Week Ending Nov 25

Keweenaw Issues: Anonymous Ranting: 2000: November: Week Ending Nov 25
An archive of previous comments

By Here Comes The Sun on Saturday, November 25, 2000 - 10:32 pm:


A potentially significant series of high velocity coronal mass ejections
are headed toward the Earth. A developing complex sunspot group has been
responsible for producing numerous major X-class solar flares over the last
36 hours with associated Earth-directed coronal mass ejections.

The first CME is expected to impact the Earth during the late UTC hours
of 25 November or early on 26 November (anytime after roughly 4 pm EST on 25
November). With multiple high velocity disturbances enroute, the potential
exists for periods of strong auroral storm activity that may become visible
deep into the middle latitudes and possibly even into the low latitude regions.

Astro-Alert currently extends to November 29th!

By blah-blah-blah, to you too on Friday, November 24, 2000 - 01:54 pm:

If you weren't so $***^+@#%$
stupid, I'd consider taking you seriously. But since you have chosen behind the cloak of anonymity, I'll take you even less seriously and continue to call you snooze-bird.

I'll walk where I want, when I want. So keep watching, and waiting.

By snowbird on Friday, November 24, 2000 - 01:41 pm:

punch the snooze-alarm again, Walt, Biily •••••••
whatever you want to call yourself, your too lazy to work to get your own so you tresspass instead. Some people will take offense to that and you are too dense to understand why. Killed a few more brain cells again eh. If you want something you most earn it in this society, unless your walt and you think it should be yours just because you walk the earth.
when you tresspass on my land you will know it. Watch out for mines and booby-traps, all natural. Something they taught me in my 30 years in the military. We'll be waiting for you Walt

By Quit talking stupid on Friday, November 24, 2000 - 11:43 am:

Thats the point. You will not be able to go where you want becuse your Grand Father did, times are changing. You do not own the land. The land owner makes the rules.If you want to walk the land you better buy your own.The big money is coming your way and you will not like what you will see in the next ten years. Sign Sign everywhere a Sign. Just like the song says.The Keweenaw is for sale so just keep snoozen. If you snooze you will loose.All the communitys of the Keweenaw beter get it together your you all will loose. Wake up Keweenaw. Get it togethere right now.

By Punch the snooze-alarm again on Friday, November 24, 2000 - 04:18 am:

I went hunting on The Nature Conservancy's land yesterday. I didn't ask permission. I enjoyed my time there, didn't leave anything but my footprints.

On the way home, I stopped on the land that George Hite spoke about. I think it was near Copper Falls. I didn't hunt there. I didn't fish. I did walk upon the land. I didn't leave anything there but my footprints. This land is CFR. I didn't ask for permission to enter this land that I had no intention of hunting or fishing upon.

Making it necessary to ask permission to enter a hundred acres of land, or any land, presupposes a class system. Everyone has a natural right to walk freely upon the earth that God has given us as our home. We need not ask permission. The earth is ours, and everything in it. I am not an intruder on earth, though that may be the politically correct line-of-thought. I, like you, have as much right to be on a stream, in the woods, or in an open field as any other animal that walks upon the earth.

The idea that one can be an intruder, disturbing the whitetail, or the mother partridge with her young, if one happens upon them in the wild lends credence to this idea of a class system of land owners (who can do anything they want with their land) and non-land owners, who are intruders, trespassers, if they happen to cross an imaginary border.

Today, I will make a point of walking around as many "no trepassing" signs as possible. If I am breaking a law, enforce it.

And drive 55 to get there to do it.

By Havrylak Kern on Friday, November 24, 2000 - 03:24 am:


I was fasting at land's end when your fair shape floated in
Water dancer on a great white wave
Rolling toward my campfire's grave
Princess of Illusion
You broke the mirror of your mystery upon me
I sang in lonely sorrow until you found me here
The moon like a silver dove flying high above
In your hand a golden key
You reached for the northern star of love

O babe, did you cast your foamweb over me?
Flash your whitelace moonlight beauty?
Did you dance your vision into me?

