By Chick-a-dee-dee-dee on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 09:59 am:
I imagine a request for a CFR tax rate increase could begin at the local level. That is, if everyone, and I mean every taxpayer who was asked to vote YES to higher taxes to fund new school additions, new buildings, for the kids, Paul, for the kids,if all knew that the CFR rate hasn't changed for some time now, and will not change until we see our state legislators get off their warm and comfortable arses.
And I question just how many CFR acres are listed under the CFA for tax purposes alone.
Lakeshore Estates Associates, the outfit developing the shoreline across from M-26 as you travel from Lake Linden to Dollar Bay, has that questionable 43.8 acres of CFR. And they have another 40 acres inland, landlocked, if you will, by private acreage. Now how accessible is that? And how accessible is other CFR land when it is landlocked by privately owned, non-CFR land?
While Frank Stubenrauch, during his soliloquy (though I was listening), said a CFR rate increase was not needed, I questioned him after the show. He agreed that a rate increase couldn't hurt, considering that the rest of us taxpayers have had increased tax bills to help finance new schools, additions, and whatnot, or the kids.
You're right. CFR exists statewide, and if statewide, voters knew what CFR is taxed, in comparison to their tax bill, maybe they would be unwilling to suffer alone.
By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 08:37 am:
I do believe that a CFR increase would be a across the board thing for the whole state and not just Keweenaw. It is something that is handled on a state level and not local. We need as a whole not to depend on a landfall gift such as the sale of Isle Royal to the state!!! That money was away and now half of Keweenaw is tax exempt!!!! No logging and no taxes either. If Isle Royal paid its fair share the county would have more than enough tax dollars. No my friend we need to build a tax base and that is the hard cold facts. That is where working together with I.P. business,and the tree huggers has to be done. We all didn't move to Keweenaw from the city with a bunch of money, some of us stayed here and made Keweenaw what it is today. I want a heated swimming pool in Keweenaw before I go to my happy hunting grounds. As for gated roads for fire wood, that is a bunch of bull. You must get your permit from LSL to cut tops and the scrap, I did it took five minutes with that I was given a small map on where I could cut. There is a lot of scrap out there but not many are willing to sweat four times to get it. CUT, SPLIT, STACK, CARRY THE WOOD IN, my feet are cold again but a lot cheaper than oil or gas. PUT ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE< COOK ME UP SOME BACON AND BEANS!!!!!
By Keweenaw View on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 07:42 am:
Bohemia is all lite up this morning. What a splendid view for the Keweenaw.