By Jenness Jacobson Joque on Monday, November 8, 2004 - 12:34 pm:
I loved this idea from the last Finn Fest in Marquette and have a bench painted in the Finnish Flag motif outside my front door here on Taproot Farm in Washington State. It's a great place to set bags and things and to change from boots into shoes for the house. I have an old kitchen chair outside the kitchen door and will be painting it this winter to also be blue and white. Having a farm with orchards and lots of evergreens and woods gives me a real feeling of being in the UP again on the farm I never grew up on but wished I had. With my Mt. Rainier view and the weather corner to keep an eye on, this animal sanctuary has become a personal sanctuary for our family and friends. It's the Finn in me coming out. Hope to be in Marquette in August. Jen Joque