Black raven rose in flight from a fallen evergreen
Thick lightning rumbled up my spine
Living Blade of Fire
Sawyer of GrandFather Tree
Bright Sword of Wisdom mined from MotherSea
White loon laughed from the air and then dove into the deep
You kneeled with your kiss over me
Cooed like a siren
Doe-eyed wife
Breath of life
You sang a song so sad the forest weeped

O babe, did you wake me with your cry of pain?
Fill my eyes with tears of falling rain
Did you pour from me my sacred name?

I'm waiting white maiden
I'm waiting to be winged away
Share your song of serene celebration
We'll fly for paradise today

O babe, let our BigHeart Power raise the sun
Let good feelings reign in everyone
We'll be happy here forever more
O babe, let bright dreams revive the Golden Age
Here's to passion dancing for that day
Let our world turn on child's play

This is only our creation
I'm spending the rest of my life
Spending the rest of my life
I'm spending the rest of my life here with you

By snowbird on Thursday, November 23, 2000 - 01:31 pm:

You have problem with us buying land in the Keweenaw and building a place, staying just for the summer and leaving for the winter. We paid our dues and worked to have a retirement and will spend our time whereever we want. This is a free country. You on the other hand think you can tresspass wherever and wentever you like. You must have lost a few brain cells spending too much time at the bar. How old are, maybe you need to work a little harder so you can have choices like where to live, whether to have two home etc.
All you seem to do is wine about other people who worked hard and got ahead. grow up Have you ever went over to Lac La Belle and talked to anyone about their septics. Most of the people I know have new septic systems that were put in under the inspection of the health Dept. Are you that dense that you thinks everyone has a system that is 25 years old when their home was built on vacant land 3 years ago. I think you lost more than a few brain cells

By Queequeg on Thursday, November 23, 2000 - 11:08 am:

After an eerie overnight delay, the judges' decision is finally in. This year, I'm proud to announce, we have a "tie" for the blue ribbon in our annual Turkey-Lurk "Scrimshaw that resemble the Keweenaw Peninsula" Contest.
Here are the two lucky winners:


Congratulations to all who entered their ivory!

Nick Adams on Wednesday, November 22, 2000 - 11:18 pm:

(U.P. EYE) 4:00 am November 23, 2000 Tintagel, Cornwall

XX(Double Axe-Files) Update:
The "Arthur Stone"(see jpg on earlier post), unearthed at Tintagel Island on July 4th, 1998, is a broken piece of slate measuring 8"x14".
It bears the 6th century inscription Pater Coliovificit Artognov("Arthnou, father of a descendant of Coll, has had this built").

All your life...
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

PS: While in Australia I came upon an unusual internet magazine called Nexus. If you have a weakness for conspiracy theories and want to take a ride on a real head-spinner pertaining to today's date in history, click on link provided below and read their recently published article after scanning this brief excerpt:

The final straw for Angleton came when President Kennedy fired off a Top Secret memorandum(NSAM #271) to him, outlining a previous discussion concerning a classification review of all CIA UFO files that could affect national security. It was dated November 12, 1963.

JFK and the MJ-12 Files

By The Hills Have Eyes on Wednesday, November 22, 2000 - 09:22 pm:

Hi Cousin Jack - the resemblance is interesting. And I'm sure that KC residents have much more sympathy for all those involved in the Florida melodrama than we would have had six months ago!

What local potties? I'm afraid that Mt. Bohemia customers won't be too welcome in most of the year-around homes in LacLaBelle! Open on Dec. 9? Interesting!

