By Dale Beitz (Dbeitz) on Saturday, September 20, 2008 - 09:48 am:
One of the few times I "got wet" in Superior was in the spring of 1987 during my college days at MTU. April 19th, Easter Sunday, as a matter of fact. Several of my friends were Catholic and "fasted" during Holy Week, forgoing caffeine, meat, etc., and I usually joined them. On Sunday to break the fast we'd always have a BBQ at McClains if the weather permitted. That weekend it was at least 85 degrees! In April! In the Keweenaw! We put the "beverages" in a duffel bag, tied a rope to them, and walked them along a large log sticking out into the water and dropped the duffel in the lake to keep the drinks cold. Problem was, when it came time to retrieve them the rope came untied. I got elected to wade out and get them. The air may have been 85, but the water was more like 40!
By FRNash/PHX, AZ (Frnash) on Saturday, September 20, 2008 - 05:03 pm:
During my days at MTU, on at least one occasion I took a running jump into ol' Lake Superior right from da sauna at Mike Fasana's (former proprietor of the ol' Mike's Bar, now the Pilgrim River Steak House) place at "Pikku Amerika" (a.k.a. "Little America,") on the Stanton Twp. shore (from Schmidt's Corner via Liminga Rd./N. Superior Rd./CR 61B/Little America Rd. to da Lake).
Ahhh, refreshing! But no, not cold! At least not while wearing what felt like a 1/2" insulating layer of superheated sauna glow!
Superior, the lake refreshing!
(Sounds like a Hamms Beer commercial, eh?)