July 11-07

Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2007: July: July 11-07
Esrey view    ...scroll down to share comments
Photo by Brad Dulong

Mary Drew at Pasty Central (Mdrew) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 06:22 am:

You can almost hear an audible sigh of relaxation when you view this photo, taken by Brad Dulong. I can't think of a better way to "get away from it all", than to pack a picnic lunch, head north on M-26 and occupy myself with studying the Big Lake from the vantage point of Esrey Park. Right about where the gentleman in the lower right of the picture is, would do just fine! In case you're wondering, the little bay we're gazing into, is known as Agate Harbor.

By Smfwixom (Trollperson) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 06:27 am:

Wish I were in this spot right now!

By Paul Oesterle (Paulwebbtroll) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 06:35 am:

Good morning! Send moisture, please!

By Matt Karhu (Matt_k) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 06:51 am:

I would appreciate very much someone telling me exactly where Esrey Park is located. Thanks.

By southern Michigan (Maddy) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 06:59 am:

I'm with you, Paul. We need rain desperately here in Ann Arbor, too.

By Deb S. (Usedtobeayooper) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 07:06 am:

Matt, Esrey is located between Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor. It's just a beautiful little park that we can't get enough of when we're there.

Thanks for the great shot, Brad.

By Carole (Carole) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 07:07 am:

Esrey Park is on M26 between Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor.

By Erik Nordberg, MTU Archives (Techarchives) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 07:23 am:

I was just up through Esrey on the requisite "Copper Country Cruise" with my sister and nephews, age 6 and 8, who were visiting from down below. The boys liked the beach and chutes & ladders the most -- still a little too young to appreciate their uncle's love of copper mining history (I'm patient, though, and know they'll come around).

By the by, it's time all lovers of Copper Country food get hepped about the big traveling Smithsonian exhibit visiting Calumet July 13-August 26.

I posted some information over in the What'sUp section, including a detailed schedule of events.

Should be a lot of fun.

By Marsy Rintala Burns (Marsy) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 07:41 am:

This is a great picture. This area has some of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. We just got back from a few days in Eagle Harbor, Copper Harbor and even Jacobsville !! It was a wonderful trip!

Marsy Burns

By Uncle Chuck @ Little Betsy (Unclechuck) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 08:51 am:

We were at the park last week, grilled some hot dogs, pulled out the lawn chairs and just kicked back and relaxed by the water. Now Im back in Detroit, there's something wrong with that.

By maija in Commerce Township (Maija) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 09:18 am:

unclechuck: we were there also. How gorgeous it was, and phenominal weather! Now, like you, we're back to this obnoxious heat and humidity, but I guess the weather's breaking for the end of the week. Quite a shock, coming back here, hey?

By Marcia H. (Livinindenver) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 10:04 am:

3 more weeks and i'll be on the shores of the "big" lake:)!

By Ron Heth (Copperharbor) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 10:45 am:

I have enjoyed the posts. My wife and I are returning to the UP in September for our second annual visit. Like most tourists we would like to know of places to see in the area and things to do. Thanks in advance.

By Robert H. Baker (Rhb) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 11:26 am:

Man would I love to be in the U.P. right now.Great pic Brad

By Margaret, Amarillo TX (Margaret) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 02:12 pm:

My goodness this is a gret picture of a great place.. can almost feel the chill in the water.

By 69 TOOT (Flyindamooney) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 08:15 pm:

Cat Harbor......now there is the place

By Capt. Paul (Eclogite) on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - 09:32 pm:

There are some awesome agates and thomsonites in and around Esrey. A couple of my larger agates are from just about where that guy is standing. The Museum has quite a few fine examples of agates from Esrey Park.......

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