Hancock, Quincy Mine, on up US 41, Calumet, Laurium, Kearsarge, Delaware, Cliff Drive, Copper Harbor, Eagle Harbor, Eagle River, Mt. Bohemia, Brockway Mountain, Estivant Pines, Gay, Lake Linden, Dollar Bay and many more locations... The slides have info every few slides to tell you where you are. It is very relaxing to watch it. You really do feel like you have just taken autumn color tour when it is over. But you save gas. It covers north of the Portage Canal all the way throughout the Keweenaw Peninsula... Daryl
By David Soumis (Davesou) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 09:24 am:
why is there a railing on only one side of that bridge?. My height phobia would have me going over the side. It looks pretty high too.
By John W Anderson (Wd8rth) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 09:30 am:
Morning there are railings on both sides, its just that the picture taker was leaning on or over it.
By Brooke (Lovethekeweenaw) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 03:03 pm:
What a ride, they had a nice view while out.
By Marianne Y (Marianne) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 03:57 pm:
I love the fall pictures! Thank you!
Does Neil's DVD have the photos available in jpg format, or something, so we can use them for desktop photos, or something? TIA :-)
By Steve Haagen (Radsrh) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 05:00 pm:
Marianne yes they are, I don't have my copy yet! I tried on the 11th at copper world and they did not have it in. But you can download full sized pics from the disk for personal use only, they will have his watermark on them but they will look wonderful on a desk top.
By Dave D. (Ddalquist) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 05:31 pm:
Bill Marlor showed up for the ride with this bike; several folks took turns on it. Here's a shot of Kathy on it. Here's another one from earlier in the day at the beginning of the Covered Road near Redridge:
By E. Neil Harri (Ilmayksi) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 07:57 pm:
Once again, Thanks for your support on our new venture.I will answer a few of the above questions. I tried not to be too intrusive with the text so I identified some slides as you go along on the air tour. I imagined a passenger asking me questions on different portions of ride. I think part of the interest would be trying to determine where you are now. Maybe I can have a voice over narrating the tour. Tell me what you all think about that idea. I am putting together the South Houghton and Baraga counties next. I have completed shooting of the Marquette county show and the Ontonogan, Gogebic County one. This morning I finished my photo shoot of Isle Royale. That will come out in near future as a series of 2 or 3 slide shows. There are so many points of interest. I am also working on special projects such as a Chippewa Harbor photo tribute to the Holger Johnson family. He was my wife Susan's grandfather. Her father was also named Holger and he lived there until he was 16. The Park has rebuilt a cabin on the old homesite and made it a cultural heritage site.
By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 08:05 pm:
Got my dvd today, Neil. Thanks again. Haven't watched it yet. Soon though. Can't wait. I just have things I need to finish so I can concentrate on the DVD!!!!
By Connie Julien (Cjulien) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 11:07 pm:
The bicycle ride from Twin Lakes to the Firesteel bridges and beyond that day was beautiful! We counted 27 bicycle riders ranging in age from about 12 yrs old to early 60s year old; we rode about 29 miles that day. Several of us rode from Copper Harbor to the point of the Keweenaw today, another awesome day on our bicycles! Connie Julien, Chassell
By David Soumis (Davesou) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 11:14 pm: far and how long did it take to go to the point... oh yea..and back :) That sounds like something I would like to try next fall myself.
By FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash) on Sunday, October 19, 2008 - 04:18 am:
E. Neil Harri (Ilmayksi) "… the Ontonogan, Gogebic County one."
Ontonagan? Eeeek! That's worth a thump "on da noggin"!
Remember, it's one o' those many-sided geometric figgers: pent-agon, hex-agon, oct-agon, "Onton-agon"!
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