By Stacy Lancour (Yoopergal) on Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 10:45 am:
There seems to be a lot of questions as to how the statues are made. Growing up I lived right next door to one of the fraternities so I got to see them as they were building. For the larger pieces like walls they use boards with 2X4's running through them as forms. They fill the forms up much like you would a bucket for a sand castle -- they use big buckets or garbage cans to get the snow in the forms. As they put in buckets of snow they are also adding water to it to make sure that the structure stays intact. When the form is full and the snow is solid they pull out the 2X4's and remove the forms. They keep repeating the process until their wall is as high as they need it. Many times they need scaffolding to get high enough to fill the forms. When it comes time to shape it they use axes and machetes (sp?) for the general forms. They also add slush on to add shape and detail. They get the smoothness by using irons -- yes -- like the ones you use to iron your clothing! The clear ice is often times made by cutting holes in the ice on the canal, letting it freeze, and then cutting the clear ice back out of the now frozen over hole (my dad let me in on that trick -- he built for Sigma Rau (sp?) when he was a Tech student). A lot of the fine detail work everyone admires so much in the snow statue is done the day/night before the judging takes place. I have been told that the lettering used on most statues contains some amount of Jello -- I'm not sure if that one is true or not. As far as I know chainsaws are not allowed and snow blowers are not allowed either. All of the snow is carted around by hand and everything is hand carved and hand formed. Actually this year, the fraternity next door to my parents house had to bring in snow truck load by truck load due to the lack of snow at the beginning of the season! Crazy UP weather! As to the chains -- I haven't a CLUE how they do that! I hope that answers a few questions!
By kosk in Toronto (Koskintoronto) on Sunday, February 18, 2007 - 04:33 pm:
I have never seen the ice scuptures at the Tech in person. Maybe
some year. However, this weekend, while visiting relatives in the
Lower Peninsula, we were fortunate to view some pretty snazzy ice
scuptures in the "town square" of Plymouth. Maybe created by
Tech alumni?