By Lennon/McCartney on Wednesday, November 22, 2000 - 03:07 pm:

Blackbird fly
Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

By Cousin Jack on Wednesday, November 22, 2000 - 02:57 pm:

(11:22 am Eagle Harbor Lighthouse)
Day 15: America Still Held Hostage
Count your dimples and give thanks, Democrats. Start kissing the Supreme Court's arse, Republicans! And someone please send me a singing telegram when "The People" have finally spoken!
I'm seeing a curious shadow-play take shape here based on our recent ski-hill controversy. Picture Lonnie and Gary as Bush and Gore(retired to the background while their "people" do all the dirty work). Donna J as Katherine Harris. Judge Hood as the Florida Supreme Court. The ZBA as Miami/Dade vote counters("Eh, Toivo, would you call dis a dimple?" "Yah Eino, dat dere is a 'low intensity' vote." " I t'ot you had to ram da punch all da way t'rough for it to be 'low intensity'." "Better call in an expert den, Eino. Dere never wrong."). Then finally, last and yes least, the Keweenaw Commentary/Issues contributors as a Greek Chorus.
Spring rehearsals(under the able direction of Joe Kirkish) will begin at the Gitchee Gumee Tabernacle on March 22nd.

Speaking of unusual imprisonments, I've now learned that my wardens, Dr.s' Huxley and Hilarious, are in fact just strange pseudonyms for one lonely loony professor(from what little I've overheard, I think his real name may Hubert and he could be working for "His Majesty's Secret Service").
In this temporarily extended interim for our next Time Travel experiment, I've been quietly building courage by chanting this little "rip-rap" under my breath(which I can now daily see by the way):

Upstart chough or reckless bluff?
Does this Jackdaw's Son have the right stuff?

Someone will be eating crow before all this is through.

Uh...or maybe someone will be a crow eating...hmm, cranberry sauce?

By Dark Sun-glasses on Wednesday, November 22, 2000 - 05:34 am:

Naw, they're going to be using local toilets, the ones that don't have anti-freeze (the bad kind) in them. The toilets hooked up to septic that never has been attended to, not once, in 25 years or more.

It's funny, Jim's Septic is located in Dollar Bay.
Dollar Bay is septic. No sewage system there. They are on the Portage. Houghton, across the canal, has septic within a quarter mile or so of downtown. They are on the water. Their drinking water comes from under the Isle Royale Sands. That water supply is replenished, in part, by water from the Portage...Dollar Bay's water intake pipe is there on the Portage...do-dodo-do-dodo...

Someone, ask Jim how many septic he has pumped in Dollar Bay...

I will say without any proof at all, that there are some septic there that have never beeen pumped. I wonder is they could even be located......do-dodo-doo-doo.

Slurping, slurping, water drinking noises, gulp gulp.

Well, shoot, man, it has been like that for years! Why change, man! Why!

By The Hills Have Eyes on Tuesday, November 21, 2000 - 08:35 pm:

Nice article, other than a few errors of fact and location. Wonder how all those skiers are going to like using porta-potties, or will there just be lots of yellow snow?

By XX on Tuesday, November 21, 2000 - 04:48 am:

(Double Axe Files)
From Babe, the BlueGreen Ox, comes an aquamarine archeological find:


Test, Test...this is just a Tintagel Test

By Cotton Top on Monday, November 20, 2000 - 08:18 pm:

Here's a link on the Journal Sentinel article Tom Cat mentioned for anyone who might care to read it:
Keweenaw Peninsula is a Playground for Snow Bunnies


By Tom Cat on Monday, November 20, 2000 - 12:18 pm:

A very nice article in the Milwaukee Sundays paper about the Keweenaw. Promoting the two ski hills and snowmobilers, cross-county sking.

By Grey Ghost on Monday, November 20, 2000 - 12:26 am:

"A mansion has many rooms...I'm not privy to Who Struck John."
James Jesus Angleton, Co-Founder of the Central Intelligence Agency, upon his dismissal in December 1974

By C.I.A on Sunday, November 19, 2000 - 10:12 pm:

SHOULD DRUG testing be req.for all elected and appointed officials????

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