Week Ending Dec 16

Keweenaw Issues: Anonymous Ranting: 2000: December: Week Ending Dec 16
An archive of previous comments

By Daffy Duckster on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 07:14 pm:

Hey Jim,
How much wood from here finds its way to the Sagola mill? Any idea?

It'd be nice if that multi-billion dollar outfit, IP, would open up a rustic cabin factory here in the Copper Country. How's that for a tax-based idea? I understand they've done some building before. Hoot, get Crosswinds involved. We'd have 50 cabins to build to put around the ski hill. And that ain't chicken-scrath.

By Foghorn Leghorn on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 07:07 pm:

An increase in the CFR tax rate is long overdue.
The rest of us turkeys have seen increased tax rates due to the need for improvements to the local school systems. So why should CFR be exempt? And if the down-trodden International Paper gets a fever because of it, they should take some aspirin.

Thank you for the input. The names of the folk who have owned the land in the Copper Country have changed and changed. Let's just say that whoever has owned the bulk of the land has always had a low tax rate.

And since you seem to know a bit, how much does LSLC take from the woods, as in cords-per-acre? Or anyone else, for that matter, how many cords per acre does LSLC consume? And once we know that, how does that compare historically, to what was done in the past?

And how much cords-per-acre does clear-cutting produce?

You can see for youself what a low tax rate for C&H, Copper Range, Qunicy...left us with, eh?

Free access? Yeah, right. Try to stop access. For hunting and fishing. And we all know the land is accessed for more than that. But try to stop people from enjoying the land.

By Boston Jack Barleycorn on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 04:31 pm:

(U.P. EYE) Old North Church, Boston MA. December 16, 1850
Cousin Jack feel partly to blame. When St. Nick moved down to New Zealand, Cousin Jack had a nervous breakdown. And when the Pinguid Family left the area it only made things worse(speciating his identity further into an extended family of curious though essentially good-natured offspring).
Cousin Jack sees Anonymous Rants forum as a right-brain realm of spirited merry-making--a multiple-snowbird playground of imagination, historical time travel and international adventures whose home base has been and will always be the Keweenaw.
Cousin Jack sees the Responsible Opinions forum as a rational common-sense place to discuss and deliberate Keweenaw Issues(though he would only post there under an inscrutable and untraceable pseudonym).
It is a Tale of Two Forums and on this side of things his interest is in the interactive flow of ideas and its improvisational mix, not the stable "identity" of this or that particular poster(though he certainly has his arcane theories as well).
2 tiers?
2 tones?
2 lanterns?
JacknJill inaugurate Mt. Bohemia(where DJ Lake Trout takes a tumble)?
2B or not 2B?
Is that really your question?

O the weather outside is -50 windchill frightful
But inside it's so delightful

ps to Drifter: that was a nice piece of work!

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 04:22 pm:

Calumet 4 Soo 2 GO KINGS GO, what a team!!!!!!!!!

Flatlander, PANK THE SNOW is kinda like making a flat snowman !!!!!

By drifter on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 02:59 pm:

You know we used to be Rich in posters
here on ol Keweenaw Issues,
Has everyone paid their own dues?
There was a huge uproar over that hill
not to mention the sewage sure to spill.
Well we were taught to be Realists one and all
as we pushed towards the election in the fall.
We were shown the Art of youth
We laughed at Pauls lack of couth,
but we secretly urged him go man go,
The whole time he was ranting show me the dough show me the dough!
He even questioned our own county atty,
Many of us thought he'd gone truly batty.

Now we search high and low
where did all our true friends go?
I've looked towards the Sandy shores
even behind some closed doors.
(Excuse me miss)
Why I even miss Janet, what a pill
Call the doctor I must be really ill,
There is still that crazy chick from the south
Good Lord what a mouth.
We all got a good chuckle from our buddy Nick
As he regaled us with his schtick(sp)
Then their is ol quiet Lynn, not to mention ol faithful Jim,
Who I'm sure thinks we should all be in the Looney bin.
We have fought and called many a name
But in truth we all wanted the same
The place where we once were young,
Where once all our laughter had rung,
As the sun sets out on the lake at the close of the day,
We check this site to see what all the posters aren't here to say,
Lo what do I hear over there when all is said and done?
Why it's little Timhy
Saying God Bless us everyone!

