By Russell E. Emmons (Russemmons) on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 - 02:56 am:
With all due respect and appreciation for not divulging this important nestings exact location.
--However, the Michigan Breeding Bird Atlas #2 could use the particulars and info on this for its data base. This is the last year for the MBBA2 project and they really need any and all data for any nesting MI birds. Particularly, Loons, Eagles, Osprey, Hawks, Purple Martins, Pileated Woodpeckers and such. Info on this program can be seen at MI DNR
If you could just submit the GPS coordinates or at least the Township section # of this nesting to OR if this is Alger county contact Ron Annelin, Regional coordinator for region 4 --Alger,Delta,Schoolcraft countys. It would be much appreciated and all submissions will be held in strictist confidence! Thanks!
Mary says: Check your email Russell, I sent you a note about this.