Week Ending Dec 23

Keweenaw Issues: Anonymous Ranting: 2000: December: Week Ending Dec 23
An archive of previous comments

By Six geese a laying on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 07:20 pm:

Has anyone seen, my old friend, Forestworker?
Do you know where they've gone? Well F.W. answered a few questions, and I turn around, and they're gone.

By The Funky Chicken on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 07:18 pm:

I didn't realize SFI was around for 100 years! Isn't it amazing that this method of forestry is still working great. I think I've seen the effects of this 100-year-old program as I find, on occasion, a pine that would fit quite well within that area known as the Estivant Pines. Funny thing is, these trees are solitary giants among a jungle of whips.


By Astronaut formerly known as Dave on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 02:37 am:


"The star, which they saw in the East, went before them
till it came and stood over where the young child was."

Matthew 2:9

Sky-Star or Air-Ship?

By Wolf Boy on Friday, December 22, 2000 - 04:03 pm:

Back when I logged for a living a lot of the sawyers saw themselves as your average U.P. kind of "hippy"(though what that cultural cliche may mean in your mind is difficult to fathom). Ever read Ken Kesey's Sometimes a Great Notion? Who among us is against loggers? I don't know toward whom you're addressing your little sneer against free-thought but don't get too bent out of shape over it.
Some of us are just howling at the moon...

Merry Christmas!

By Becky on Friday, December 22, 2000 - 01:19 pm:

GO, fellow loggers! The silent majority knows that we all depend on our industry, and in the 100's of years that the UP's been logged, all we still see are trees! It's renewable, as is corn, etc. It may take longer to grow, but our foresters are trained to manage it. Funny how the average hippie thinks they know how to manage everything up here.

By Hermit Thrush on Friday, December 22, 2000 - 12:09 pm:

If I remember aright, a few years back the State changed the way that CFR taxes help fund public schools. It all goes into a state pool or general fund from which all schools in Michigan can draw from. It isn't hard to see where most of that money must go(and it's not spelled U.P.).
Maybe if the CFR tax raised for schools went to the county that the CFR land was actually in, you might get more local CFR owners who wouldn't mind getting their rate tweaked up a bit.
Just a thrush thought...

By Tweet tweet tweet on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 02:50 pm:

You mentioned earlier that, "In 1993, there were 18.6 million acres of timberland in Michigan, 1.1 million more acres than in 1980.

Of this increased timberland, how much is ready, now, for harvest? How much of this increase is from farmland reverting to forest? and by forest, I don't mean full-grown trees.

I'm trying to get a feel for how long the logging jobs will be in Keweenaw County. If K county has "X" amount of acreage, and "Y" amount of cords are cut per year, per acre, per whatever, and if rotations happen "Z" amount of years, then it stands to reason that logging would need to come to a halt in K County at some point in time.

You also mentioned: Michigan’s forests support 150,000 jobs and add $9 billion to the state’s economy.
Additionally, forest-based tourism and recreation support 50,000 jobs and add $3 billion to the economy.

Based on that alone, I would say that the forestry industry, timber-owners, CFR owners could well afford an increase in the CFR tax rate to help support the school systems around the Copper Country. Yeah, that includes CFR owners downstate--let them support our school systems, too.

Everyone else in the area in paying increased taxes due to the need for remodelling, renovating, or building new. CFR can obviously be taxed at a higher rate, so that they too, can share in our children's future.

By Nuthatch on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 05:26 am:

Here's a question: Are forestworkers/loggers required to maintain a buffer zone around streams?
Or can they log right up to the bank of a stream?

(I like bridges over streams. Some of the biggest speckled trout I've caught have been under wooden bridges--cooler there, I suppose, and less likely that my larger cousin will find them there.)

Here's another: Why does a solitary nuthatch seem to hang-out with a bunch of chickadees?

By TAX PAYER on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 05:46 pm:

UUUWWH THAT SMELLS. You are right I'm not a good old boy.I don't steal fire wood from my neighbors when they are gone.I pay for my own wood. I don't take advantage of tax payers money(gas,equiment,time)then cry the county is going broke.I plow my own road with my own truck. I work for a living. Thats why I'am a TAX PAYER.

By Forestworker on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 05:34 pm:

Chickadee at baitpile:
Spend a little more time on the Michigan SFI page http://www.michiganforestry.com/bestmgmt.htm and you will have to use your judgement as to whether loggers are following Best Management Practices next time you stroll thru the woods.
Also, http://www.timbermen.org/mplc.htm

How fast as in cords-per-acre do our forests grow? It depends on the species, soil type, location, etc.