By now we are cookin! on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 02:31 pm:

It stands true to form where the Keweenaw is concerned.
Get the pot set to a rapid boil you have all kinds of wannabe cooks wanting to help stir it up don't ya know.
But when you must bring something to a slow boil for a wonderful appetizing dish, you end up with a displaced Yankee, and a maniac in Eagle River to tend the dish that everyone wants to take a bite of when all the work is finished.
Lots of prep people out there though, but they are busy working behind the scenes. But occasionally they pop up for a taste test.
Don't despair, the cook off will be judged by the same ol judges that have always run amok with all of our efforts, of course knowing Paul and myself, not to mention a few others there could well be a great big animal house type food fight before all is said and done.
You all have a great day.
By the by we are having fowl for dinner!,
who's gonna pluck all these here birds?

By Ringo on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 01:35 pm:

The Octopus's Garden has finally been found. Apparently by some Wood's Hole oceanographers in a tiny yellow submarine.
Here's the play-by-play:

Octopus's Garden

By Tom Cat on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 12:28 pm:

Where has every-one gone that was on this site?????or the old site? The daily soap opera is gone just Paul and Lisa are left.Where is the Realist,Sandy, on and on. What happened?

By Flatlander on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 12:27 pm:

What is 'Pank the Snow"?

By EaglePaul on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 09:49 am:

Hey chick, lets say we get a 50cent increase on CFR, do you think that 80 grand is our long term solution? No way!!! Maybe this year and next year but then were back to square one. If that were to happen do you think that the added strain on relations with I.P. will do the land swap any good? You flatlanders who live under bridges we need some input, what do you think?? I think the added fuel costs this year will eat up any windfall of that sort. We need a planned future and also we have to stop the trend of losing our small businesses. These are all of our friens who are afraid to speak up in fear of losing a few customers who believe different. What a shame that we have to fight tooth and nail to see any sort of development!!! It seems even green development like the ski hill is under fire, what a joke. Look we have had promises in the past from different sources that the cure all was right around the bend, not so we need a strong base to work from.
Speaking of base there is 24 inches of base here now , that would translate into a lot of sore backs at least one that I know of. The ski hill is shooting for a December 29th opening. They have two lifts almost ready and the snow is there. People are skiing the slopes as we speak. Some are doing a hour and a half to the top in reverse, turning around and screaming their heads off comming down. Lonnie get the job done and lets get her going!!! The final work is going at a snails pace with weather conditions fighting the work force all the way. Hats off to the hardy bunch that are making things happen!!! If I must I will be forced to chip in with a snow shovel to clear way for the workers, yeh right!!!! My skills would be better used in the Mouth of the Month area!!!
Speaking of big mouths wheres gary and my new computer, Charlies e-commerce must have been the e-commerece gary was talking about. I see pasty sales souring what a good IDEA Charlie had.
Speaking of good ideas I guess its time to pank the snow, seeya

PS The Calumet Copper Kings Hockey Team beat the Soo last night at the armory 6-3 todays game is at one. GO COPPER KINGS!!!!!!!

By Jim Pearce on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 09:44 am:

Good mourning,
I'd like to clear up a few questions, if I may. According to what I heard at the meeting, IP ownes 3 mills in the area. The Quinnesec mill, a mill in Wisconsin, and one downstate. The Sagola mill that produces OSB is owned by Louisana Pacific, The same company who ran the mill in mohawk.

The Keweenaw is primarily hardwood bush. Oak, Birch, Hard and Soft Maple, and Aspen. The Quinnesec mill takes, Hard and Soft Maple, and Birch pulpwood,[the lowest grade log]. The next lowest grade is [bolts]. Which go to various sawmills such as Northern Hardwoods,etc. There are also Strandwood Moulding, in Dollar Bay, and Bessmer Plywood {Aspen], and a mill in Wis. which produces toungue depressers out of White Birch. The next grade log [sawlogs], go to local mills such as Northern Hardwoods, etc. Much of the wood ending up in places such as Horner Flooring. Much of the best grade logs [veneer] are brokered to mills in Wis., Indiana,and overseas. Most of the Softwood pulp [Pine, Spruce, etc.] goes to Mead's paper mill in Escanaba, or to Wis. paper mills. The rest is primarily milled locally.

The point I'm trying to make is IP is not going to go away nor is logging. There is just way too much of our economy dependent on it.
Sure they may sell off some land which is not profitable for timber, but they must protect their supply of logs for quinnesec and other mills. Even if they were to sell out, I believe the land would be bought up buy logging interests.

