Week Ending Dec 9

Keweenaw Issues: Anonymous Ranting: 2000: December: Week Ending Dec 9
An archive of previous comments

By Old North on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 09:13 pm:

Nun: You're right(and since it's Christmas season this doesn't seem like an inappropriate topic). People sometimes forget that Israel was originally a guy named Jacob. One could read a lot of interesting historical meanings into this considering the on-going volatility in the Middle East. I don't think it would be imprudent to say that one definition of "Israel" may simply be that extended family which descended from a man Genesis names first Jacob, then Israel, scattered mostly anonymous now, all over the globe, one must imagine.

By Nun of that on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 07:45 pm:

Since this is a open topic for now here's a point I found while reading my bible.
Did you know that God renamed I believe John or Jacob( I can't remember which one, or if it's either)and made a covenant to him? His new name was or is Isreal, now I what I found interesting is that all throughout the good book there are references of things like "the children of Iseral"
things like that. Now I always assumed they meant you know the land of Iseral, nope not the case.
Has anyone else read that?
I found it very thought provoking.

By Looking Heikki's phone number on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 04:54 pm:

Actually, maybe it came from Paul's letter to the Colossians. With Timothy's help, of course. Or was it Psalm 33?

By Girlfriend on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 11:15 am:

Well...now you know where John the writer got the idea on how to begin his Gospel--The Book of Proverbs.
Ya don' t'ink dem New Testament authors might have read da Old Testament and gotten some of dere writerly ideaz from it, now do ya?

By a very good read on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 05:17 am:

oh yeah, and John 17:5
And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with yu before the world began.

By from a good read on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 05:09 am:

Thought-provoking, indeed. Made me think of the first few lines from the Gospel of John:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.

and a few lines later: The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son [or Messiah], who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

By Havrylak Kern on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 12:12 am:

While we're on this poetic subject, here's my two copper cents worth:

Young Deer dances through the thicket with Mother Nature in his eyes
He's been battling the Lizard King on a snowy Mountain of Spice
From his Orchard Tabernacle the Friendly Flowing Savage cries:
"Canticle of Solomon
Shepherd Home my Vinyard Bride
See the NorthStar
One White Rose blooming in the Center of Night
Two WaterCarrier's wheel around its light
At Old World's End a Bright New Morn
The Love Chase Reborn between Roebuck and Unicorn
Our GreenSpring brings WhiteWinter to an end"

From NorthStar(1983)

By Old North on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 10:54 pm:

But for your final "assumption", the Gospel quote left by Keepin' Cool is in perfect accord with the one left by you. Who's to say it isn't "God the Father" who comes, again and again, under different names, in many times and various places, to show us all The Way, The Truth and the Life...
Yes...Sophia, Shekinah, "my sister, my spouse"...I find that Proverb of Creation most appealing.
As someone here only recently noted:

Two lanterns are better than One

ps: I too like big kitty cats and good works done freely--call them random acts of anonymous kindness--with no motive of gain to be made in return.

By Nun of that on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 09:58 pm:

Here's another iron in the fire for you, or bone to chew on.

The following quotation is from a painstaking translation of the "Septuagint", the earlist known (circa 250 B.C.) version of the Old Testament (our standard Hebrew MSS date only from the Renaissance). The translation was published by the Falcon's Wing Press in 1960, under the editorship of Dr. C. Muses From Proverbs 8:3-31(excerpts)
For at the fates of the Mighty she hath taken a seat and at the entrance there of chanteth her song:
'In the beginning, before the Lord made the Earth, when He furnished the Heavens I was with him; and when he set apart His throne on the winds when he set the sea it's bound, and the waters passed not the word of His mouth I was harmonizing with Him. I was the one in whom he delighted and I was daily gladdened by His presense on all occasions.'
Now that's a little thought provoking isn't it?

By Gettin' closer on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 08:11 pm:

I guess one thing you don't want to do with a puma/mountain lion/eastern cougar is to play dead.
Black bears don't usually attack folk, either, but that fellow wearing black and checking deer sign last year (?) found out otherwise.

But I think for now, especially with the winter we have in store, the cats will have plenty of deer to feed on. But maybe next spring, when and if those young cats leave mom and go in search of their own territory, then maybe we should use more caution...?