How many cords-per-acre are cut? It depends again on species and management objectives of the landowner. Rotations typically occur every 15-20 yrs. in some hardwood stands.

What questions aren't being asked? You tell me...I see the remains of the mining days and scars in the land. Forestry is the only sustainable natural resource industry (along with agriculture) pumping life into the U.P. economy today. (Read forests are forever....)

Michigan Forest Facts

Michigan’s timber surplus is #1 in the nation.

In 1993, there were 18.6 million acres of timberland in Michigan, 1.1 million more acres than in 1980.

Michigan’s timberland is 5th largest in the United States-exceeded only by Georgia, Oregon, Alabama, and North Carolina.

Michigan’s forests are growing 2 ½ times more wood than is being harvested each year.

Michigan’s forests support 150,000 jobs and add $9 billion to the state’s economy.

Additionally, forest-based tourism and recreation support 50,000 jobs and add $3 billion to the economy.

An estimated 10,000 products are derived from wood.

Each person uses the equivalent of one tree, 100’ tall and 16" in diameter each year to meet his or her wood product needs.

By Pinus strobus on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 01:39 pm:

European import Gooseberry hosts blister-rust fungus which can be deadly to White Pine.
Jack Pine cones love fire. High heat breaks them open. They propagate like crazy after forest fires.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 08:26 am:

Do pine cones have to have heat of some volume to break open and seed the surrounding area? I thought I may have read that somewhere. That sounds dumb to me!!!!! How do pine cones break open??????

By The Gooseberry Bush on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 06:21 am:

And I've thought, since my 9th (or 10th?) grade biology class, that the gooseberry bush was responsible for strangling the life out of pinus strobus (white pine), or is that our state tree?

As for the tops of those birds-eye maples, maybe all you chickadees can get together and start making rustic (and elaborate) birdhouses. Revive the American Dream with a twist, a shared dream, to overcome the obstacles to the old dream.

(Chickadees show up, en masse, at the bait pile.)

By Jimmy Joy's ELIJAH on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 03:01 am:

"Are you a god or a doggone clod?...it's up to you to sense that cosmic force. Have we cold feet about the cosmos? No. Be on the side of the angels. Be a prism. You have something within, the higher self. You can rub shoulders with Jesus, a Gautama, an Ingersoll. Are you all in this vibration? I say you are. You once nobble that, congregation, and a buck joyride to heaven becomes a back number. You got me?"

By Astronaut formerly known as Dave on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 02:57 am:

One of Jupiter's tiny offspring, Ganymede(aka Aquarius), largest moon in the solar system, may have a salty ocean beneath the ice like his lunar sisters Callisto and Europa?
A partial lunar/solar Two-Some on Christmas Morn eclipsing all across North America?
100"+ of record-pace vanilla thunder and counting for the Copper Country so far?
El Consul's 18,000 ft Popocatepetl, "Beating Heart of the Land", one of Mexico's twin-mountains(ala Bohemia and Houghton)finally erupting in volcanic red-nosed reindeer lava light after all those puff-daddy smokin'-behind-the-barn adolescent hints since '94?
Alcoa aluminum chairman, Paul O'Neil, former IP(International Paper) president, to be nominated as the next Treasury Secretary?
Former Detroit pop-star and now Diana-royalty appropriator Madonna to wed young kilt-wearing film-director in Scottish Castle wearing Princess of Monaco tiara?
Gospel R&B patriarch Roebuck "Pops" Staples dies at 85 near Chicago?
Dead-Heat Presidential Victor George W. Bush's secret-service code-name is "Tumbler"(so is that an agate-polisher or a whiskey glass?) + he's got a four heart-attack VP?

Sneaking in under the major media spotlight(Thank God), yep, the scientific numerates among us were really right, 2001 is now indisputably the official "Starchild" beginning of our New Global Millennium.
Be strong and of good cheer!
So what IF the long-prophesized Piscean End Time is finally now upon us!

By Pinus strobus on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 02:46 am:

Bait-Pile Chickadee:
I saw a white pine xmas tree the other day. A perfect 7' foot cone from apical meristem to base. I never saw one regenerate like that in the wild of the U.P. I'd like to though. Maybe even preach a Johnny Appleseed Hi-5 Crusade to revive this noble species among us. It takes sooo long for them to grow back all by themselves. I can't think of any better day to start re-planting 'em than tomorrow!