On CFR tax rates going up, that'll be a hard sell since the state pays the majority of the taxes on CFR lands. Basically an increase in CFR taxes would increase the tax burden on John Q Public.

Don't get me wrong, I believe there are certain tracts of land that should be preserved, but I would like to see the majority of it owned by lumbering interests. Remember we the general public pay the taxes on State owned lands. I would prefer to have them paid by a major corporation.

By Woody, the wood-pecker on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 08:58 am:

So does anyone know if the Keweenaw National Historic Park lands have been taken off the tax rolls? H'mmmm. Seems like there are some lands, buildings within th park boundaries that cannot (in the future this will increase) do things on their land because it doesn not fit the theme-park idea. (What Copper Country?)

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 07:05 am:


As a matter of fact, the Torch Lake Township material did indeed catch my eye. Thanks much for the heads up.

By Small bird not bothered by the cold on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 06:22 am:

I'm starting to say everything twice! Someone start talking about insurance reform.

By Chick-a-dee-dee-dee on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 06:16 am:

CFR lands are owned statewide by a variety of parties, as they are in Keweenaw County, although LSLC/IP own the most.

I don't know about anyone else, but when a ballot issue is placed before the people asking for an increase in millage for whatever reason, and if CFR lands are immune from that increase, that rise in cost, then serious questions should arise.

In Keweenaw County a millage increase request was rejected. Twice. In Keweenaw County, LSLC/IP uses our roads to bring their product to market. They gate their roads to prohibit the people from enjoying their natural right to walk freely upon the land. Had a millage request been approved, CFR lands would have been unaffected. CFR lands haven't seen a tax increase since the last century.

I'm fairly certain that I heard at the theatre that IP has three mills in the general area. Sagola? Quinnnnesec? I believe OSB is produced at one of them. When a hurricane hits, when a tornado passes through, when a forest fire visits, when disaster strikes, the price of OSB goes through the roof. I've seen it double in less than a month. (Ah, capitalism, ain't it great.)

Every area school has had to make improvements to their buildings. Most districts have had millage increases. Again, CFR lands are unaffected by this.

Here in Lake Linden, the voters were asked at least three times for millage for a new elementary school. The final time, they used some simple math like: 160,000 acres X $.50 increase= $80,000.00. (I thought I read that K COunty would have a 59,000 dollar budget shortfall this year.)

K County needs money to operate. Every school district in Houghton County has had to improve school buildings. And CFR lands are exempt.

Finally, I think talking about it is doing something about it. This country was built on protests. Those protests were based on ideas. Those ideas were expressed, time and again with words.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 10:19 pm:

Hey Bird Brain, what the heck am I skirting? I told you I.P. pays it fair share, you want all the tax base burden to be on one company. Thats why we are where we are!!! Don't you think this county needs a better business base and a increase in tourism? Thats what will change the amount of business that make it or break it here. Most of you who •••• through feathers don't need toilet paper but the rest of us do!!! I.P. brings a lot of jobs and money to the area, get off there back, quit trying to •••• them off they are now looking at the swap again so lets not try to nickel and dime them. What the heck is wrong with a fair exchange of land, don't be stupid we all want to save some shoreline so we will have to give up some interior lands that we will still be able to use. Looks like a win win for the general public to me. IF YOU •••• THROUGH FEATHERS AND YOUR FEET FIT A LIMB IS YOUR HEAD A PECKER?????

By Over it on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 08:42 pm:

You got that right, not to mention getting their head out of said troughs as well as sand, and also everones •••••.
Pardon my over estimate on WHO exactely I meant in my post, they know who they are, from the amount of chapstick they have to buy from kissing all that •••.
Thanks for the honest reply.

By Bird of a Different Feather. on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 08:25 pm:

Listen up, I am no puppet for anyone of the boys. Never have and never will be. I can spot their shenanigans from a long ways off. I do not subscribe to the BS they dispense in the local taverns and around the coffee table at Slims Cafe. I can see the crew that is pleasant to your face and as soon as you turn the knife goes in your back. It goes like this either your head is in the trough with them our it is out. I prefer to keep my out. I am humored with the postings on this site and others. People from the keweenaw and people that used to be from the Keweenaw spouting off like they really have their heads in the trough when they dont. The fact remains, this county is run by a few and will always be that way until the people wake up and pull their head out of the sand.

