By Hamhoof--the late Trigger's stunt double on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 12:11 am:
Sigh Guy:
First Gary, then Mr. Avery and now Me. When will your God-forsaken witchhunt ever end? Oh, it's a sad day when you buck the horse that's brung ya'. But despair not, Dark Wrangler, your ennui is merely a myopic decadent disease of 30-Somethings(and largely curable through a daily dose of exercise, nature, love, friendship, faith, contemplation, science and the arts--you see, it's harder than you thought).
Now while I take mighty kindly to you rustling up your little ol' NO TRESPASSING sign, I'm pleased to inform you that there is indeed an e-ffective method behind my rare madness for the Copper Country and it's noble history. In fact, there are more loaves of manna rising up in heaven and earth than can ever be baked up by your meager corporate 'Filosoffy of Effectiveness'.
So if you don't mind, I think I'll just leave it to the discretion of our Pasty Masters to determine what counts in this "public access" space and what doesn't. After all, it's their electronic home on the range. If some of the "free content" critters grazing on this here ranch don't pass the test of your personal muster, cowpoke, may I suggest you mousey on over and put your glowing brand on other websites that do? I reckon there's gotta be millions of them out there in this new frontier of cyberspace.
C'mon Pardner! Put your faint complaint aside. You've got your ski-hill. You've got your snowfall. It's nearly Christmas, Kwaanza, Ramadan and Hannukah.
Catch the beatuiful good and true millennium spirit!
It takes all kinds to make this brave new world of ours go round...
Grinches and Scrooges included.
Happy e-Trails and Merry Christmas...
A Very Merry Christmas to you!
pseudo-scholarly ps: I may not know what "anonymous" means, but according to my Webster's New World Dictionary, the original meaning of the word "rant" is "wild extravagant speech" or "boisterous merrymaking".
Let our Passion Play begin!
And here's a cure for any hangovers:
Keweenaw County Almanac or Bark of the Dog That Bit'cha