By Chickadees take turns at the bait pile on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 10:44 pm:

While sauntering down to a certain tree in a cedar swamp today, I took note of the pine trees growing therein. I'd walked past them before, on this opened-trail, opened to the sun, but I hadn't thought much of them.

Anyway, I visited that site that you directed translate this page toward and, with the note posted by blackbear that there seems to be a lack of pine trees in our neck of the woods, I noticed quite a few young pine trees growing here on this open trail about 12' wide. Curiously, the trail doesn't have any of the whips I've seen on other trails where the canopy has been removed.

That page you directed the other poster to had some info on cutting and harvesting and some species like open areas, others are shade-tolerant. I wonder how much seeding of pine takes place in cut areas, or does the logging industry assume pine will grown naturally? Is pine a tree that we'd like to see grow here?

Or how about those other questions? How fast as in cords-per-acre do our forests grow? How many cords-per-acre are cut? Is there an average c-p-a for either question? SFI is a phrase. A sales pitch. Are our logging practises the best they can be? Surely, we aren't left with a Superfund clean-up site, but can we do better? What questions aren't being asked?

By UUUWWWH THAT SMELL on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 09:07 pm:

Taxpayer you might as well get used to it. The boys do as they want. You must not be one of them. Your road plowed? How many other camp roads are plowed by the county equipment with county funds? Not many, why isn't the road around by the marina in Eagle Harbor, to camps plowed in the winter? There are camps there? Many other areas with camps to be plowed. Talk to the commissioners maybe you too can have a DNR access site plowed when it is not necessary, just so you can back your truck up to the lake to ice fish.

By TAX PAYER on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 05:49 pm:

Who gives the Keweenaw Road crews the right to cut down trees for there fire wood off of Private Property?? I understand that they can come in 35 feet off the center line if a tree looks like it is ready to fall or if it is hanging in trafic. The two trees that they cut down on my land were Oak trees(8 inch in diamitor) that they had to pass by two birch trees to get to those oak trees. That is wrong.I pay Taxes. Most countys ask the Land Owner if they want the fire wood. IF not then they take it.I can't beleve that the county can come on your land and pick and choose what they want to do with your trees just becuse they can go 35 feet from center of the road.Shame on you Keweenaw road crew for showing those young prisoners how to steal trees from tax payers for county wood burners.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 03:05 pm:

Who needs a new septic is the real question.
I would think the people who have been there twenty plus years. In other words the real locals. I think what you just said indicates that the money people of Lac La Belle are the ones upset with any grant . If Crosswinds had put in the lagoons which I am sure will happen the hookup over a period of time to that system would be mandated by the state, now there may be two systems down there, that is truly dumb!!! I am sure there will be camps that will be shut down in the future. A new septic system must cost about 5 grand if done right so in the long run everyone who has a old system or is not as rich as some would benifit with a free cool million plus a paid operator by crosswinds. I still say it was a foolish gamble that will cost the property owners a lot of money in the future.

By LLB Resident on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 02:48 pm:

Paul - who where the property owners screwed out of a sewer system. Everyone in Lac La Belle has a septic system. Anyone that recently remodeled in the past 4 yrs has a new septic system. Why would we want a grant for a under designed system that wouldn't have handled the ski hill let alone any other hookups.

By EaglePaul on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 12:49 pm:

Two things, what happens to the tops of birds eye maple trees? Who do I start talking with on wrong doings by our county atty.? Does anyone think I am nuts, Let me refraze that does anyone agree with me on this matter of screwing some of the property owners out of a new sewer system for her own selfish wants? Also am I going to end up with my wing wang in a wok if I pursue this to the atty. GENERAL???????

By Henricus, Bishop of Greenland on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 12:42 pm:

Leif Ericson as a Catholic Missionary? Vikings sail by the Keweenaw? Some orthodox academics will no doubt howl in protest, but here's a look at Thor Heyerdahl's latest theory:

Norse Route to Mt. Bohemia


By Forestworker on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 08:17 am:

Translate This Page:

A simple search on the web will point you toward all the information you want to know about the SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative). Also, the MDNR web site will lay out statistics on harvest levels and sustainable management of our wonderful resource in Michigan.

Click here:

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 07:59 am:


Lighten up on our new President and give him a chance. He hasn't even taken office yet, for crying out loud. In case you hadn't noticed, the House of Representatives is still Republican, so your impeachment drive isn't going to go anywhere.

By Nuthatch on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 04:49 am:

I must have missed it in the news, or the news didn't cover it--but who was elected to the position of special prosecutor? I understand law schools across the U.S.of A. are working on a curriculum that will help aspiring lawyers in their endeavor to reach this coveted seat of power. Word has it that the idea may catch on locally, not only at the state level, but at the county level, as well.