By woodstock on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 07:55 pm:

Good point,
I doubt very much that IP is moving to Mexico anytime soon. If the tax is raised what option do they have but to pay it?
Does anyone think in retaliation that gates will appear? Well I've seen alot already.
These people want to sell this land they own, I don't believe they are owed any loyalty by the people of the Keweenaw. Sure we have all used this land all our lives, but who can say when the land will sell? Seen any major buyers heading in that direction?
Land swap? I can't say I know much of this issue.
I agree with Paul on one thing it was a •••• shame that the grant didn't go through. Plane stupid if you ask me. For a place that from past experience that always likes something for nothing seems like everyone would have jumped on that. I could be incorrect about the free aspect of that issue, I'm sure there are hidden costs as to why no one wanted that.
Wonder what they are.

By chick-a-dee-dee-dee on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 07:17 pm:

Small feathers. I have small feathers, always have, likely always will.

I don't know if OSB is made down in Quinnnnnnesec, or at one of the other mills owned or affiliated with International Paper, but every time a hurricane hits Florida and rips apart those homes the price of OSB (orientated strand board), goes through the roof. I'm fairly certain I heard at the eight act play at the theatre the other week that IP has three or four mills in the area. So they aren't going to pack up and head for Mexico (or are they there already?) anytime soon if the CFR rate is increased.

And I think talking about it is doing something about it. This country was built on protest. Those protests were based on ideas. Those ideas were expressed in words. As those ideas were vocalized more and more, people decided to act, rather than suffer, while evils are sufferable.

And who would know that Lakeshore Estates Associates has 43.8 acres of CFR shoreline on Torch Lake if some chick-a-dee-dee-dee hadn't flown in and began to flutter wings in front of everyone. And if that land under CFR is questionable, what else? And I think the four inch concrete surveyor lot pins are questionable. What in thee h_ll do they have to do with sustainable, forest reserve? This CFR shoreline land is in Torch Lake township. Are you listening?

I'd remind everyone that the Lake Linden School District only built a new elementary school after three or four attempts at the ballot to get approval. And even though the final time was the "Yes" they were looking for, there were many who voted against an increase in millage.

So how about we let the entire state population of Michigan know exactly what the CFR tax rate is and let us determine if it should be raised or not.

By OVER IT ALREADY on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 05:08 pm:

Bird, and the rest of the flock,
You know it continues to amaze me that you can find out all about this repeated abuse of county money, county eqiupment, county owned and run facitlities, nepotisim, underpayed taxes, boards that are not affective in their duties who in fact are yes men and women to whoever puts the most pressure on them or their families, yet low and behold, I hear nothing of what you are doing about ANY of this. Speaking out I guess is a good start but get off your numb ••••• and do something about it.
Until you take it into your own hands and ACTUALLY Do SOMETHING ABOUT IT you will continue to be what you are, tools of use by the crooks who control you and your lives.
They see you as a joke, puppets who strings they pull to get you to do what they want, and make it seem like it is your idea.
It's an insult.
But you just keep on letting them run roughshod over you and yours, but hey in the mean time it seems stupid to waste your time planning anything for the future don't ya think, after all have you consulted them and their plans for the Keweenaw, because hey you never know you may not fit into their plans.

By Bird of a Different Feather. on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 02:00 pm:

There you go again skirting real questions. Get off your horse, the county wastes more money on plowing camp roads for the good ol boys than donna spent on the hill. Check around and see who's camp roads are plowed all year, no year round residents there but hey when you in, your in like flynn in Keweenaw.

By Old North on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 01:28 pm:

Paul, Chickadee-dee-dee:
I emailed the Paul Tesanovich office some time back to get the address of new State Rep Rich Brown. If I remember aright, when he campaigned in the Keweenaw he said he supported the land swap efforts. I would think this might a guy you would want to start lobbying on the land swap and/or the possibility of tweaking the CFR rate upwards a bit if feasible. When the new Michigan House comes into session in January, Rich Brown will probably have an email address. The Tesanovich office told me that if he does it will likely be:
Here's another thought. If Isle Royale is in Keweenaw County, couldn't there be some kind tourist passage tax that might help out a bit. For all I know, maybe there already is one. I've always wondered what the actual legal and political relationship is between the two halves of Keweenaw County(one of which is a National Park). Anybody out there who could enlighten me on this?