(Yeah, I heard about the mom with cub/kittie today from anudder deer hunter--near Post Road, Traprock valley.)

Jesus said he was The Way and The Truth and The Life, no one comes to the Father except through him. So I assume that means then, now, and forever.

By Lisa on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 05:38 pm:

Here's one for you,
I have always believed that you are judged on your day of judgement by the goodworks you do here on earth, if I'm not mistaken it says that in the bible, I would have to go search it out, but I think I found it on my last reading.
But what a great thought especially now don't ya think?
When was the last time you can remember doing something for someone else? You know that you didn't get something in return?
HHHHHMMMMM?! Very good question don't ya think?
Just my opinion.
I know this side is for people that don't want to reveal their names but ah well.

By Keepin' Cool on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 12:35 pm:

I was referring to your idea of heaven on earth which is the essence of Jesus's gospel at the beginning of his ministry. The gospel(s) "according to" his associates and interpreters, in the New Testament, is a much more complicated message(and a message ripe for "politicization" as history has well shown).
Who's to say that Jesus's Vision of going to a far land to prepare a place for those who shared his beliefs, a place of many mansions, wasn't simply an historical prophecy of the European, American(and now perhaps global) civilizations yet to come?
To Mormons, Jesus's arrival in America was(and is) a literal truth.
For Muslims, Jesus is simply the Prophet of God who preceded Mohammed.
Middle-Eastern literature records a large number of "dying/resurrecting saviors" with many different names in the hundreds of years before Jesus inherited the mantle.
Who's to say you can put one name on the "doorway" to the Kingdom of God?

"While I am in the world, I am the light of the world"


By becky on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 11:42 am:

There has been a black mountain lion spotted a few times in the Calumet/Lake Linden Hill area. There has been a tawny colored one spotted in the M-203 area. A mother was spotted in Traprock, and the tracks apparently showed young tracks with it. Supposedly the DNR initially denied their presence, then said they're harmless. Are they? Do young children look like lunch to them? Yikes.

By Chads for you on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 11:18 am:

Thats what happens when you have two Bad candiates running for President. They both are a embarrassment to America and Democracy.Two little rich kids that are used to getting there way.

By Chads 'r Us on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 09:17 am:

We have a winner!

By Shiverin' & Sweatin' on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 06:05 am:

I don't understand. Paul wrote letters to Christians in various places. Luke, a doctor, is likely the author of the Gospel of Luke, as well as the Book of Acts. Some of the Apostles are likely authors of the other three Gospels. And the organized religion that has followed has made mistakes. (like some of the organized religion mentioned in Revelations)

But they direct everyone to one gate, one man, Jesus, who is not fragmented, but complete. Your post suggests that one should be selective in where one lives and whose one's neighbors are.
Jesus said heaven has many rooms--maybe that is so the people that think they are the only ones there won't know others are there, as well.

Id be nice if someone would begin holding up a cardboard sign with John 3:17 on it, at the Superbowl.

Because we are approaching Christmas, here it is:

For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

By Tim on Thursday, December 7, 2000 - 06:24 pm:

Hey was reading some of the old postings and came across someone complaining about the posts and content. Just wanted to say I sure don't mind the rantings, actually enjoy them, so keep them up. See ya on the hills.

By Cat-napper on Thursday, December 7, 2000 - 05:46 am:

I've heard of a mama mountion lion and three little kitties seen in the vicinity of Pontiac Road. I've also heard someone took a picture of one of the cats and sent it to the DNR. Has anyone else spotted this resident of the Keweenaw?

By Keepin' Cool on Wednesday, December 6, 2000 - 03:37 pm:

Shiverin' after Sweatin':
I always found it useful to distinguish between Jesus's Gospel("the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand/in your midst/within you")from the various asundry Gospels of Paul, the Apostles and those Organized Religion(s) that followed in their wake.