And a new line has been added to the "Twelve Days of Christmas"--thirteen special prosecutors a-prosecuting...

By Henry E. Panky on Monday, December 18, 2000 - 10:51 pm:

Shrub-whackers! Go to Impeach George W. Bush to help us remove this festering boil from the face of our country.

By blackbear on Monday, December 18, 2000 - 08:46 am:

titmouse - The ones they showed at the public meeting where from Hiawatha Homes in Munising. There must be other things that could be built out of hardwoods other than flooring

By Hulio Ignacious on Monday, December 18, 2000 - 07:38 pm:

Give me a break. McDonald's does a bit more homework before building, and I seriously doubt there will be enough population base anytime soon to warrant construction.
As for the mountain, why didn't you buy it and preserve it?
Scolding from afar does nothing to help the economy in our area. Hope you enjoy the Fall color tour at the top of Bohemia!

By Titmouse on Monday, December 18, 2000 - 05:53 am:

black bear,
So obviously a rustic cabin manufacturing business would be a waste of time in the Keweenaw. Where are the cabins coming from that will be placed around Bohemia? Perhaps that Ahmeek carpenter could move there to find gainful employment.

By Black Bear on Sunday, December 17, 2000 - 10:08 pm:

Translate this page - The Cabins that are going up on Mt Bohemia are made of pine logs. Where in the Keweenaw are there pine forests to produce these cabins . Most of the logs logged in the Keweenaw are hardwoods, these logs aren't used in log cabin building

By Translate this page on Sunday, December 17, 2000 - 08:48 pm:

How many cords per acre does LSLC cut in Keweenaw? Cords per acre in a select cut? How many cords per acre grow each year in the Keweenaw? There must be a number out there somewhere for this. What exactly is SFI?
How does cutting in the year 2000 compare to cutting done 100 years ago? What does a clear cut produce in cords per acre?

Of the proposed land (in the swap) how much, if any, of that was old growth, or as near old growth as possible? Is it correct that the DNR has established 69,000 acres to be cut each year in state forests?

Where are the 50 rustic cabins going to come from that will be installed in and around Mount Bohemia? Why can't they be manufactured here, in the Copper Country, with Copper Country labor? And why couldn't a business be started here, manufacturing rustic cabins, with various degrees of comfort? That Ahmeek carpenter needs a place to work over the summer when he is laid-off from the ski hill.

If Isle Royale lands are not included in lands that provide taxes to Keweenaw County, has the Keweenaw National Historical Park lands been removed from Houghton County tax rolls? Obviously, these properties should be removed from the tax rolls as these property owners cannot remodel, build, whatnot unless it is in accord with the theme-park idea.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Sunday, December 17, 2000 - 11:56 am:

Lets see here, Last thing I was asked was if I was chasing skirts? Yes its a fun past time and I try to do my best. Another question was if PBRs were of any importance to me , not right now I am on the wagon. Someone asked if my lips were brown, kinda but I don't know what shade. The good ole boys driveway with no snow in it must be mine, cause of flat snowmen (that is why ace hardware sells those flat shovels). One person said something to the effect of sand in my ears, no those are potatoes (doing good too). The one about no extra expense to our county to fight the birds, all of the courthouse donated their last 6 months checks to the save the colored leaves fund (that cannot be a expense can it)? Who said my lack of truth will be a main proof for her lack of cooth? Their was a guy who said whats in it for me, that one is easy (refer to begining of post!!!! When are the snow bunnies going to show (I don't know but I'll tell you when it happens). Along the way there was a thing about wearing pants (I will try to prove grease was involved in those alleged pockets). Who was it that said something about dark closet departures? Must have been the same guy who said something about a flash in the pan or was that a stash in the van? Next comes the flock of birdies who leave little turdies, excuse me I have to put a feather in Lonnies hat. Speaking of turdies, what was done about the one that went wee wee wee all the way home!! That brings to mind Gary, Who left the dawgs out-who who who who!!!!!


By Fowl creature on Sunday, December 17, 2000 - 04:51 am:

Well, I suppose we could always vote for another sales tax increase. Look how much that got for us.

By Hermit Thrush on Sunday, December 17, 2000 - 01:06 am:

Thanks for your perspective, Jim Pearce! (See last weeks Rantings.)
Freshly uttered thoughts previously unconsidered can become those ideas that unfetter other feathered aviators!

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