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 10:48 am:

Urgent , hold off on buying Lucent, dow is down 190 OOPS

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 10:36 am:

Chick-A Dee, are you trying to say that before a piece of land is developed that you should pay taxes on what it could be? I think that just maybe we should stay tuned in to the land swap for right now. This seems to me to be the first and foremost area of concern to all of us. I am sure that sooner or later the state will reevaluate the CFR lands and some sort of increase in taxes will be amended. For right now that 80,000 or so in increases would not be enough to put this county in the black. Why shift burden to a sole owner when there are other ways to get tax relief. Just for instance how is the state going to see us if we are turning away grant monies, but want tax increases? We were made out to look like a bunch of idiots when we turned away the grant for septic in Lac La Belle. The state must look at ALL of us as though we are richer than rich. I am sure our county atty. could care less if her personnal taxes went up down in Lac La Belle, or if the home owners had to pay alot for a lagoon system, big deal to her and Kohls , they have money to burn. Business and a increase of tourism in our county is not only needed but the greenest most sensible way to get our tax problems taken care of in the long run. I say it is hard to SOAR WITH THE EAGLES WHEN YOU DEAL WITH THE TURKEYS. ( what kind of feathers do you have)?

By Lynn Torkelson (Ltorkelson) on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 10:25 am:

The price of lumber I buy has gone up a great deal over the past twenty years, so it seems to me that at least some increase in the CFR tax rate would be justified. Just a slight increase per acre would help the budgets that are under a lot of strain right now.

Another thing to consider might be to increase the penalties drastically for removing land from CFR into residential development. If lots sell for $100,000, the present penalties don't seem to be much of a consideration.

By Chick-a-dee-dee-dee on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 09:59 am:

I imagine a request for a CFR tax rate increase could begin at the local level. That is, if everyone, and I mean every taxpayer who was asked to vote YES to higher taxes to fund new school additions, new buildings, for the kids, Paul, for the kids,if all knew that the CFR rate hasn't changed for some time now, and will not change until we see our state legislators get off their warm and comfortable arses.

And I question just how many CFR acres are listed under the CFA for tax purposes alone.
Lakeshore Estates Associates, the outfit developing the shoreline across from M-26 as you travel from Lake Linden to Dollar Bay, has that questionable 43.8 acres of CFR. And they have another 40 acres inland, landlocked, if you will, by private acreage. Now how accessible is that? And how accessible is other CFR land when it is landlocked by privately owned, non-CFR land?

While Frank Stubenrauch, during his soliloquy (though I was listening), said a CFR rate increase was not needed, I questioned him after the show. He agreed that a rate increase couldn't hurt, considering that the rest of us taxpayers have had increased tax bills to help finance new schools, additions, and whatnot, or the kids.

You're right. CFR exists statewide, and if statewide, voters knew what CFR is taxed, in comparison to their tax bill, maybe they would be unwilling to suffer alone.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 08:37 am:

I do believe that a CFR increase would be a across the board thing for the whole state and not just Keweenaw. It is something that is handled on a state level and not local. We need as a whole not to depend on a landfall gift such as the sale of Isle Royal to the state!!! That money was •••••• away and now half of Keweenaw is tax exempt!!!! No logging and no taxes either. If Isle Royal paid its fair share the county would have more than enough tax dollars. No my friend we need to build a tax base and that is the hard cold facts. That is where working together with I.P. business,and the tree huggers has to be done. We all didn't move to Keweenaw from the city with a bunch of money, some of us stayed here and made Keweenaw what it is today. I want a heated swimming pool in Keweenaw before I go to my happy hunting grounds. As for gated roads for fire wood, that is a bunch of bull. You must get your permit from LSL to cut tops and the scrap, I did it took five minutes with that I was given a small map on where I could cut. There is a lot of scrap out there but not many are willing to sweat four times to get it. CUT, SPLIT, STACK, CARRY THE WOOD IN, •••• my feet are cold again but a lot cheaper than oil or gas. PUT ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE< COOK ME UP SOME BACON AND BEANS!!!!!

By Keweenaw View on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 07:42 am:

Bohemia is all lite up this morning. What a splendid view for the Keweenaw.

