Nov 26-04

Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2004: November: Nov 26-04
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Photos by Z-Man

Mary Drew at Pasty Central on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 06:02 am:

It almost looks like Z-Man is hiding in the spot where this big eyed creature hides his winter stash. I'm not sure who's bravest - Z-Man for getting up close and personal or the squirrel for standing his ground in the encounter. With the fresh covering of snow on the ground here in the Keweenaw, there will be many Sciurus, scooting about to make sure there's enough acorns stored away. A bit of trivia surrounding the squirrel's common name, Sciurus - it's traced back to the Greeks, Aristotle to be exact, who used the word "skiouros," skia meaning shade, while "oura" means tail. Deriving the meaning "he who sits in the shadow of his tail". A tail so long and bushy makes a perfect accessory for living here in the wintery U.P... a built in snow brush! :->

By Rose on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 06:13 am:

Such a cute squirrel..Good Morning Alex.....thinking of you and how you wanted first post.

By julie b., MI on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 06:13 am:

What a cutie! He'll be safer gathering in his winter provisions that those at the stores this morning! It was already crazy at the shopping center on my way into work this morning! No thank you!!!

By Margaret, Amarillo TX on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 06:32 am:

Almost looks like one of Sharon's guests on the deck. Love it!

By John, Livonia, MI. on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 07:14 am:

"Any leftovers" Mr. squirrel asks

By Therese from just below the bridge on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 07:37 am:

A few decades back I was on my knees in the garden, and a huge squirrel ran up my back, perched on my shoulder, peered into my face and chirred. I went inside and got some peanuts and he was my best friend for a week before he disappeared. I always thought he was a runaway pet, he was so tame and so well-fed. At least twice the size of the usual scurrying sciuruses.

I have a feeder on a metal pole outside my dining room window, and wondered how the squirrels got up into it. One day I caught one doing a high dive off the roof right into the sunflower seed.

Now how the heck did he get onto the roof?....

By Patt - Mid - Michigan on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 07:50 am:

Cute picture. However I'd rather be looking at the critter in this photo than in my yard as they are such stinkers around the bird feeders & LOVE to tease my dog.

By Mr.Bill on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 07:59 am:

Great close up.

How can a critter so cute, be so destructive?

By DB-MI. on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 08:56 am:


By maijaMI on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 09:32 am:

sciurus: great info Mary! we might read that as a derivation of scurrying, which is what they do.

By Mike D., Wayne, MI on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 09:32 am:

This little guy looks very tiny compared to the giant squirrel's in our yard! :)

By Former Texan now in Wisconsin on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 10:35 am:

This reminded me that I need expert help from people that have already gone though what I am going though I am looking to feed the birds but do not want to feed the squirrels. I have already went though a bird feeder that claimed it was squirrel proof. I had a red squirrel go right through the wholes and destroy the bird feeder. There is one on the internet that claims they can keep the squirrels off the feeder - it spins.

By Pete Wi on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 11:56 am:

Hey Former Tex I have my feeder on top on a 4X4 post on which I've tacked that aluminum sheeting they use in the Copper Country to shed snow from the eaves. It works quite well and the few squirrels that managed to get up it were discouraged when I sprayed the post with silicon spray.

By Alex Tiensivu, Georgia on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 12:32 pm:

Alex wonders if Rose set her alarm clock!

Z-Man gets the most incredible shots! Of course I'd like to see him try this in Georgia! He'd get hissed at or something! Even the animals are nicer in the U.P. (And everyone KNOW I'm right!)

By Therese from just below the bridge on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 01:39 pm:

Former Texan: I have heard adding red pepper to the seed mix works as the furry critters dont like the taste but the birds cant taste it. Of course you can take the path of least resistance, which is to call it a squirrel feeder and be glad when some birds come.

By pungvait mi on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 03:48 pm:

there are no good red squirrels!!they chew on everything, including electrical wiring.

By Worn out shopper on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 04:06 pm:

Glorified rat, not cute.

By RD, Iowa on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 06:43 pm:

Z-Man, definitely a quality photo. That oak bark looks good enough to eat, and you can almost hear it crunched by your little buddy's claws. So close you could have trimmed his whiskers.

Perfect depth of focus, a picture worthy of National Geographic. Thanks for your outstanding contributions to this website.

By Hank AL on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 07:52 pm:

...a rat with a bushy tail.

By nina&cheyanne in Fl. on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 08:40 pm:

Hello from Nina and Cheyanne in Florida, wishing we were in the U.P. and had some snow on the ground.

By walter p tampa on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 09:24 pm:

they are not in the rat family also are qute and feed them some cob corn it will certainly keep them busy and possibly out of the bird feeder

By Fred, Three Lakes on Friday, November 26, 2004 - 11:23 pm:

Could this be the famous "Superman Squirrel?"
Cool close-up

By H. Donn de Yampert, PT, DPT. on Saturday, November 27, 2004 - 12:03 am:

Congratulations brother Z.

By John-Canton Mi on Saturday, November 27, 2004 - 12:13 am:

Another gem from the Z-Man. Thanks bro!

By Bob Jewell, Farmington Hills on Saturday, November 27, 2004 - 12:53 am:

Former Texan
I use safflower seed.
Often referred to as "the problem solver seed," safflower helps discourage unwanted visitors, such as grackles and squirrels, while maintaining an active feeding station for your favorite songbirds.
Safflower is much less attractive to squirrels than other seeds and great for discouraging grackles in the summer months. Safflower's thin, small shells require minimal clean-up making it ideal for use in window feeders, on decks, and in other spots where baffles can't reliably control squirrels.

By Patt - Mid - Michigan on Saturday, November 27, 2004 - 09:29 am:

Former Texan I too have discovered safflower seeds and indeed the squirels have left my feeder alone. Also purchased a feeder that is squirel resistant that closes the holes when they get on it due to their weight. That one has thistle in it for the smaller birds. It works well also. Now instead of having 10 (no joke 10!) squirels hanging around the yard I occasionaly see one.

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