By Shivering after sweating all day in the cold on Wednesday, December 6, 2000 - 06:00 am:

I dunno about you, but I tink dat if maybe we all lived R lives like that fella Jesus sudjusted
we do, I reckon we'd have heaven on earth. Yah, if we loved everyone (neighbors included) like we love our self, we'd be in better shape. Course, if we all have our own private 40, maybe we could lay claim to the i-d-R that we have no neighbors.
Ya know, I don't think heaven is sitting on a cloud strumming a harp. I guess that fella came that we may have life, and have it to the full.

By Cousin Jack on Wednesday, December 6, 2000 - 02:30 am:

(U.P. EYE) 2:15 am December 6, 2000 Boston, MA
Well...we seem to have been blown back to where it really all began now haven't we?
Our "American Revolution" that is.
If today the TRUTH comes out only At Night, then all I can say is: "Two lanterns are better than One!"
Just give us some time to figure out exactly what Year of our Lord this truly truly is is then me and my blow-up Bullwinkle will be OK, OK?
Calumet, meet Boston.
Boston, meet Calumet.
Dickens was right!
It is a tale of Two Cities!


By Batman on Wednesday, December 6, 2000 - 12:46 am:

According to a Texas evangelist and that stalwart journalistic enterprise which goes by the name of TBN(Trinity Broadcast Network), the Finnish newspaper Ammennusatia reported in the late 1980's that Russian geologists had actually discovered H_ll.
Hope this takes the pressure off Quincey's deep dark shaft!
Here's the dirt:
Raising H_ll

By Marvin on Tuesday, December 5, 2000 - 04:22 pm:

And to t'ink now, as some udder college educated rocket scientist type-guys are now sayin', that Mars may have once been another "land o' lakes".
Holy wah, eh?

By Learn sumtin new airy day on Tuesday, December 5, 2000 - 08:21 am:

I was at last nite's meeting and I learned that the Keweenaw has its own version of Spanish Moss, like they got down soud. Of course, our version of this lichen (?) is prettier, and there is precious little of it, unlike down soud where it seems plentiful.

I think our version of this stuff is prettier cause of the winter snow. Our version is a kind of white-yellow, while the soudern version is a gray-black. This must be due to osmosis, a term I learned in da college; our version gets its color from da snow, both white, and yellow, in a process of osmosis.

Whudja tink?

By Mr. XX on Sunday, December 3, 2000 - 09:36 pm:

It will interesting to see if such corporate predators as Big Tobacco get similar treatment from the new administration's justice department(whether it's Gore or Bush led).
Not to mention the Microsoft anti-trust litigation(oops, better watch it here, I'm currently running on Windows)...
Personally, I expect more law suits now that all the large-caliber legal guns have been drawn out and cocked by this election quagmire.
Follow the $$...

By Hey Rocky, Watch me pull a Bullwinkle out of my hat! on Sunday, December 3, 2000 - 07:36 pm:

Continuing the thread began last week, has anyone heard anything more about the mass murderer responsible for all those deaths due to faulty tires?

Corporate Crime does cause deaths.

Of course, if a mass murderer was invited to enter a halfway house in your neighborhood, you would be upset. So why has the outrage subsided over the tire debacle (travesty)? Or was there ever any real outrage?

If an individual had committed that many murders, it would be on the front page for months and months. The major media would milk it for all it's worth.

By PAUL EAGLE RIVER on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 10:25 am:

O.K. O.K., who the •••• did Lonnie hire to do this heikie lunda jig anyway? I'm up to my short hairs in snow already!!!!! Who ever it is the point has been proven we get lots of snow. 50 inches by the 7th of December is enough for awhile. I suppose the front end loader people are going to be real happy, you flatlanders know what the front end loaders do? They pile this •••• so high that it makes Mt Bohemia look like a mole hill. Lonnie I bet you got ahold of the YOUBANGIE WARRIORS of America to do this snow dance. Sure they can walk around with ease but what about us short people? I think I'm going to get my morning workout, go out side and pank some snow. This year should be great for winter sports people, I see sleds running all over now, grommers gromming,shovelers shoveling,skiers skiing, and me putting that wood I got for free from I.P. into my wood burner. A cutting permit to keep warm is one •••• of a deal!!!! The alltime ••••••• award goes to whoever said we don't get enough natural snow to ski on!!!! Anybody looking for part time work? Buy a shovel and do it , just do it.

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