By For our seniors? A CFR rate increase? on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 05:30 am:

As our seniors dig deep into their pocket to afford that ride to the top of the mountain to enjoy a beautiful view, and as they weigh the change in their purse and ask themselves if they can afford that ride up the mountain, they wonder if they should remain home, by the fireplace, that isn't lit, because there's a gate on the road where they used to cut firewood, and they seriously question whether or not they should take that ride up the mountain, or if they should save their bankroll to hand over to the government for taxes.

Gleefully, they hop on the T-bar, and cackle wildly as they are carried to the top--shoot, let the kids pay their taxes--they wiped their noses when they were running. And besides, the kids have this big playground, tax-free, in a sense,
and what does schooling matter, anyway. They fondly recall recess and this big playground which helped them prepare for life, which helped them grow to become good tax-payers.

Shoot, anyone would become a good tax-payer if threatened with no recess. Now, as they reach the top, they realize it would be nice to have some money after taxes, so they could buy a tobaggon to go dashing through the snow.

By Down-trodden tax-payer on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 05:20 am:

I haven't heard of too much CFR land getting placed on the tax sale roll. Course, there are other lands and lots that get placed on the tax sale roll.

CFR land has forever and a day been taxed incredibly low, sinfully low. The mining companies like C&H, Copper Range enjoyed low taxes on acres and acres of lands. Where are they now?

And when exactly did Commercial Forest lands see a tax increase? And why should only the locals see their tax bill go up to pay for services and schools? Why can't this not-from-my-hometown outfit (IP) pay a trifle more in taxes to help the overburdened taxpayers of the Copper Country?

Our seniors deserve a break. As they continue to wrangle with the rising cost of prescription drugs, seaside lots are being sold at outrageous rates, while the folk doing the selling are enjoying low tax rates on other lands that would be developed just as quickly as the seashore if there was money to be made.

The mining companies enjoyed a low tax rate on the land. But at least the mining companies contributed more to the communities around their mills. They built hospitals, bathhouses, and when someone suggested they gate their land, that someone was given a ride to the Wisconsin border on a slow sleigh by a driver who loved baked beans.

By CFR or can't face reality on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 05:07 am:

It's nice of the land company to have made that road going into the shoreline area near Sunset Bay Campground. And they didn't block that road either. What are those seaside lots going for? Here on Torch Lake, a land company is selling lakeshore estate lots beginning at $93,000.00. Shoot, before you even begin to build you'd have over a hundrit grand into the pproject. And this land company also enjoys the benefit of a 43.8 parcel of CFR land that has already been surveyed and pinned plotted and platted for future lakeshore estates--eventually they're going to develop one of those rare Torch Lake cedar swamps and the whitetail take a dim view of that.

So keep track of what lands are withdrawn from CFR in the coming years and ask yourself if it was worth it--that free access that many espouse.

[Anyone see any mining companies supervising the Superfund clean-up, the Florida Location tar-ditch clean-up? Who is paying for that playground where small sailors navigated the snakegrass?]

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 11:23 pm:

CFR, lets think about that, isn't that the out door playground that my kids play on, you know that natural thing. The exact thing we want to keep open to the public along with a steady supply of jobs. No I don't think a increase will do us as a county any long term good. It will only strain a strained relationship. I think industry like the smart zone will do more for our area than a tax increase on the free lands we enjoy. Yes they could stop all motorized traffic, yes they could stop berry pickers, yes they could stop and block all roads buttttt they aren't!!!! I.P. is right now at least at the table with a lot of concerned people on a plan of some sort for all involved. Lets not start sticking a pin in their ••• just to get a quick fix. What we need is a improved tourist trade and with that will come the added tax dollars from new business. We need I.P. to be as lax as they can be with the rules on CFR lands. We surly don't need a bunch of you can't go there signs. Get real the woods are fine as they are lets not depend on something that could be changed to private property and no fishing or hunting and the like. Sure then they pay through the nose but then we can't use their land. We as a community should not have to depend on one source to float our boat. Lets work on a deal to swap some land and be realistic. Make great places to go and plan development. SEE YA ON THE SLOPES !!!!

By localyokel on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 09:21 pm:

Locals...take a look at what our tax money is doing for the KIDS at the high school. Check out KT. 2500 bucks ain't nothin to sneeze at.

By Make cents. Get lots. on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 07:26 pm:

Come on, Paul, a raise in the CFR rate is for the kids, something even you should be ranting about. And that, my friend, makes sense, too.

By A raise in the CFR rate is uncalled for. The land company might abandon ship. on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 07:24 pm:

How many acres of CFR are there in K County? And when was the last time CFR saw a tax rate increase?
??? 160,000 thousand acres? Close.
times $.50 an acre increase? Reasonable.
Now what is the projected shortfall?

Come on people. Everybody saw a tax increase with the many school renovations and new buildings in this area. Except for CFR.

At least the mining companies helped build their share of the community around here. And...?

By Old North on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 07:01 pm:

Speaking of "Power" struggles, I see UPPCO is requesting a 10% rate increase over the next 3 years. Weighing this with the current power shortages out west, it seems like a timely reminder of whom most of us are really dependent upon.
ps Have to say I got a kick out of seeing that Gomer and Barney morph down below. Now that's funny(and I voted for 'em)!

By PaulEagleRiver on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 04:57 pm:

Most of the time I don't post on this side cause to me I make sense. Now for all who care to accept reality we as a country have been screwed and have a smile to show for it. We all will wonder what the real out come would have been if things were done right. I did not really care for either but my side lost, which isn't so bad anyway. I just don't like the idea of the chads, bumps, or dingle berries that were or were not counted. I would wonder if the county vote on the ski hill was in the same mess what the •••• would we do!!! Say Donna was Gore and I was Bush, do you see us agreeing on how to count the dingle berries. Her side would say they are green , my side would say they are brown, her side would say count them, my side would say don't pick them!!! Her side would say lets jam, my side would say were in a jam!!!Her side would say cut the crap, my side would say they are crap!!!
Moral of the story is don't pick the dingle berries!!!!

By Ponyboy on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 04:47 pm:

This is to Paul of Eagle River!
Few questions for ya? What are your thoughts on the commissioners giving themselves and other county officials raises this year when the budget is in the red? Seems to me if you or I overspent our checkbook we would be in deep doo doo. Maybe even spend time with Ron and company. I was also wondering if you applied for any of those good Road Commission jobs that are opening up? Excellent jobs with good pay and benefits. Can you tell me who is in line for the 911 Director for Keweenaw County? Could it be all these jobs above will be filled through the good ol boy network or the nepotistic way in which things are done in Keweenaw County? Oh I forgot, you and I need not apply, we grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.

By FormerYooper on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 01:24 pm:

Think ol' Al & his sidekick found themselves a new job !!!

By Tim on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 11:24 am:

I think it counts and if we lose faith we lose all we love. It is our RESPONSIBILITY to properly vote for who represents our views.
Anyways keep the faith.

By Corn-fused on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 05:18 am:

The debacle in Florida with the vote count has me wondering how many votes throughout the history of this country have not been counted for one reason or another.

Earlier this year, in this area, on one of these discussion sites devoted to local interests, we heard about one vote in Keweenaw County--I think it was during the primary season--when machines must not have read votes because the entire oval was not blackened. Someone had a letter in the Gazette referring to this and the writer admonished future voters to blacken all of the oval.

The next presidential election should be an interesting one. This election we saw happen what we heard could happen, one getting more popular votes, while the other will win a seat in the White House because he was awarded more electoral votes.

So does my vote really count? And is it really counted?

By Hornless Fawn on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 03:11 am:

Pray for the GREEN and ORANGE, the ORANGE and GREEN!
Faith & Works, Works and Faith!
Peace at last in the whole of Eire?
Someday, Someday, Bloody Someday, Cousins!
Surely Someday SUNDAY will come!

By Susie on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 02:49 am:

10/4 Timmy:
Don't 'spect Lassie to untongue you like he did me last year.
Yeah, that's right!
Daddy yooth-enized her with his 4/10 last night.
Terminal heartworm...and that's no dogsh_t, T!
ps: I've got a brand new K Mart 35 mm Kodak and it's made outa cheap cardboard...nyeh nyeh...
See ya when the Sun and Moon meet for everyone's mutual inspiration on Christmas Morn, Bro!
Love(I guess),

ps: And don't moan to Mom about stocking stuffers, your 2 front teeth are now fully covered on our new mutual HMO!(God Bless those High Tech Thunder Bay Forgers!)

By Old North on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 10:58 pm:

A magnanimous loser, a gracious winner, an education in the workings of democracy for us all.
You can't ask for much more than that.
Bully for everyone involved!

Here's to a 2-lanterned bipartisan beacon based on good ol' pragmatic American Common Sense!


By Timmy on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 12:33 pm:

Last year I took a picture of my sister Susie on Christmas morning with her tongue stuck to the porch railing. She was crying.
My Daddy said were gonna have an 'clipse this year after Santa comes.
All across North America.
He said I'd better wear my sunglasses if I try to take a picture.
Maybe Susie will take a picture of me while I'm taking a picture of the 'clipse.
Tongues don't stick to cameras do they?

By Local kid on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 06:06 am:

I'll try to fit it into the schedule. Maybe when Santa is parked on the neighbor's house.

This catch-Santa-in-the-act contest for kids should have some rewards, dontcha think? For instance, one prize could be one of them two-tone, Scent-Lok camo outfits, size large (I'll grow into it). A fly-rod could be second prize.
And shoot, if no other kids participate (there's nothing to do!), I'd be happy to take home all of the prizes. Area merchants could improve their image by donating some of these prizes.

So parents, if you don't want just one kid winning, let your kids know about this contest.

By Carole Krueger on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 05:47 pm:

This is in reply to Paul of Eagle River and snow up to the posterior region. We flatlanders down here is southeast Mi. got up to 15 inches of snow yesterday and last night. In Sterling Hts. we received 10.4 inches. While this is laughable by Copper Country standards, try dealing with rush hour traffice to and from work. The freeways are an absolute mess, not to mention main and side streets.

Because the wind blew up to 40 miles an hour during the night, we have snow drifts 2 feet high. Where do the plows put all of this snow?

Since most people did NOT go to work today, (probably went skiing, I heard that Mt. Holly had more then the usual amount of skiers for a Tuesday) traffic was decent, with the exception of trucks slipping and sliding on the Xways off and on ramps.

I would rather be in Eagle River, or anywhere in the Keweenaw, then in this mess down here when we have any amount of measurable snow.

Only two more years, and just maybe this can be a reality.

So, everyone enjoy the snow (but don't have a heart attack shoveling it, a few people in the area died yesterday and today beacuse of shoveling), and remember the grass, oops, the snow is not always whiter somewhere else.

By Cupid on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 05:30 pm:

While you're at it could you get a shot of Comet?
Here's lookin' atcha:


By But wear slippers on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 05:09 am:

Almost forgot. You'll want to wear your slippers cause last year I caught two earaches, one in each ear, and Ma had to bring me to see Dr. Kolb and my teacher was there, too! So get ready!

By Visions of catching Santa in the act on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 05:06 am:

As you can tell from the time of this post, it is early. (I'm warming up for the big day, the day before Christmas, actually, the early morning hours before the presents are all stacked neatly under the tree.

This year, I plan on catching the big fat man in the act! O, I'll be ready with my digital camera in hand, hiding behind the couch. At the first sounds of crinkling paper, I'll spring up and snap his mugshot. Won't he be surprised!

I'll be the most famous ten-year-old, probably in the whole wide world! Don't know why nobody has thought to do this before now.

Come to think of it, I think I can do it. But I'm going to challenge every kid out there to make it a point to catch Santa on film!

I tried last year, but Ma heard me get out of bed each time I tried to sneak down the steps. She'd yell, "Get back in bed, or Santa won't come!"
This year, I'll only pretend to go to bed, and duck behind the couch.

Any other kid out there want to try this?

By Stump-knocker on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 07:22 pm:

Earlier today, I saw a buck doing a tiptoe across Torch Lake. A big'un, at least an 8, possibly a 12, if he hadn't been minus one side of his antlers. He made it across, a fine demonstration of walking on the water, much as I am capable of doing when the line breaks and that steelhead begins to make his way north.

Since it was the last day for muzzle-loaders, and I hadn't shot at anything, at the end of the day I made short work of a stump.

And can someone find the off switch, already?

By TR on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 03:52 am:


By Fear and Loathing in Baraga on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 01:21 am:

Hey! Anybody out there who can lend me roll of Canadian quarters? I'll buy you a Hilltop sweetroll tonight for a hamburger on Tuesday.
I seem to have been personally victimized by a One-Armed Bandit near M-38 just north of glorious Keweenaw Bay.
Crusty U.P. Hobo Jungle Drifter

Economic advisory ps: please don't call collect!

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